Release | ||
Date Started: June 24th, 2024 Date Finished: Ongoing Next Role-Play: Timeline: June, 1620 Setting: Characters Involved: Characters Involved: Royalty
Other: Granny Hanna | ||
Participants | ||
User:JTXP | User:KontonMan | User:Mr.Zeno999| User:ThereisGav|User:Citron19| |
Raiders Rescue[]
Paradise or what most thought of it as, was home to many things. Fame, fortune, and power, along with crime, piracy, and evil. To gain the world meant to be willing to put up everything you can to take it.
That's what Raider did.
He was among the most influential and notorious pirates of his generation taking the paradise sea by storm at the age of just 17 years old. He was said to hold the world in the palm of his hands, a chosen few among those in the sea who were capable of taking the world by storm. That's what he did anyway until that day. The day he lost everything and everyone he ever cared about, at the hands of the Marines led by Hector Hobbs.
Raider hated Hobbs, so much so that he vowed to take his life one day. That's if he ever could escape.
Raider was sitting on a small remote island only big enough to fit a small tiny house, a front garden, and good good-sized backyard. This island was no bigger than a neighborhood block. Around the island were several Marine vessels all facing the island with their cannons ready to fire at any moment. They served as the guards just in case Raider ever tried to escape, and he had tried many times before.
All ended with his immediate capture and adding time to his sentence. Many among the Marines thought it was foolish to let Raider serve his time on an island. People from all across the world knew him as a villainous terrorist who killed over 300,000 people or that's what the Marines painted him as.
He was charged with many crimes against the government, including Murder, theft, armed robbery, assault, destruction of marine property, and inciting terrorism to name a few. Overall Raider was a known threat in the seas and over the years many had forgotten about the once young pirate who now was a grown man.
Raider sat in his house chained and shackled from wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle. He wore an all-black jumpsuit with a flared zipper collar and sat on his porch drinking his tea. There was nothing to do on the island but look at the Marines endlessly monitor his every move, imagine for twenty years straight, having your life documented, recorded, and tracked to the t. It could drive anyone mad, but not Raider.
He was too stubborn, too arrogant, too ambitious.
He vowed to himself at the defeat of Bane Kingdom that he would kill Hobbs and inflict a worldwide punishment on the world government once he was free. Of course, he kept these things to himself, he couldn't even voice his opinions of the world. The house he lived in was mic'd up everywhere letting them eavesdrop on any conversation. Most days he just sat in silence having nothing to say to anyone, or anything to do. He just waited and waited and waited.
His arrest was 20 years ago when he was just an eager boy of 17 years old. This kind of solitude could drive a man crazy. If it wasn't for the hatred he held in his heart he would've hung himself a long time ago. Yet he remained. He did journal a lot in his free time, jotting down viewpoints, plans, and ideas of his return to the sea, he hid the book in his pants and only used it in certain places where no camera could see it. He clung to his dreams and ideals and it was those that kept him alive.
Meanwhile, off on the distant shore, a nearby ship was approaching. It was large in size but not as big as the Marine ships that surrounded the island, it bore the black flag with a red dragon symbol on the front. On the ship was a large crew, all scrambling around the ship with one man standing on the ship front.
"Look alive boys there he is, we've finally found the prince!" Utah said, dressed in a black trench coat with the same dragon symbol and the Revolutionary Army symbol. "Mud Blood, take to the skies," Utah ordered.
Bumi who was also dressed in the same attire as Utah quickly ran across the deck and leapt over the edge of the ship. He quickly began to transform into a large and powerful beast. A brown and black dragon with two large wings two arms and two legs. It easily dwarfed all the ships in size and his roar could be heard from islands over.
Bumi soared over the marine vessels and spewed his molten hot mud along the ships catching them ablaze one by one. Several explosions and shockwaves disturbed the calm waters.
Riley watched in awe, "W-what is going on!" He shouted his first words in months. He shot directly up from his porch chair and started to run toward the shoreline. He watched as Bumi destroyed the fleets until there was no more, and emerging through the wreckage was the ship bearing the dragon sigil.
Utah smiled as he continued to look upon the island shore with his arms crossed, smiling.
The island was covered in smoke and ash, many if not all marine life had been executed in such a swift amount of time. It was almost too easy for Riley to believe, as the ship approached he wondered about who these people were until he gazed upon the flag that waved high in their masts. It was the Camelot flag. His eyes produced tears as he remembered what that meant to him.
It was the flag of his people and family House of Rodger. More than a few times Riley thought that his family had abandoned him, although he denied becoming king in his father's passing they fulfilled their promise to free him. Although it was twenty years later, late was better than never.
The pirate dropped to his knees as he watched the ship finally close to the shore. They weren't tears of sadness he cried, no they were tears of joy and happiness. "You came!" He shouted.
"Yes." Utah responded, "It took us a long time to find this island. Did you know there is not one record about this location? It took us three years just to track the marine who was rumored to be stationed here."
Utah leaped from the ship and landed on the sandy shore before Riley. His figure was silhouetted in the sunlight as Riley looked up he could also see Bumi flying high above in circles.
"Twenty years can be a long time...But where is Natasha?" Riley asked.
Utah just stood there with a blank expression, "Natasha is dead. She died 17 years ago."
Natasha was Riley's right hand and wife. She was there the day Riley got captured but she escaped alongside the man with the eyepatch.
Upon hearing those words Riley's heart sank, the news was devastating, it was like all his happiness was ripped from his soul in that moment. Even his tears stopped flowing as he looked back toward the beach.
"But, she left you a gift..." Utah said pulling out a picture from his trench coat pocket. It was a picture of a young woman who looked exactly like Natasha, "This is your daughter, Rodger Miley."
His head shot back up and looked at the photo, a frog in his throat, and his train of thought ran off its rails. He clutched the photo as he saw his wife in the form of his daughter. "W-wait. I-I don't understand. How di-"
"She was pregnant during that day many years ago. She never told you because you were reaching new heights and new goals. She never wanted to slow you down or hold you back from becoming who you were meant to be. Your daughter waits for you, my prince. There are many things we must discuss." Utah said extending a hand toward Riley to help him up.
Riley looked back at Utah and grabbed him by the hand, "Come let us eat some lunch. I bet that stomach of yours is hungry."
The Camelot ship was sailing for a few days back to their home of Camelot Kingdom, they had to make a few stops along the way. Utah, Bumi, and Riley all sat in a large chamber below deck. The room was nice, with marble flooring, nice large windows, and comfy seats. It looked more like a hotel room than a pirate quarter.
After Riley was recused, he wasted no time catching up on the news of the world. A lot has changed in his imprisonment, a large war that happened rather recently. With two Yonko dead, that meant a chance at grabbing the title, but the Marines were starting to grow in power. The pirate world was crippled at the moment, but now was the time to strike.
He also was told about being his grandfather's last direct living heir and is set on inheriting the throne of Camelot. Riley hated the throne and the thought of being a king. He wanted nothing more than to be free in the seas, chasing his dreams and not just the dreams of the people. Although he is a far distant relative who grew up in the North Blue, he knew much of his family and lineage. He soon realized that both Utah and Bumi were his baby cousins who were only infants when he was arrested. After all these years they've finally grown up and become full adults.
