One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
Scary Movie
Date Started: 10/01/2024

Date Finished: Ongoing

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Timeline: October, 1620
Characters Involved: Helsing Van Peter, Ezra, Grimm, Duster, Mary, Alexander, Northstar Lysander
User:JTXP, User:KontonMan, User:Wiredsmiles, User:Rockett121, User:Ratmonkey333, User:Isaacmax2003
The Letter
You have been invited to Helsing Manor, for a feast to die for. Come sink your fangs into the bloody fruit punch and dance your night away to the monster MASH. We encourage you guys to come dressed as your favorite ghouls and goblins for this event. I hope you see you there... PS Bring your wit. Sincerely, Peter.

This Is Thriller[]

“Obviously, there will be magic at play. A Devil Fruit.”

Ezra wanted to squash the voice in his head. But he was unfortunately stuck with it. The voice in the back of his head was anything but a good influence. Energy danced in his open palm as he rested against the wall next to the door of the massive manor. It shifted from shape to shape. Square to triangle. Cat to dog. He squashed it, hoping it’d magically crush the voice.

“You’ve become an expert with that spell. Well done.”

Of course he hadn’t.

Ezra knew the invitation had said to dress up. But he didn’t want to. He was content in his buttoned cloak over his off-white collared dress shirt. Ezra wasn’t here for a party. He was here to understand the forces at play. And to witness the powers of Devil Fruits up close and personal.

There was no way Ezra was the only wielder that would’ve been in attendance.

Pitter patter.

A creature that seemed like nothing but a member of the eerie lands trotted along. His ears twitched, sniffing the air while a note hung daintily between his teeth.

Duster glanced up at the cloaked figure, his amber eyes pools of mystery to what was going on behind them. Perhaps a thought of what his arrival would mean, or his own for that matter. Lifting a paw, the coyote adjusted a plaid bowtie around its neck. It's colors mirrored that of the canines coat.

Moving along, his pace quickened to make distance between himself and Ezra. He'd look back, ears lifted up to the man with curiousity. Yet no chance was given to fully take him in, making just as swift measures to sit directly in front of the door like he was the man of the hour.

"Thank, god," a heavy southern blue accent broke the mysterious air.

Mary was dressed in high-quality leather cowboy clothing with a white hat with a large star to finish her get-up. "This place is spooka; I didn't want to wait here alone." Mary strode up to the front door, like it was her house, and glanced at those next to her.

She analysed the appericans of Ezra; up and down she looked, "He looks like he belongs here." As she glanced down, her attention was quickly taken by the animal below her: "A coyote!!" She stood there stunned for a moment before a disgusting expression took her face, and she turned her head back to the front door and said, "I hate Coyotes. Wish I was alone now".

With the sound of a kindling fire and footsteps approaching. Another participant made her arrival, wielding a gigantic scythe and an outfit that looked just perfect for the occasion. Grimm paid the other three in their antiques no mind, only showing any interest in Ezra. Albeit a mere glance as she walked past them all. Reaching for the door to simply let herself in, she figured it wasn't worth it to wait out here with these people. Only as she pulled on the knob, getting no reaction back. She let go and started leaning against the walk nearby. Her glowing blue pupils darted through the arriving crowd as she waited for something to happen.

Coming out after the appearance of the robbed grim reaper, came the echo of footsteps from the darkness. Stepping out of the shadows, cast down from the cloudy, moon-shrouded night sky, another figure arrived. Alexander came running towards those who had come in before him. Soon meeting the rest, they reached down to their knees, grasping them with exasperated breaths of exhaustion.

Following the advice of what was asked upon his invitation, the young man came in with a dark attire to that of his usual blue and white. Adoring himself with a cape hanging over his shoulder, a hat that; with one look seemed to be ready to assimilate into the shadows, and on his back two small bat-like wings. On top of it all, there rested a katana, strapped along his back with the wings. A classic appearance befitting a creature of the night and the place they all had been summoned to at once.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Hope I’m not too late?!”

He said, seemingly catching the last of his breath before regaining himself to stand at full height. Now, he readily observed all the rest with interested eyes of curiosity and question.

