One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
Whipped Into Shape
Date Started: July 27th, 2024

Date Finished: Ongoing

Next Role-Play:
Timeline: XXXX, 1620
Setting: New World (Nopalera)
Characters Involved:

Short Change Heroes[]

Nopalera, 4:03AM

His head rolled from side to side, soon leaning back as once slipping sunglasses propped back up to cover his eyes. Hands clasped together on his lap, Pluto relaxed with his feet crossed on his desk. The Seven Spades Club had been faring well off, their approach providing quite the lavish lifestyle. The kingpin hummed in satisfaction, his body yearning to doze off now that the sun was beginning to rise.

Pluto should have been mature enough to know better about pulling all-nighters, but he had made a killing in the casino. A night where he just couldn’t keep his hands off the drinks or dice. The pressure in his head scratched against his skull, something he was trying to hide. Tilting his head over, his gaze landed on a robotic figure that was busy in the room over. Despite having a door, the man always had a habit of opening it on his second in command.

“Yo, hurry up.” He groaned, twitching his nose to try to shake off an itch he was too lazy to move for. “Aren’t you supposed to be able to do that shit in seconds? I want to talk to you,” Pluto sighed in annoyance. Turning his head back around, his short white hair cascaded down the leather chair. Following suit, his stretched-out wings shifted around to avoid possibly being wheeled over. That had happened enough times; it was all instinct now, even in his dullened senses.

“I know you had an eventful evening, but some of us have to keep the money flowing. I told you to give me a second, I’m not a damn calculator.”

Yukine’s reply was somewhat scathing, but it could easily be chalked up to the countless hours he had spent managing the club’s ledger. Despite being a walking weapon of war, he was a pretty damn good accountant. At least he thought so. With his mask placed flat on the desk, he could already smell the alcohol wafting into his office from the other room.

The outline of Pluto’s right hand soon appeared in the doorway, tired green eyes squinting at Pluto judgmentally from across the room. With a cigarette hanging from his scarred lips, the cyborg moved to stand in front of his chair to give him a once over.

“I don’t even want to know… What do you need? I’m still trying to wrap things up for the night. People get antsy when they don’t get their shit.”

His wings fluttered as his head turned back, hands pushing to the side. A sharp inhale signaled his attention being on the man, eyes staring up at him past the golden rim. Finally unclasping his hands, he pulled one over to try to take the cyborg’s.


Pluto’s words were smoother than he was, his thick eyebrows raising while a smirk perked up on his face. “I don’t care if people get antsy, it feels like I never get to have a moment with you.” His free hand went in to fish the glasses off of his face, an arguably bad move for someone trying to hide his severe hangover. Slipping them into his vest pocket, should Pluto have found the prize he sought, he’d go to pull Yukine closer.

Taking a deep breath of his smoke in, his body melted like butter as the smoke came out through his lips. “Someone else can do it, I’ll take it out of my own cut if that’s what you’re worried about.”

"I never get a sober moment with you, what of it?" Yukine sighed out and rolled his eyes as he pinched the cigarette between two fingers, tossing it aside as he was yanked closer to Pluto by the other hand. It took a bit of persuasion, but he eventually relented and sat next to the other. A light blush dusted his pale cheeks as he crossed his legs over Pluto's lap, splaying out in the chair. His expression indicated exhaustion, Yuki hadn't sat down all day for the most part.

"You're sweet, but it's not that simple. We're still in an early stage, things are still sensitive. If I fuck up now, we lose a business partner for life."

The pressure Yuki put on himself was always rather easy to see, his drive had transferred well from the field. Being a perfectionist was taking days off his life. He wasn't even sure why he was venting, Pluto was obviously out of it enough to fall asleep in a few short moments.

"I'm sorry, I told you things would change once the club started to take off. Feels like we haven't had time to do anything in ages."

"I know..." He grumbled, his hands snaking around his partners calves to trace small circles out of habit. "Overworking is gonna fuck things up too, at least that's what I always was told. Muscles, overheating equipment, all kinda the same thing."

His eyes fluttered between the realm of reality and dreams, trying their best to focus on Yukine's features. "I miss when we could just go out and do shit. When it was just you and me, you remember when we first met?"

Laughing softly under his breath, he took a cupped hand to rub against the cyborgs scarred cheek. "Some lucky I am to be one of the few people to see this face.." Pluto mused under his breath, slipping out just about anything amidst his drunken haze.