They were tasked with setting me free since they were 10 years old, and have been looking for Riley for a decade. But for Camelot Riley was a weapon of war, after all, he was known as the most aggressive Mara of the group. After twenty years many people were bound to forget what happened in Bane Kingdom but not the people of Camelot.
Riley was stated to have split a city in half during his battle with Hector Hobbs, along with the Molitov Burning leaving over 300,000 dead. The craziest part about it was that he did it all before the age of 18 years old.
At the table, they all were eating dinner, steak and mash potatoes, having a conversation about Camelot and Riley's future.
"So, my lord. Why must we venture to Amazon Lily? I thought they didn't allow men onto the island?" Utah said cutting into his steak.
"Now the Amazon Lily is a place I need to be. Hot sexy tall women everywhere. Seems like heaven to me," Bumi said closing his eyes and fantasizing.
Riley just laughed a little as he destroyed the plate before him. He hadn't had a good meal in twenty years, this steak tasted better than anything he could think of. "Well, it's around that area, Natasha is an Amazon who lives nearby on Diana Island. They are less aggressive to men and are full of women who don't hate men. And stop calling me Lord, Utah."
"Sorry, Riley. What are we going there for again?" Utah asked.
"Before I was captured, I told Natasha to stash my things on Diana Island. I knew the government would have difficulty finding it so it made for the perfect place." Riley responded.
"Smart! Their right about your wit Raider." Bumi shouted with his mouth full of mash.
A smirk again formed, and Bumi made Riley smile from time to time. He enjoyed his company. His two baby cousins both contrasted each other, Bumi was the brawn while Utah was the brains. Two contrasting forces make for the perfect team, and Riley liked that idea. It reminded him of his old crew...
The trio continued to eat their super in silence, but it wouldn't last long enough until something interrupted them. Running down the stairs and bursting through the front doors of the room was a crewmember named Timmins "Captain Utah! We see the island..."
They arrived on the shores of Diana Island shortly after dinner. It was nighttime now. They have all decided that they would spend the next few days here on the island restocking and resting. For Riley, this was his place of comfort.
Utah, Bumi, and Riley were walking past the dock and toward the nearest place known as Truth Lasso Bar. Bumi thought Riley was crazy for hiding out all his gear at some random bar but I guess he couldn't really question him too much. After all he was the technical King of Camelot.
It wouldn't be long for the group to run into groups of beautiful stunning women. Bumi's eyes lusted for them while Utah simply blushed as the women batted their eyelashes. Riley smiled as he looked back at his cousins, although there were many women to gawk at Raider held his vision on the task at hand. He was still struck by the news of his now-dead wife, and with that on his mind, lust couldn't fill his heart.
"Be ready, Bumi, Utah. They are stunning, but this is a pirate island remember? Make sure your wallets are close to your person." Riley said. The approached a nearby town called "Clark Town" and just at the entrance was the bar. The town was busy, full of pirates, women and travelers. The place seemed a little rundown from the last time Riley saw it.
It angered him a bit, but the world couldn't always remain the same. They followed into the bar causing a slight doorbell to sound off. As they entered the people of the bar all looked upon the travelers, mostly older folk and pirates in this place.
Some whispered to each other, "Is that the Camelot flag?"
"What could the slayers be doing here? Look at that man there, he looks oddly familiar." Another commented.
"It seems that you are no stranger here eh boss," Bumi whispered to Riley.
"Seems that way, the jackets are a dead give away though. And this bar is full of old-timers." Riley responded as they made their way through the crowded bar.
Reaching the drinking bar stand, Riley and the others all sat in the open seats accompanied by a horned fellow. Riley sat beside them and waited for the barkeep to approach them. He did notice the blade that sat next to the horned man's hip. "You got to nice blade there kid."
Django leaned his head over the back of the chair, his hair soaking wet as he glanced up at Riley. His hand instinctually fell to his sword's hilt. "Thanks, bro. I'm no old-timer, but shit! What's a Camelot? They all started yappin' about it when you walked in. How far is it from here? Quick swim?"
Riley smiled, "Camelot is a kingdom full of knights and cool shit. Have you ever met a knight before?" He asked Django, not paying too much attention to his wet body. He assumed his swimming comment was eluding to the fact he himself took a swim so he didn't ask further.
The barkeep emerged from a backdoor toward the new customers and quickly noticed the symbol. Her eyes lit up, as the elderly woman focused on Riley.
"Oh gosh heavens. I-Is that r-really you?" The woman said.
Riley shifted his gaze toward the barkeep and kept one eyebrow up, "Do I know yo-..." Riley's sentence suddenly changed as he realized who he was talking to, "Granny Hanna?"
The old woman leapt over the counter and wrapped her arms around Riley, "I knew it was you, boy! I recognize those golden eyes of yours! Where have you been? Why are you here? How are you here?"
Granny Hanna knew Riley from when he first started his pirate journey. She was the one who first introduced him to Natasha his late wife.
Riley was being choked by the death hug Granny Hanna had on him, "Gyrah! Let go of me you damn hag!" He shouted pushing the old lady off of him. Granny Hanna was nimble as she landed back onto her feet with finesse and ease.
"Well it seems that prison all these years still hasn't taught you kind manners! It's been twenty damn years Riley! Show your friends some affection," Hanna said crossing her arms and pouting out her bottom lip. "What brings you here anyway?"
Riley rubbed the back of his head and apologized, "Sorry Hanna, I was clinging onto my life there. But I'm here for my things... Natasha brought them here before we parted ways."
"Ah, I see."
To Hanna, Natasha was like a daughter. She was the child of her best friend who passed away. She helped raise Natasha from a young girl until she went out to sea with Riley. Hanna was happy that Natasha was happy, but she hated Riley somewhat. She blamed him for her death, despite the love she held for him.
"I will be right back. I must look through the back..." Hanna said before going back through the bar doors. Suddenly a robot appeared that was made from a fridge. It pulled up to Django and Riley and gave them both a bottle of dark rum.
"Oh thanks. Seems like this place has gotten some upgrades..." He turned to Django, "I didn't catch your name kid."
"Django, yeah. Uh. You seem popular." Django shook his head. Water splashed everywhere. " a swordsman? Or Junkreaver just that hot that it converted ya?!"
"Ye I used to be somebody, still seems like my impact is still very present," Riley smiled, "Yeah, I'm a swordsman just like you, although I admire the handy work, I got a baby of my own..."
Kicking open the doors behind the counters Hanna, had several things within her arms. The first thing being a large coat, it was all black with the red dragon of Camelot on its back. It was made of leather, and had a hood with the edges of it being fur along with the arm sleeve holes also having fur. Another item was a pirate hat with a large red feather, it was brown and grey, tattered and worn. The last item was a long saber blade wrapped in cloth.
"Here yah go Riley! I had to dig in the very back to find this after 20 years," Hanna then placed the items on the countertop.
Riley's eyes lit up at seeing his old belongings, several flashes of memories popped up from his journey many years ago. He grabbed his jacket, something when he was a teenager never fit him, but as a grown man. The coat fit like a glove, perfect with zero restriction of movement. He then picked up his hat worn and dusted it off, he glanced long and hard at it before brushing back his curly wavy hair and slicking his hat on. He pulled the brim down so it fit snug on his head.