"Alright, free grub, and hopefully hot chicks, in those cop costumes. Oh God, what a night this could be!" A figure said walking towards the group of others gathered on the porch. The oddest part about it was the coyote.

The path towards the mansion was grim and dark, the sky was also gloomy adding a shaded tint of blues and greys to the environment. In the yard were massive decorations that looked almost too good to be true, gravestones, pumpkins, and scarecrows all littered the place. Along the wet fall ground was a lingering fog. The figure was a man, he was dressed as a milk carton.

"So you guys are here for the party too, not the biggest crowd but I understand the subtle vibe." In his hand, he also had an empty pillowcase.

"The names milk but the other two percent call me Lysander," he said clicking his teeth while giving a finger pistol. "Has anyone knocked yet?"

Grimm had her scythe resting behind her. But at Lysander's message, she gripped the handle tightly, raising it before striking the pommel against the earth in front of the door. Using the skull, she struck the door gently in a rhythmic pattern. "I've heard your name before, wonderful costume, not very scary though."

"Avoid him. He seems too happy. We don't need that."

Ezra winced at the sudden voice in his head. He still wasn't quite used to it, even after all these years. He turned towards the coyote. It was eerily smart. Did it have something to do with this place? The man simply crossed his arms and closed his eyes. This place reeked of death. It was the best place to charge up on his depleted mana even quicker before he had to leave. Ezra was going to stay quiet, observe, and then leave.

"You heard of me before? Seems like this carton keeps getting bigger day by day," Lysander said to Grimm, he turned towards Ezra, "You should really lighten up ya know, it is Halloween!"

As Grimm knocked upon the door, the porch torch lights flickered on, followed by a chiming bell. There was a plethora of footsteps heading towards the door. A small slot opened up in the door, a pair of yellow eyes looked at the group.

"Password," it said waiting for a reply.

Ezra looked at the glowing set of eyes. He clicked his tongue, the first noise he had made, a warning to the voice to quiet itself. Mana collected at the tip of his finger as he wrote out in the air, leaving behind purple letters floating in the air. He spelled out "MASH".

"M...A...S...H. MASH. Nope!" It said snickering behind the door. The eyes darted towards the coyote, "Why is there a coyote here?"

Ezra tried again, spelling "Die" and "Bring your wit".

"D...I...E...Wait Die? Nope! B...R...I...N...G...Y...O...U...R...W...I...T...Nope!"

”Trick or Treat.” Grimm swiftly replied, gazing over at Ezra as if to show dissatisfaction. “And does it really matter that there’s a coyote here? Scary enough, let em be.”

The coyotes eyes squinted in judgement. His ears tilted down, growling with a firm thump to the ground with his tail. He wouldn’t exactly say his peace, only tilting his head up to yip at the individual behind the door.

"T...R...I...C...K...O...R...T...R...E...A...T...! Correct!" The big brown doors of the manor flung open and behold standing in front of the door was a goblin with a hunched back dressed in a fancy suit.

The small goblin glared at everyone with distrust, "Mhmm, an interesting cast we have this year. Master Helsing always had a strange taste for company. Talking to you pal," The goblin said to the coyote. "It's not that I don't like dogs, I'm just more of a cat person."

Lysanders brows narrowed and he stepped back a few feet once the creature opened the door. "W-WHAT IS THAT THING!" He leaped back and jumped into the arms of the cowgirl. "That thing is a freak!"

"You watch your damn mouth brat!" The goblin said throwing a rock at his head causing a large bump to form.

Hoisting her scythe up to be leaning on her shoulder. Grimm turned toward the goblin, taking one glance before saying. “Ok that’s a great outfit.” Wasting no more time to head inside.

"monly freak way hav hare iz yawl" Mary dropped Lysander as quickly as she could "an maeybe thet thang" referring to the coyote next to her.

“Well, that’s rude.” Speaking out from behind the rest, Alexander took a moment to stare at the now-downed Lysander. Turning away, he shifted ahead. Walking forward through the entrance he gave others one last gace. “Well, what are you all waiting for? It’s rude to keep a host waiting.” He commented and soon submerged into the shows of the night once more to meet up with the grim reaper for the event.