"I'd say Belle could help some, but with me and her we might blow something up." The rubbing shifted into Pluto pressing his warm, rough palm against the side of Yukine's face entirely. "I don't think I want to try out any of those bullets she makes you right now, one wrong move and I'm gonna have to start wearing safety goggles instead."

Perhaps he was just nonsensical due to the obvious, yet his tone held a sense of compassion that was yearning to provide some comfort to Yukine. Deep down, Pluto felt his gut twisting to see him in the position he was all for their mutual benefit. He understood it was just the circumstance of where their expertise lied, even if he didn't like it. The fact frustrated him, that all he could do was ramble to try to make the exhaustion go away.

An amused snort left the cyborg, causing him to cough a few times to himself. "Unfortunately my brain isn't metal. Probably make my life easier. I'm unconvinced you and Belle could count to ten working together...But you're right, much as I hate to say it. I need a break." Yukine shut his eyes as well, enjoying the brief moment of peace as he almost forgot he was annoyed with Pluto. What skin the cyborg had left was cool to the touch, thanks to the regulating aspects of his body. The blemished tissue felt especially sensitive to the touch.

"Course I remember. That was a hell of a fight, almost turned you into swiss cheese."

It was plenty obvious to Yuki that the topic was bothering the other, so he tried to lighten the air with a dry, bitter sort of laugh. "I'll be fine, I promise. There's no breaks in the schedule for a few weeks anyhow. I'll hire some more secretaries or something, or one of you is gonna have to stop partying and learn how to help out."

“Har har, I can so count..” Rolling his neck to focus on Yukine, there was a grimace that made it hard to hide that Pluto was feeling something sour too. His hand didn’t want to leave until the cyborg grew tired of it, humming in drunken amusement. “And I’m pretty sure if you didn’t leave me starstruck I would’ve turned you into scrap metal, funny how things turn out. I won’t forgive you for it,” he joked as he began to lean in.

Kissing the corner of the cyborg’s lips, there was little smell off his breath. He must’ve been drinking something strong again, something to make him black out. Old habits died hard and Pluto was the worst at hiding it from his right hand. Pulling back with a tired grunt, his arm finally followed suit for him to relax in his chair. “But I do agree, you need a break. Even if that means I have to strongarm you into it, I’ll fight you right now.”

Wiggling his eyebrows, the man started to laugh at his own suggestion. “Kachichichi! I’d definitely kick your ass, you know it Yuki. How else would I have gotten you to stick around with me?” The implications seemed innocent enough at first, his smile pried on. Though his eyes remained behind their glassy barriers, leaving no room to suggest otherwise. “I’m sure if it wasn’t me it’d be whoever else was the next big guy.”

“Just because three of my limbs were defunct doesn’t mean I wasn’t gonna kick your ass.” Yuki gave an exasperated smile as he could obviously smell the hard liquor on his breath. Though he certainly didn’t mind a kiss, he internally hoped Pluto would ease off the substances a bit. It was bad for business, and irked him in a way he couldn’t describe.

“Watch it dickhead, you’ll tempt me. Been a while since we had a good brawl. Nobody is quite as fun to fight as you.” Yuki huffed as he sagged in the chair as well, running a hand through his unkempt jet black hair as he shut his eyes. Obviously quite annoyed with Pluto’s prediction, Yuki moved his leg to nudge the glasses off of the Lunarian’s face as he propped himself up on his arms. A familiar glare was burning a hole in Pluto’s forehead.

“Stop talking like that. I only hung around because of what I saw in you. I’m not that shallow, I thought you would have figured that out by now.” The cyborg tumbled off the chair to his feet, standing and stretching his organic arm behind his back. It eventually fell onto Pluto’s head, combing through his hair with gentle touch only Yuki’s firearms usually saw. Yukine's annoyance seemed to fade as watched Pluto for a moment, taking a few steps back towards his door.

“You need to go to bed, or something. You’re definitely done for today. I’ve got to finish up in my office. I’ll see you in the morning.”

As his glasses tumbled down and were left strewn out on his chest, Yukine was abruptly met with a redness that outlined his lower lash line. Not from intoxicants, but the emotions bubbling up that the liquor wanted to spill. “Oh yeah, same shit you said yesterday right?” He dared to speak with a suddenly hotter tone that matched the cyborg’s glare. Taking a sharp inhale, he wiped his nose before leaning forward. For a moment, it closer seemed like a hound desperate for his owner’s touch to linger.