Finally, he grabbed his blade and turned to Django, "This is her." He removed the cloth that wrapped the scabbard and revealed its beautiful designs of red, blue, and white. The white gold accents along the hilt and handle glimmered in the light, truly a work of art.
Riley turned to Django and smiled, he touched Junkreaver scabbard with his own tapping the ends and then headed out the bar. Many who watched the assumed legend just gasped in fear of what could come. Riley just laughed out loud as he acknowledged the room, "Don't worry yall. I'm way to rusty to be fighting some young bucks. Django the next time we see each other we should duel ok," He stopped just before leaving the door and turned his head to the right to get one last look at the horned fellow, "When that time comes we can test that sword of yours." Bumi, Utah and Riley then all exited the bar.
Once they left it was like everyone stopped holding their breaths, as a massive sigh of relief was taken by everyone in the bar.
A Bird Told Me[]
Standing upon the balcony of Beewolf Castle was Rodger Camelot overlooking the city of Beewolf. The sun was setting hues of orange and red upon the green and beige scenery.
Camelot was beautiful during the summer, with warm air and cool breezes. Who could ask for more? The people were always enjoying themselves, hosting festivals and parties to celebrate the Month of the Dragon. A special holy festival to celebrate the legendary creatures, in a sense the people of Camelot worshiped these creatures as though they were gods.
At one point in history, they were.
Camelot was a handsome man, in his early thirties. He had wavy blonde hair that was cut short and golden piercing eyes. A Rodger family trait. His skin was pale compared to his brothers and sister, but yet it glowed tan in the sunlight. His majestic appearance only added a sense of allure and attraction to him. So much so that rumors began to form around him and his rise to power.
Camelot was no weakling in these rumors. Camelot was stated by the former king to be the strongest knight next to Lancelot, completing the Hard Labors and finding the Goblet of Power. He was practically painted as a demi-god by the people, a man who stood alone among knights.
In his hands was a news coo, it had a picture of the aftermath of Riley's rescue. He just stared at it and said nothing, but gaze at the name.
However, another entered the balcony, "Cousin, there you are. I've been looking for you for half an hour now. Lily is inside waiting for you." It was Lancelot dressed in his formal white, red, and silver attire. He looked over to see what Camelot was looking at, "Oh, a Rodger? Wait is th-"
"Yes," Camelot said coldly cutting off his cousin in speech. He then let go of the paper letting it drift off in the wind, "What of cousin Claymore, has she come back yet? The last time I heard from her was three years ago. She told me she got into a scrap with Hector Hobbs during the war over the location of someplace. I can't remember the name though."
"No, I haven't. But Claymore is more than a capable fighter, Hobbs is indeed strong, especially with that fruit power he got during that day. Claymore is far stronger than him. You know she likes to make grand entrances, we will here from here in time. Well you must come Camelot, I must rest for my travels tomorrow."
Lancelot grabbed his cousin and placed his arms around his torso to guide him back into the castle.
"What? You are leaving again? You just got back? Please don't leave me alone." Camelot pleaded.
"Oh hush you big baby, I am going to be right back... I just need to have a chat with someone that's all..."
When they both entered back within the room, a large party was going on, hundreds of people all dressed in fancy clothes and get ups, danced and drank. They just like the citizens were celebrating the Dragon Month.
"You know Cousin, with the new heir on his way back to the kingdom? What becomes of our ruling? I don't feel like bending the knee to Raider, it doesn't feel right. I understand his connection to our ancestors but still. The last memory I have of him was him being that idiot pirate kid who kept talking about a One Piece. I hope his pirate delusions have come to an end after his time away. I'm assuming he had a lot to think about."
Lancelot, didn't mind Riley at all. But his respect for him was something completely different, Riley was always looked at as the runt of the family, among his cousins and kin, but was just lucky. Lancelot didn't respect luck, his respect had to be earned.
"You don't really believe that do you?" A voice came from behind them. It was a woman who was daring and beautiful, thick red hair and tan skin, with an amazing figure.
It was Claymore, she walked toward her cousins her arm was in a cast and she had a limp. "Cousin Riley would never give up that pirate dream of his, knowing him, he'll reject the throne anyways. Our rule over Camelot will remain the same," she said.
Both Lancelot and Camelot turned to face their cousin, "Speak of the devil," they said in unison.
"Where have you been?" Camelot asked extending his arms out to greet his dearest sister.
"I've been gathering intel, ran into Jameson. That bastard is still as annoying as ever. But he's also decided to make his move," she replied.
The grabbed a table to sit and talk, the table was large and round.
"Jameson? I thought that the old man retired after Ehuang destroyed "that" place?" Lancelot asked confused as to why Jameson would be after the same things they are.
"From what I pieced together, his ideals lean on capitalizing on the vacancy in power. Jameson alone is strong enough to take out armies, he is the Elysian General." Claymore held her now scarred face starting from her neck and up her jaw toward her nose. "Next time I'm bringing the dragons with me!" She slammed her fist into the table causing a loud thud noise.
"I have an idea of what he could be after, but it's only a theory..." Camelot leaned in toward the table so only the table could hear his words, "...He is after the ancient dragons. There are two confirmed locations, one on Camelot and the one hidden on Rosenshiel. The third location is more tricky, the legends point to that island. While I have suspicions it could be elsewhere."
"If he is after those dragons shouldn't we prevent, Riley's arrival?" Lancelot asked, "It wouldn't make sense for him to come to the New World, Jameson is not a fool, as he passes into the New World Jameson would head to paradise."
"I do agree now that we are entertaining this thought," she picked up her drink and took a sip, "Having him head to Rosenshiel and secure relations with the family could offer us some leverage. Transporting the beast, is another thing completely..."
"Well... I did hear of a man who can open pathways. He is a giant so that means heading to Elbaf. Then again, I don't feel like fighting an army for just one man." Lancelot said taking a deep gulp of his drink.
"Make contact with Utah, we can discuss a new course of action."
Claymore had approached the broker with a briefcase in her hands. It was now night time and she was alone, with nothing but her sword. She was purchasing a large amount of Sea Stone for the kingdom, under the Red Dragons command the smiths and forges were told to go back to the old way of making weaponry. That only meant one thing, and it was never a good thing.
"Sorry about the wait, I just arrived home not too long ago. I was just getting settled in before I was told about this interaction, so you are the one with the sea stone?" She asked.
"Oh, you needn't apologize; I am in no hurry." The voice, which could only belong to the seller, rang out. A black-clad woman with pale white skin leaned next to a cart with several cases in it. Cases filled with the material that made any Devil cower. Seastone.
"We at Terrestrial hope that this will suffice." The woman continued; of course, she had nothing to fear by being so close to this cargo. As only a fool would assign a power user to oversee the sale of this mineral, no, the woman codenamed Obsidian was more than qualified to handle this deal.
Claymore scanned the box and inspected the product, "Perfect, this will do. When is the next nearest shipment?" She asked.