"Wayul, Ah ain't wun tuh bay rude," Mary glanced at Lysander; her face smeared with an annoyed look that originated from Lysander's actions. Mary quickly turned her attention away, strutting into the open door with a grin as she was ready to eat her host out of the house and home.

The canine continued to growl, ears flattening to the constant annoyances he was facing amongst the crowd. His eyes traced up to Ezra for a moment as he got up. His tail slightly raised, causing the bones and feathers tied around to clatter.

Shaking his head, Duster hurried in. His body slid through the others walking in with ease, purposefully bumping into those who had shown some level of negativity towards him.

"If these folks do not have access to the magick we seek to study, it's a waste of time to be here." Ezra clenched his jaw as the voice spoke to him again. He slid past the others and made his way into the mansion.

One by one they all entered the house. The large wooden door behind them quickly closed as the goblin took them to the dinner hall. The hall was like a large bowl, two winding staircases that were on the walls that led to another floor in an open balcony that overlooks the room.

The dinner hall had a large dining room table, all formal plates and fine China’s decorated with Halloween themes. The table was covered in cloth with many pumpkin designs on it. The seats around the table were made of wood, almost large in a sense.

“All right everybody take a seat Helsing should be in soon,” The goblin said. His little body dressed that suit of his quickly exited the room, leave it behind the loud bang from the door.

The Atmosphere gave a warm sense of comfort and unease, a few single chandelier orange lights glistened in the dark room. The ceilings were tall with many stained glass windows. A small luminescent light gleam through, but it was drowned out by the darkness.

Ezra took a seat. He continued to observe the others.

The coyote hurried to sit shortly after Ezra. Lifting his front paws, he’d adjust his bowtie delicately with one while the other pulled the letter from his maw. Shaking his head, he rested his paws back on the base of the chair in anticipation.

Unlike the others, Grimm took her time despite arriving first. Heading to sit beside the dog and even patting its head. She was intrigued by its clear showings of intelligence. As she settled in, she rested her scythe against the table. Using her wisps to light some candles along the table with a green flame.

Walking in next after the lady of death, Alexander took to the table. Pulling out a chair beside Grimm, he rested his sword to lean at his side before taking his seat with clear comfort. Taking a momentary glimpse around, their eyes raised in interest and curiosity at the drifting flame of green. “Wow, cool trick you got there.” He motioned to its origin, with bubbly notice at her ability.

“Mhmm, not that interesting.” She replied as the wisps darted back to her sides. Their tasks fulfilled yet the flames remained.

As Mary took her seat on the opposite side to the rest of the group she pulled out a long thin strand of straw and placed it in between her lips. The instance he rear planted itself the cowboy leaned her chair back and placed both legs crossed apon each other, whilst her arms remand folded together "Bet yah them glowin' thangs cant stand up against mah bullets".

Lastly arriving to the dinning hall was the milk carton, he took a seat by himself on the opposite side of everyone else.

“Gee I’m marved! Could use some fuel for these strong bones,” flexing his muscles while looking at the cowgirl, “How bout tham thangs, darlin!” He continued to squeeze and flex.

“You are an embarrassment to this party you fool now sit down and hush. Sitting all by yourself, there’s a reason for that!” The goblin said interrupting Lysander’s stupidity.

”May I present to you, Master of the Manor, Helsing Van Peter.”

The doors behind the goblin opened revealing a dark empty hall. The clicking of heels got louder as Peter approached the door. Slowly forming into the light, was a tall man, with a large black sunhat and long wavy black hair.

He wore an all leather suit, something a hunter would wear. On his back a large sword, and his skin pale blue. “Greetings guests, I was dying to meet you all.”

Peter took a seat on the end of the table.

”Greetings,” Grimm replied, “I don’t mean to seem impatient, but I assume there will be more puzzles tonight?”

"Whayer's thuh foooooood," Mary rudely blurted out with no consideration for manors

“It’s a pleasure to meet to too sir.” Greeting the host of this small party, Alexander bowed his head slightly in respect before it raised once more.

The coyote shook his head, letting out a gruff yip. His tail wagged slightly, turning to sniff the air. As much as a canine could provide he hoped to come off just as respectful, even while some humans would not.