“It’s like the more time we have together, the further away you go. I’m fine, I can manage a bit longer.” Grasping his sunglasses, Pluto pushed himself up as he put them back on. Brushing his threads out, the lunarian gritted his teeth. “Maybe I’ll even get us a bit of a bonus, seeing as you’d rather stuff your nose with numbers than listen to me for more than two seconds.”

His wings twitched, leather boots clattering against the mahogany beneath them. In a wobbly stride he found himself pressed against the frame of the window that overlooked their island. The nation of entertainment and fun that they had made for themselves. Now, to Pluto, a place that had just become a chore for Yukine. “Would it seriously kill to do that? Maybe then we could finally go out together again instead of lettin’ the others do it. Or do I have to be mathy-smathy and tell ya we wouldn’t have to just take a cut from them if we did it ourselves?”

The man refused to look back, letting his sights drag out across the sunrise that was creeping over the buildings. “But fine, go have your fun with counting shit you could’ve gotten someone else to do. Have at it, really.”

Yukine’s gaze softened considerably as he was met with the unexpected anger. It was almost foreign to him to hear him that upset. He hadn’t really realized just how consumed this new position had made him. Frankly, he didn’t know it was bothering Pluto that much. “I’m only drowning in numbers so you can have your fun. This is what we dreamed of, I just want you to enjoy it without worry.” Yukine blinked at the floor for a moment, stiffening a bit in his spot as a pit continued to form in his stomach.

“I’m…uh…sorry. I didn’t know it was affecting you that much, Pluto. You’re right, I need to step away. I’ll put it at the top of my list to find some help. Though that can wait til tomorrow.” A wave of guilt washed over him as he slowly walked to stand beside him, folding his arms as he also looked over the view they had built. Yukine hadn’t looked out there much since things really took off, the progress almost made him stagger.

The cyborg met his own sad eyes in the reflection of the window before glancing over at the other nervously. “I really am. I’ve missed you too.”

"Always tomorrow, you can just admit you're not interested you know." There was a strain in his growl, though he didn't move when Yukine stood closer to him. "My fun doesn't mean shit if it always leads me here," his exhale came out shaky. His hand rubbed at the corners of his eyes, pushing up his sunglasses as he did.

Fighting away the emotion that ached to spill out of him Pluto remained dull to it all. Part of him wondering if simply going out would make it go away anytime soon. "But I'm sure none of that was even a thought in your mind either, I have to beg just to get you to look at me."

In a moment that barely lasted a breath of air, Pluto's yellow eyes reflected in the glass. Staring into the reflection of Yukine's, it was so easy for him to get lost in them. For what it was worth, it made him fall silent to just look even as his sunglasses covered the tell tale signs up as soon as they could.

His hand fell to his hip, warmth radiating off of him naturally. It made it abundantly aware to Pluto how close Yukine was to him, the twitch of his pinkie calling out to try to hold onto him. He'd fight it stubbornly, out of a grief that was now boiling over without care.

Yukine continued to hold himself as guilt picked at his gut, silently nodding as he looked back at his own pale and scar ridden face. "I know. I've always had problems living in the moment, but you don't deserve to suffer because of that." Yuki let his hands fall to his sides as he rocked on his heels, eventually reaching over and gently taking Pluto's hand. He then moved to duck under it, enveloping the Lunarian as he hugged around his torso as delicately as he could.

"I won't let it happen anymore, I promise. I don't ever want to see you this upset again."

Taking in the other's warmth, he felt his eyes growing damp against Pluto's shirt. The press of his his right hand contrasted harshly with the cool metal feeling of his left. Yuki opened his mouth to apologize again, but couldn't get much out. He felt like such an ass, and expressing that was rather difficult.

Before his anger could let a messy blaze sputter out, the hug stopped it. His breathing stilled, his hand lifting up in a shudder that he hadn't felt in ages. It felt vulnerable, agonizing in every sense. He didn't have the courage to draw himself closer in, but the way his chest heaved with breaths that made it seem he'd fall apart told Yukine all he had to know.

"We need to go out more," he sighed. It was hard to make sense of the overlapping feelings that were now assaulting his mind. From a past he had refused to explain to the present that restraint made those memories flood back. He needed more, for both of them. "I'm just sick of us both being couped up here. Who builds something like this just to do that? I can't..Ugh.."