"Well, I'd say the next shipment is likely..." Pausing, she pulled out a pocket watch and glanced at it. Before quickly snapping it shut and putting it away. "4 minutes away, Miss." Though just as she finished speaking, the familiar sound of a wagon's wheels grew loud. Out of nowhere, a cart pulled by a suited man arrived. "Huh, guess I was wrong." She said, walking over to the cart and shooing the man away. "I believe, this is the rest of the order." Unhatching a door that then swung open, Obsidian revealed several more cases filled with sea stone.
Claymores face slowly formed a smirk, "Perfect. Here's double the payment. We need more."
"More, you say?" Obsidian replied; she knew not to ask questions, but she could only imagine what her client needed this much seastone for. "I understand, I must admit, I do not have that much seastone with me currently, but I can have it here within the hour."
Old Enemies[]
"WHAT!" Captain Harvey shouted as he read the reports of what happened in the calm belt. "Oh crap, isn't this the guy my dad beat a long time ago? When he finds out about this, he is going to be pissed off."
Harvey stood on the deck of a ship sailing across the paradise waters, "It's a good thing we are close to this location. Maybe we can track these guys down before the reports get back to the old man. Alright, Samuel we are changing course."
"B-but sir, your father said that we should head back to Amsterdam at once," Samuel said shivering at the thought of an angry Hobbs.
"Come on, stop being such a wuss, this can get you the experience you need for your training. After all, that's why you were placed with me right? To the calm belt!"
"Oh brother, Harvey is going to get me in so much trouble..." Samuel was not prepared for Harvey's spontaneous attitude to justice. He was still learning to become someone who could be considered a top-tier.
Samuel and Harvey were summoned just as they were heading to the prison break. Samuel felt happy about being summoned, he didn't feel like he was ready. While Harvey was rather ticked off about the situation, wanting to show his ability in full.
"Damn man! Why did we have to get called!?" Harvey shouted throwing a small fit with his hands.
"Relax Captain, It was for the better anyway, I would've slowed you down." Samuel said, making sure to ease his superior.
"All this for a meeting, the Marines are stupid..." Harvey scoffed putting his hands into his coat pockets.
"Hey! You should show some respect yah know!..." Samuel shouted, but his rage and courage was only a moment, "...Ugh, please." He said smiling.
Harvey bonked him on the head with his fist giving Samuel a swollen bump, "Listen up brat, watch how your talking to me alright!" The two finally headed into the boardroom where the meeting was taking place. There was a woman who was beautiful and tall, her red hair and golden eyes watched as the two came in.
"Hello boys," she said seductively.
Harvey and Samuel both just blushed and quickly sat down.
She laughed and continued to read her paper, crossing the names of Harvey and Samuel off her list. "Just a few more gentlemen, then I will instruct the meeting."
"This better be good," SPEAR member Lazarus grumbled as he strode into the meeting room, his voice a low, gravelly rumble that seemed to reverberate off the walls. His gaze, sharp and penetrating, scanned the faces of Harvey and Samuel, taking in their expressions with a hint of suspicion. Lazarus was an anomaly, a figure that defied conventional understanding of what it meant to be alive, much less a Marine. His skin was an eerie, ashen white, contrasting starkly with the blood-red hue of his eyes, giving him a haunting, otherworldly appearance.
Lazarus's attire did nothing to dispel the unsettling aura he carried. He wore a long, tattered trench coat that swept the floor as he moved, paired with patchwork pants that looked like they had seen countless battles. There was nothing about his appearance that suggested he was part of the disciplined and orderly ranks of the Marines. His clothes were mismatched and worn, a stark contrast to the crisp uniforms of his comrades. Even his demeanor was at odds with the typical Marine; he exuded an aura of defiance and nonchalance that bordered on insubordination.
Himiko’s tidy figure silently shuffled into the room after Lazarus, her pristine white coat draped over her shoulders. The girl’s soft pink hair brushed her shoulders as she moved to take a seat next to the undead marine. Himiko removed her cap and placed her folded hands over it in her lap. A dainty smile grew on her lips as she faced the rest of her comrades, most of which she hadn’t met before. A small swell of excitement festered in her chest as she finally felt like she was moving up in the Marine world.
“I sure hope it’s good. Took me forever to get down here…Hello everyone. Lt. Himiko, reporting.”
The dainty girl hardly looked like a Marine. A small wave followed her greeting, she was highly determined not to disappoint. Himiko turned and snuck a glance at Lazarus, clearly trying to ascertain just what the heck he was and why he could get away with such filthy attire. She obviously wanted to question the zombie’s presence, but kept her comments to herself with superiors present.
"Ok great everyone is here, now I must grab your attention!" The marine instructor closed a book she was reading with power causing a thunder shot to go off in the small room. "Hello marines and welcome to G-72 I hope it is treating you well. You've been selected by Vice Admiral Hector Hobbs, that man's father!"
The instructor pointed straight to Harvey who once again got red in the face.
"I am instructor, Rodger Kelsi, and I will be giving your briefing." She said with pride and confidence, "Let me give you the rundown of what happened. A couple days ago a revolutionary ship attacked an imprisonment camp known as Loco 1, located in the Calm Belt. This camp held a few criminals from the past being an exclusive chain of islands securing one criminal each. One of these islands held a former super rookie known as "Raider." He was a deadly pirate who has killed over 300 million civilians and countless other acts of war and terrorism. He is much older now and has been out of the game for a while now, but his most dangerous ability is his mind. Our records point to two separate locations he could be from where he was last seen in the calm belt. He is either going to the Sky islands or Wuxia Kingdom."
"Alright, so you want us to kill him? Seems simple enough," Lazarus said, his voice dripping with a mix of cynicism and curiosity. He leaned back in his chair, eyes drifting up to the ceiling as if contemplating the gravity of the task. "What's the price on his head? Are there any rewards, or are we just doing this for the sake of good old-fashioned justice?"
“Good ol’ fashioned justice is reason enough. Considering this geezer’s collective crimes, we’d be doing the world a favor by icing him. Capturing would be a pain.”
Himiko spoke flatly and scowled at Lazarus’ words, crossing her arms over her chest and looking across the table at Harvey. At least the other two across from her seemed like upstanding Marines. Himiko’s perfectionist attitude likely came across as arrogance to most, but she just cared a lot. She shifted towards Kelsi and gathered a much more respectful tone.
“Do we know where he’d be more likely to go? Getting to the Sky Islands so soon after a jailbreak sounds unlikely."
"He might be heading to that Wyoming Kingdom or whatever it's called," Lazarus said, a hint of impatience creeping into his voice. He leaned back in his chair and casually put his feet up on the table, the worn soles of his boots adding to his air of nonchalance. "Just tell me how much he's worth, dead or alive."
"His bounty is currently being recovered from our archives. He's estimated to be between 180,000,000 and
320,000,000. He is to be captured first. If you can not capture him, then execution orders can be used."
Kesli spoke calmly, a sense that sent chills down the spine.
"You two will decide on a location between Wuxia or the Sky Islands. Whichever location you pick, if wrong. We will update you and set a new course. So I hope you two can come to a deciding decision." She then smiled and looked at the two marines, "That will be all, please see yourselves into the staff hall."
