One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
Tin Mine is the property of Keroro04!
This article, Tin Mine, can be used freely on this wiki without the creator's explicit permission.

Tin Mine is a quarantined island within Paradise that dug too deep within the ground and unleashed new dangers upon the world. It is currently the only known entrance to the Primal Sea.


Tin Mine is a rather massive island, extending about 2000 miles across in a big circle. Plagued by sandstorms on the daily, the island manages to camoflauge itself from the rest of the sea, giving the impression of a giant bubble of sand to those sailing towards it. The island is quarantined from the rest of the world, leaving it mostly abandoned save for a Marine ship or two holding a blockade on the island's outskirts. These Marines use the ship as a base, and send out bands of soldiers to make sure that nothing escapes from the hole at the center of town.

At the center lies a massive hole, thousands of meters deep and stretching into the Primal Sea. Some species of life had managed to escape from the Primal Sea through this hole already, including Pteranodons and Mammoth Crabs, while other species have been either shot to death or sent back down the hole into the Primal Sea. A small settlement sits to the south of the hole, using the hole to seperate itself from the Marines and to protect itself. This village is home to a small presence of Mole Tribesmen, descendants of Minks who have lived in the Primal Sea and are just trying to discover the lands above within the Blue Sea so as to reconnect with their former Mink brethren.


  • The island's inspiration comes from Diavik Diamond Mine, a Northwestern Territory mine close to the Artic Circle, and uses image art of Oreburgh City from the Pokemon Anime.


  1. Into the Deep: Tin Mine makes its debut.