Sniffling, he shook his head. "I just miss how it used to be. I want to keep going out, I want to chase those highs with you." Nostalgia hit him like a sea train, Pluto's mind becoming swollen with the memories.

"I've been holding out on the right thing for us, but the world feels so quiet lately. I can't take it, it's making me go crazy." Finally, the Lunarian pulled his partner in closer. Bending his knees so his head could press into the crook of Yukine's neck, his hand tangled itself in his locs.

"I agree. I'm afraid it's driving me crazy too." Yuki's voice barely surpassed a whisper, generally just taking the time to enjoy the closeness. "This isn't living like kings. Something has to change." The man blinked away the rising puddle in his eyes, his jaw tightening as he grew more annoyed with himself. "Shit, we aren't built for desk jobs. Just have to face it...We will, next time something comes up we do it together. Nopalera can survive without us for a little while." Yuki tightened his hold on Pluto, clearly not interested in letting go anytime soon.

"All of this is worthless if you're not next to me...We're a team, I promise." Memories of their previous escapades also danced behind his eyes as he now looked back over at the sunrise adjacent to them. The true value of everything seemed to click for Yukine as he watched the light reflect off the numerous buildings, the city that didn't sleep was set to rise again for another full day of debauchery.

"Something always pops up. It's just a matter of time. We'll be right there to reach out and snatch it."

And as it turned out, the cyborg's words would be prophetic indeed. Not even half a minute after he had spoken them into existence, the sound of glass shattering apart would ring across the room, followed by the rapid flapping of wings and a cacophony of "CAW! CAW! CAW!"s that sounded like it was coming from the guttural depths of a cave, judging from how gravelly and echoing it sounded.

The source of that noise would position itself right in front of the two. Three sets of dark purple eyes stared down at the two, all placed on the singular head of a large crow. Four pitch-black wings flapped to keep the creature afloat, stabbed by small fragments of glass - and yet not as much as a drop of blood spilled onto the ground below. And held tightly in a pair of six-toed claws that looked awfully sharper than those of any normal bird of prey, was a piece of rolled-up paper, held in the insides of the creature's talons as to not cut it.

The crow cawed, once more, before tossing the paper at the two bounty hunters' feet. It would stay there, waiting for them to pick it up as its six eyes stared at the duo, each individual pupil gazing in a different direction as if to study them most carefully. One thing was painfully obvious: this was far from any normal bird.

Yukine's words had slowed the flames burning Pluto up from within. His head had turned again, lifting his sunglasses that shared the moment of weakness. They had needed it, even if it did feel uncharacteristic of the duo. In that gaze, his heart drummed faster. Tilting his head, it seemed Pluto was about to kiss him.

Until, his forehead came crashing to slam against Yukine's as he fell back to the shattering of glass. Turning both ways, his eyes locked in on the unholy creature with raging disgust.

"WE JUST FIXED THAT! UGH!" The tone that the cyborg knew so well finally came barreling out. Scratching his hands against the ground to pull himself up, Pluto adjusted his sunglasses to sit in the mess of white that was his hair.

His finger went to point at the crow in an accusatory fashion, halted only by the paper at the duo's boots. Blinking a few times, he bent back down to snatch it up. "The hell is this? Talk about fucking theatrics."

With a yell of surprise Yukine stumbled back, clutching his head that was now spinning thanks to the headbutt. Glass shattering and the loud caws of the crow were all assaulting his senses at the same time. The cyborg had lifted his forearm and aimed it preemptively at the creature as he discerned it's purpose. Noticing the paper, he slowly lowered the firearm on his wrist.

“Bastard must have been waiting outside listening to have that poor of timing.” Yuki snorted and shook his head as he chuckled to himself about the sequence of events. “It’s cute, in a weird fucked up kinda way. Is it a new bounty? Doesn’t look like any of our birds.”

Yukine scraped away glass from around them with his feet, sighing as he saw another task added to the list. An annoyed look took over him as he looked over at Pluto. “Damn thing could have at least used the door. How is it even alive after crashing through like that?”

The creature cawed again and again, its six eyes all focusing on Pluto in a terrifying glare. It dropped to the floor, its talons grasping the paper it had dropped… and tossing it at Pluto’s face. It felt like, if the being could scream at them to pay attention and read it, it would have.

Clearly, whoever sent the “crow” was quite interested in having the two mercenaries read what they had to say…