"Just letting y'all know right now, I'm not going to a damn Sky Island," Lazarus declared, his voice filled with finality. He pushed himself up from his chair, the legs scraping against the floor with a harsh screech. His trench coat swayed with his movement, a ghostly silhouette in the dimly lit room.
Himiko pursed her lip and nodded in agreement, pushing out of her chair and following Lazarus out into the staff hall as instructed. The frail woman’s boots echoed out into the hallway as they walked, looking over at the zombie with a sigh as she realized they’d be working together.
“Well, we seem to be in agreement on that at least. We should try Wuxia first, I’m confident he isn’t in a position to go to the Sky Islands yet. I’m sure it’ll be a cinch between the two of us, even if we have to take him alive.”
"Nah, it'll be a breeze," Lazarus said with a confident smirk. "I've dealt with fuckers like him before. Super Rookie, my ass." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an apple, turning it over in his hand.
Even though he didn't need to eat, the familiar weight and texture of the fruit brought him a peculiar sense of comfort. Biting into the apple, he savored the crisp, sweet taste, the crunch echoing in the quiet room.
"You guys worry too much," he continued, his voice casual as he leaned back against the wall. "This isn't my first rodeo. We'll take him down, no problem.”
“If we’re lucky it won’t be an issue. If that washed-up psychopath kills any more civilians, that’s on us. I think that’s something worth being concerned about. C’mon, we’re supposed to report to the lounge.”
Himiko kept walking past his relaxed figure, beckoning him to follow with a wave of her hand. The marine walked with a clear conviction and determination, her sights were now set on this Raider. She defiantly pushed through another door into the lounge as she continued hyping herself up.
"Alright, to the lounge it is," Lazarus said, his voice carrying a note of reluctant acceptance. He fell into step behind Himiko, his long trench coat sweeping the floor with each stride. As they made their way through the winding corridors, Lazarus couldn't help but reflect on how different this mission felt compared to the countless others he had undertaken.
Once the four marines headed into the hall they were greeted with several new faces among the marines, one of them being a familiar one.
And it was the one with a head completely blue like the ocean when night fell. Her lips formed an O after a few squeaks of time, a ball of chewing gum formed at the edge of her lip, blowing again and again until it burst, and this, at the same time as the four showed their faces in the room.
"Well, well, I see some unfamiliar faces and... Not very welcoming, I admit" she commented while speaking to another soldier in the room, her gaze spying on the four newly arrived people. Her lips went up in a devilishly mischievous smile while Berry, the commodore, was well crushed in the depths of an ash-brown armchair. Her caped boot was loosely placed on her knee and her elbows rested on the armrest of it.
The little blue girl proudly wore a white jacket with a half-blue stripe and a Marine symbol adorning it. Her short, navy blue hair struggled to hide her sea tattoo that ran along part of her neck towards the collarbone on the side of her hair hidden towards the back. And that said, at no time had Berry looked down at the four people, perfectly, comfortably and mischievously supporting their gaze.
"I-is tha-that! Blackburn Berry!" Samuel shouted in shock and awe, he nearly passed out falling into the arms of Harvey.
"Jeez man, one way to scare the girls off man, you're cramping my style!" Harvey said shaking Samuel awake once more. "A pleasure to meet Berry, I've heard plenty about you."
“Heard of?” she retorted with an eyebrow raised upwards, still with her welcoming but terribly mischievous smile, “That is to say…?”
"Get a load of this kid, huh?" Lazarus chuckled to Himiko, pointing at Samuel, who looked like he was about to pass out at the sight of the intimidating Blackburn Berry. Samuel's eyes were wide with shock, his face drained of color, and he was visibly trembling. The sight was almost comical to Lazarus, who had seen far worse in his time.
Himiko stiffened in her spot as they walked into the room, immediately identifying Commodore Blackburn. Being one of her premier inspirations, the poor girl immediately felt her throat close up. Clearing her throat awkwardly, she stood up a little straighter than before.
The new marine hadn’t ever been in the same room with so many superiors, it was truly her shot to impress some higher ups early on. The lieutenant gathered herself and let out a deep exhale, hoping her strain wasn’t too obvious as she tried to keep cool.
“He’s certainly excited. Probably a little more than required.”
"Yeah tell me about it" Lazarus said as he made his way to a nearby table. He moved with a deliberate, unhurried pace, his trench coat trailing behind him like a shadow. As he settled into the chair, Lazarus scanned the room for any sign of refreshments. The lounge area was comfortably furnished, with plush seats and a low table in the center. A few shelves lined the walls, stocked with various items that might cater to the needs of the marines.
"Who is that chick anyway?" Lazarus asked Himiko, his tone curious rather than rude. He leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his orange juice. He genuinely didn't keep up with the current roster of Marines, except for the Admirals and the Fleet Admiral.
Samuel shot up, "That's Blackburn Berry she!!!" A blood trail launched Samuel across the lunge area crashing him into a table, he was knocked out and bleeding.
"He stays scaring the gals, makes me sick." Harvey just his head and went to attend to Sam.
A high-pitched laugh burst into the restroom, a deeply honest laugh came out of Commodore Berry's vocal cords, instantly embellishing the room, some soldiers present followed her laughter by mixing in it.
The mischievous smile turned tender finally answered them after a whole show in which Samuel had given himself, "Buah, how hilarious you all are, it doesn't make sense" she breathed, amused by the turn of events, Berry was proud of the impact of her presence and she took advantage of it.
"Of course, I am the great Blackburn Berry, don't be afraid of my name, I am only a human being endowed with unwavering strength!" she reassured them.
"What are your little names?" she asked the arrivals, having aroused curiosity.
Himiko’s gaze followed Samuel as he shot across the room, her eyebrow cocking in exasperation as he caused a scene. She remained standing at attention, internally wishing Lazarus hadn’t left her standing by herself. Though the laughter cutting through the room eased her stern demeanor a bit.
“Lieutenant Himiko, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. We’ve just…heard a lot of good things, please excuse him.” Himiko’s pink hair brushed her shoulders as she looked back at Berry, a clear determination lingered in her unique irises as she folded her hands politely across her lap and took an adjacent seat to get out of the way.
"The name is Hector Harvey, and this is Samuel," the marine said pouring water onto Sam to wake him from his fantasy dream.
"You’ll find out on the mission," Lazarus said with a casual shrug, leaning back in his chair. His posture was relaxed, the chair creaking slightly as he settled into it. He took another leisurely sip of his orange juice, savoring the refreshing citrus taste that contrasted sharply with the strong whiskey he had earlier.
"For now, just call me LA. We’re cool," Lazarus added, his tone friendly but it seemed like he was tired despite the fact that he didn't need to sleep.
At each of their introductions, Berry nodded in friendly agreement. The last one, who tried to keep the mystery, escaped from her mischievous lips, a mocking laugh
"Buah, La? Very minimalist, oh wait, you also reduce your answers to the bare minimum?" she remarked sarcastically, "Well, I see you are the master of the economy of words, brilliant" she quipped.
Then, in a burst of ease, Berry leaned towards Samuel, still glued to her chair, "Your mission hasn't even begun and he's already fainted, funny boy!" she exclaimed while watching his friend, Harvey, take care to wake Samuel.
And when it came time to set her blue gaze on the young woman inked with a will, a moment of silence seemed to last an eternity. A smile was sketched on her tender face, not for a single second had Berry lowered Himiko's gaze, bringing her a hint of nostalgia.
"Lieutenant Himiko huh? You remind me of someone very dear" she admitted, "With your very pink hair", pointing at that, "My little sister, Cherry, would be very happy to see a face like that at Marine, shahaha" She laughed tenderly. The once tense atmosphere turned out to be warm, quickly falling the stress between the Marines.
Berry came back to the point, "What mission?" she asked in a playfully curious tone.
"We have to go to Wuxia, to intercept some OG pirate! He's wanted for some pretty bad stuff I guess," Harvey said arriving back to the group with Sam alive and well. Several tissues were stuck up his nose to prevent the bleeding.
Berry's words struck a chord with the young Lieutenant, bringing a gentle smile onto Himiko's lips. Enjoying the warm atmosphere for a bit she eventually had to shoot a glare at Harvey's quite casual demeanor. The girl folded her hands on her lap and turned to the Commodore once again.
"The target is an old super-rookie named Raider, known to be a great danger to civilians and quite cunning. Orders are to take him alive but we have the green light to execute if required. Wuxia is one of two places he could be heading, we're gambling on intuition."
"Rely on intuition? Then it must be good," added Commodore Berry, still amused, "The question is: Let's see if your intuition was right, shahaha!" she laughed, "Too bad I can't know the rest of your adventure journey and no I won't talk a message of love, peace, justice, all that stuff that heroes do uuh, just...good luck to you all!" she said in a nonchalant tone, shaking her hand cowardly before putting it back in her jacket pocket.
"Yeah have fun doing nothing." Lazarus said as he got up from his chair and began to headed out the room. "Do any of y'all know where the bathroom is?" He asked as looked left and right, looking for any signs of a restroom.
Odds Allies[]
Sharpening his sword with deliberate precision, Tiberius kept a vigilant eye on the horizon, the metallic rhythm of his whetstone against the blade a comforting constant. Around him, his crew maintained a tense silence, their anticipation palpable as they awaited the arrival of a representative from House Rodger. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows and painting the scene in hues of orange and gold.
"Man, where are these guys?" Orion muttered, his voice breaking the quiet as he sprawled out on the deck, eyes drooping with weariness. He barely had time to settle before Sejanus, ever the disciplinarian, nudged him awake with a sharp jab.
"Keep your focus, Orion," Sejanus scolded, his tone stern and unyielding. "We can't afford any slip-ups now. House Rodger isn't known for their patience."
Orion sighed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "I know, I know. It's just... how much longer are we supposed to wait? Feels like we've been here forever."
Tiberius glanced up from his sword, his gaze sharp. "We wait as long as it takes.”
The path was long, wide and straight. Peaceful too, with the birds singing their evening songs, and the wind dancing in the grass. "This is nice, almost as nice as Camelot," Lancelot thought. The dragon knight was here on business for several reasons of his own, and others for the crown. Lancelot liked doing these sorts of things, making trades and deals.
It made him have this sense of purpose for the kingdom. He continued to walk before his vision revealed a group of three standing down the road, "That must be them," he uttered, putting his hand over his brow to shade the eyes. He approached the drop with confidence and bravado, after all he was did have royal blood in his veins.
Reaching them Lancelot stopped and looked upon each of them. He stared long and hard without saying a word. It was his way of sizing them up if need be, but this was something every warrior did, whether they knew it or not.
Lancelot just didn't care to hide it.
"You must be lord Tiberius. A pleasure to finally meet you. It's always nice seeing another strong warrior."
"Yes, I am," Tiberius replied, his voice calm and steady as he ceased sharpening his sword. He stood up to his full height, his presence commanding and unyielding. His eyes locked onto Rodger Lancelot's with an intensity that conveyed both respect and a silent challenge, a measure of the man standing before him.
"And you must be Lancelot," Tiberius continued, his tone unwavering. He assessed Rodger's demeanor, noting the confident stance and the subtle readiness for action, qualities befitting a warrior of his reputation. This was a man who had proven himself on the battlefield.
"Correct, god on you lad," Lancelot said patting the back of Tiberius as he scanned the area at hand looking for a seat. Lancelot looked like a giant compared to them, the dragon knight stood at 12 feet tall and was a muscular man. Even the way his clothes shinned in the sun made it look like he was glowing, most would make a claim he looked like a demi-god.
"I must speak with you about many things Tiberius, I hope you know that you will also be speaking for Dressrosa on this occasion, I dare not step foot in that place until...well never mind aha." He was awkward in his speech for heroic looking figure, "I seek three things, the first being an alliance, the second being a marriage, and free passage onto Dressrosa."
"Then you've come to the wrong place, Lancelot," Tiberius said, his voice firm and unyielding. "I don’t speak for Caesar or his country. I speak only for myself and my own."
He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving the towering figure of Rodger Lancelot. Despite the disparity in their sizes, Tiberius stood his ground with unwavering confidence.
"But before we get into that," Tiberius continued, his tone shifting to one of curiosity, "tell me more about this marriage proposal. What exactly is your plan?"
"You are his son no? Your blood leads back to the throne, doesn't it? I mean, I know you are a bastard but there is no harm in that. Not even I am full Rodger, Lananananna!" The knight joked with Tiberius, "The marriage proposal isn't for you, its for your brother."
"Well, if it were up to Caesar, my blood would lead straight to hell itself," Tiberius remarked, his tone laced with a hint of bitterness. He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before continuing. "But setting that aside, which brother are we talking about here? I've got five of them, after all."
"The true prince, Caesarion. House Rodger wishes to make allies in these seas, and Legion Pirates along with Dressrosa is the perfect fate. He will be marrying my sister." Lancelot said finally finding a nice log to sit and rest his feet.
"Yeah, figured as much. Just had to ask, you know?" Tiberius said, his tone a mixture of resignation and formality as he continued to stand.
"Well, you won't find him here," Tiberius continued, his gaze shifting slightly as if searching for the right words. "I haven't seen him in quite some time. He's off in paradise, carving out his own path, following his own dreams."
"And I have not kept in touch with him. It's not that I have anything against Caesarion, but my focus was always on training. I dedicated every moment to honing my skills, to the point where I never gave my siblings the time of day."
"Ah yes, but of course. I am well aware of his status in paradise, hence is why I am here on this island. I need you to relay that message to your father. He is not an easy man to get ahold of, and if he decides to deny our request. I suppose you wouldn't mind becoming an allied force?"
"I can certainly try to reach him," Tiberius said, his tone measured. "Whether he picks up or not is beyond my control, though."
He glanced at Sejanus, who nodded and moved to retrieve a Den Den Mushi from a nearby compartment. The small, snail-like creature served as their primary means of long-distance communication, its eyes blinking sleepily as it was brought to the table.
"And as for becoming allies," Tiberius continued, turning his attention back to Lancelot, "it would certainly be beneficial for both our causes. Combining our strengths would make us extremely powerful.”
"Well that's what the marriage is for, we are offering our sister in exchange for power. She doesn't even care anyways," Lancelot bellowed, "We are going to need all the strength we can, another war is coming Tiberius."
"Yeah, so what?" Tiberius responded, his voice tinged with a weary pragmatism. "War is always on the horizon. The only thing that changes is its arrival time."
He leaned back, studying Lancelot's face for a moment, his eyes reflecting the hardened resolve of a man who had seen too many battles. "Conflict is an inevitable part of our world, Lancelot.”
"Oh trust me, brother, I know my fair share of battles. I even have the scars to prove it, Lancelot removed his white and red robe, to reveal a large scar on his neck leading down his torso. "Got this baby during my battle with Julian. Man was that woman a real thrill, sexy too. I honestly say he sword skill far surpassed mine back then. But not anymore, now I'm...way stronger Lanananan!" The knight grumbled and laughed in his wake.
"I doubt it would be much trouble to inflict a scar like that on the likes of you," Tiberius said with a smirk, his eyes glinting with a mix of challenge and curiosity. "But this Julian woman you mentioned-now she seems interesting."
Before he could delve further, Sejanus bumped him on the shoulder, a silent reminder to maintain focus and decorum.
"Lananan! I like your moxy kid," Lancelot said smacking his right knee. "Inflicting a scar of the likes of me isn't a challenge, in fact, most times I let my opponent get the first hit in. The took off the remained of his top to reveal scar marks all over his body, like a greek statue he sat revealing his glory. That's what a battle scar meant to Lancelot, it was glorious to live and tell the tale. But to die from a scar, now thats a legend."
He paused for a moment as he glanced up into the sky, a falcon soaring above them, "Julian on the other hand...Man what a woman, so skilled, so fierce so sexy. I consider her the one of if not the greatest swordsman of her time, hell of our time! Besides me of course." For a moment Lancelot was lost in a perverted train of thought and awe.
"You're an odd warrior, Lancelot," Tiberius said, his tone a mix of curiosity and mild amusement. He moved to sit down on a nearby log, his eyes still fixed on Lancelot. "But do you know where this Julian is? I'd like to have a word with her."
Lancelot laughed, echoing and disturbing the birds once again. "It's honestly rather sad what happened to her. Her family house sent her to fight in the army along with everyone else in the kingdom. Yes she was famous, but not above tradition, she was forced to retire until the war ended. That was 15 years ago, and I still haven't heard from her since."
In Lancelot's voice, a tinge of sadness and worry riddled his mind. Julian was one of the few people Lancelot considered a real swordsman.
"Ever since our battle, no one I faced, has given me the fear of death more than her."
"Interesting," Tiberius murmured, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. The mention of Julian had clearly piqued his interest, but he knew they needed to return to the matter at hand.
"Anyways, back to our previous topic," he continued, his tone becoming more serious. "Nobody has answered this Den Den Mushi." He gestured towards the silent communication device, its antennae drooping slightly. "Whatever alliance with Caesar that you were hoping for, consider it dead in the water."
Lancelot just sighed, "It seems like I've come to the wrong place. I've heard of your battles and thought someone like you would at least try a little harder. But oh well..." The large knight got up from his seated position, his scabbard glistening from his hip. "I guess I'll try another member maybe they could help me. Alright Tib, well it was a pleasure, and I'll be leaving now..."
The large man said as he turned his back towards the three warriors, he waved his hands signaling his goodbye him sounding off one last phrase, "Hey Tib, if you ever want to really test your skill. Come give me a holla, alright!"
"How about right now? Or are you scared?" Tiberius taunted, a smirk playing on his lips as his hand rested on the hilt of his sword. He took a step closer to Lancelot, his eyes gleaming with a mix of challenge and amusement. "Unless, of course, the big, bad Lancelot is just a big bitch."
Sejanus, standing off to the side, facepalmed, clearly exasperated by Tiberius's provocative approach.
Lancelot stopped in his tracks, his ego was tested. But Camelot Dragon Knights do not waver in moments of challenge, "I can't now as I have other matters attend to. But maybe on Dressrosa we can have a gladiator match, I can leave you with a gift though."
Lancelot looked at the round and found a smooth stone that was big enough to hold. It's shape looked like a dull knife, "This works," he said as he looked upon the open landscape.
Lancelot faced the open space and took a deep breath in and out. His brow narrowed and the atmosphere shifted, shifting his feet Lancelot lifted the rock high above his head and looked at Tiberius. He smiled. With a quick movement, he brought his hand down fiercely letting out a grunt. Gusts of air shot outwards from Lancelot and crashed over the open space as broke a fire hydrant.
One second it looked as if nothing happened but then the earth before Lancelot was cleaved bit by bit, digging deeper and deeper the longer the slash stretched. It ripped apart the earth like butter causing an entire uprooting of the ecosystem within whatever was caught in its path. The aftermath resulted in Lancelot cutting a straight line that spanned as far as the eye could visibly see and then some.
He then looked at the rock as it used to be smooth but from his strength and power, the rock shaped itself to be sharp and deadly like any steel knife. "I think I'll keep this one." He then continued leaving Tiberius behind.
"Ohhh, scary. You made a cut in the ground," Tiberius called out, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Despite himself, he couldn't deny he was impressed, but he refused to show it. "I'll just go to Camelot and burn it to the ground if that's what it takes to have you fight me," he added with a laugh.
Sejanus looked at Tiberius with a mix of shock and annoyance. "Must you always provoke everyone?" he muttered under his breath.
Lancelot continued on his journey of politics, asking around, and talking to the right people. He found himself on an island of the Dressrosa empire, to meet with the king himself.
His bastard child Tiberius was of no use, he had no connection to his father or the throne. It caused Lancelot to use other means and forms of information.
"I hope that Scarface knows what he's talking about. He sounded drunk when I spoke to him," the mighty warrior bellowed out loud. "I wonder what this Caesar guy is like. Isn't the legion army famous for it's Spearer techniques? Maybe sending Yvain to learn a few things could be good for us."
The large knight continued making his way on the dock until he saw the man of light.
But appearing was not the Blacklight. Light glistened and gleamed from them, but they were not its source. The rays of the sun reflected off the golden armour adorned by the man. They hovered above the ground with arms behind their back as the man made his way down the dock, their expression hidden by the helm worn by them.
“Sol Invictus, his excellency and our grace, thought it unfitting if a King came to meet a soldier.” Brutus’ voice was laced with inflections. “He deemed it more appropriate for one of us to appear. Why would a King meet with someone so far below, I believe was how he’d phrase it. Tell me, Knight. The reason behind this meeting of ours.”
"Geez Caesar seems like a dick," Lancelot said at the sudden shock of a new arrival. "I don't know about far below, I could be king if I want to, I simply just don't like ruling others." The knight's ego was defiantly bruised but he used a royal bold disrespect, "Anyways, I did request to see the big guy but you'll do for now I guess. As long as your better than his damned son ha!"
The knight sat down on a nearby ledge to rest his legs, "Geez, I'm starting to feel my knees ache..." He rubbed his legs and continued, "I wish to seek an alliance with Dressrosa, I wish to marry my sister to his eldest."
Brutus laughed, but even that seemed blatantly rehearsed. "Caesarion? His Majesty will deny. He refuses to let his son be turned into a political pawn. Caesarion is free to choose his own path in life, including who he marries."
"Is that all, Dragon Knight?"
"Is that way he let his heir run off to paradise? Ha! What kind of royals are you? Well not you," sniff...sniff... "I can smell you're not one of them. This is why I wanted to meet with this damn Yonko myself. Everyone is always beating around the bush about this kid? My sister is one of the most beautiful women in the world, a coveted treasure many powerful nations would love to have. I travelled all this way, cut me a break."
"It's a boon you've not met with his Majesty," Brutus said. "Mocking his son and his status as King would've had a hole where your heart should be."
A stone from below the surface of the sea shot out and into Brutus' hand, it rotating and spinning about over the surface of his palm. "I understand your sister is beautiful, yes. Be that as it may, Caesar refuses to have his favourite son play in the game all nobility must. However, there is another way. Marriage with another one of the Princes."
"Perhaps, you make a point, but there are no princes who hold the same weight. We all know the bastards have no chance at claiming the throne while Caesarion is alive, making him the only option. Camelot will not simply give away its hand to some half blood royalty who holds no weight. Let me make something clear Brutus..."
"There is another war coming, you know it, I know it, the entire sea knows it. That freak of a prince is holding onto something on Mercury Island that could end badly if not handled by Camelot and the dragon knights. I'm sure you are aware of Jameson."
"The Legion fears no war," Brutus chided. "Not while the Blacklight lives. The only other man able to compete with him will never slay him, because then there remains no one able to keep up. His Majesty does not fear any of his children. Let Constantine bring forth whatever he wants. The King will not hesitate to kill him."
The rock in Brutus' hand split into smaller fragments. Still hovering. "We do not need Camelot. Nor the Dragon Knights. This alliance benefits you. Not Dressrosa."
"These Dressrosa guys are sure a piece of work," he thought as Brutus declined the offer, "Fine then, I guess we'll have to make it benefit Dressrosa now won't we."
The large giant of a man stood up onto his two feet and started to walk away, "Ciao for now, maybe down the line it will be you coming to Camelot."
Brutus laughed in that rehearsed fashion of his. "I do doubt it. Farewell. Don't do anything stupid with Caesarion, now. Any that try that will never survive."
The Queen of Cuts[]
Three swordsmen, two men, and one woman stood in the middle of the stadium-packed arena. The two men each bore a medal showing a silver and bronze metal.
But now was the time to announce the first-place winner.
"And the winner of the match..."
A dramatic drumroll began as the announcer read out the card, "Again for the third consecutive year our reigning champion and swordsman..."
The crowd erupted in cheerful glee. There stood a famous swordsman in the seas, Harris Julian. She was a decorated knight from her kingdom and a practical prodigy in swordplay. There were even rumors that she was asked to perform for the Celestial Dragons, although some thought this to be propaganda praise, they knew it wouldn't too be far fetch.
The woman had beautiful peach skin, was tall and had a slim hourglass figure, She had short red and orange hair, with big lips with bright red lipstick. Her clothes presented that of her House colors: Blue, White, and Red. She was dressed like a musketeer wearing armored accents all around her. Around her hip was a blade named Pegasus, her house sword.
Upon hearing her name be called she thrust her hands into the air and waved them in gratitude, "Thank you!" She shouted blowing a kiss to the crowd and the camera that recorded this event.
Many, men, women, and children passed out from the sight of her even glancing in their direction. Many from all around the world had come to see her live in her spectacular skill and expertise. Her fame was spread throughout the seas and was only heading up, even those around her and close to her camp already considered her a top swordsman of the time.
The announcer handed her a golden medal placing it around her neck, and then he handed her a mic, "Thank you everyone for attending today's event. I am so glad and excited that everyone could attend this years event. I am truly honored." Her voice was graceful and pleasant with a french accent.
"I would like to make an announcement, this will be my final year competing as I am called to fight for my country," the swelling of tears filled her blue eyes, and the crowd was rather shocked. They whispered and gasped, murmuring to each other.
"I know this is sudden but I hope you can forgive me. My dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman must come to a stop, my duties to the crown are far more important than my own dreams..." A frog in her throat trying to get out the scripted statement, "...Will be put on a hold. I will be hosting meet and greets after this, please feel free to stop by and say hello. Thank you for your time." She quickly got down from the podium and walked out the arena, trying to remain strong.
Once the event was finished a meet and greet stand was formed with countless raging fans dying to meet their idol. Thousands crowded, and thousands spat out questions about her sudden retirement.
But those questions would be answered, in time. Julian always held these events after her matches to bring herself closer to her supporters and fans. It also granted a sense of humility and purpose, seeing the ignition of swordsmanship in someone's heart was next to none.
As time went on fans came in and out one after another to meet their hero. Each one came with its own set of logic and reasons.
Some came to have autographs signed. Others taking pictures. Few who came to simply even get a handshake. A couple that could be seen as almost awkward die-hard fans, those who dedicated themselves in the honor of meeting their so-called fiery goddess of the flame, to even get the chance to bask in the glory that was her presence but, was soon dragged away from the stand prompt for inappropriate behavior. Others were just one of many suitors trying their gamble of capturing the hand of a fair maiden only, just to fail all the same. And the final ones of notice were the children that saw and idolized the Blue Pegasus all wishing to one day grow up to be just the same as them.
This train of oddballed looks and people continued moving in and out for what felt like hours on end. It was quite a fitting sight indeed. After all, once the day had come to a close none would ever get the chance to gaze upon such a mystical figure wielding her sword stadium of battle. Her story later to forever be a fable to tell for generations of the once might ending her journey of greatness at the precipice to where all their dreams could have come true.
In the end, time just continues to flow with the currents of nature. One after another fans dispersed upon receiving what they came to accomplish. Soon enough she was then purely and utterly alone to herself and her thoughts. The noise that once echoed had turned to a silent hush with none to disturb. That was till the clammer of footsteps came to hearing distance.
Overhead a new shadow was cast upon the scarlet beauty. Ahead of the silent hall stood a boy. Aborned upon the young man were garbs of pure black and grey. Their colors mixed and meshed in a waving motion as though staring into an ocean of void. His face is youthful but soft with little in the way of color, but at the same time still seems healthy. Their hair is messy and dark but styled in a way to add to a layer of charm his almost attractive appeal for someone so young but at the side of his hip lay rested a sheathed fang of a katana.
Soon, a mesmerizing smile adorned his gentle lips. “Lady Julian? Phew!” He spoke casually but soon broke out into a lowered whistle. “I’ve heard stories and stories of your beauty but it doesn’t quite do it justice once you see it in person.” Flattering he let out a light chuckle. “It’s quite the pleasure to meet you, Julian.” Soon enough the young lad smiled and extended a humble hand forward.
"Oh is that so young man, well, it's a pleasure to meet you anyway." Her voice was soft and elegant as the words danced off her lips. It indeed was a dance, her accent and tone of voice changed with every syllable. It was strange, but it was Julian.
"I notice a sword on your hip young man, do you wish to become a swordsman too? Juhuhuhu." She laughed, not mocking the boy, but amused at seeing such a young fellow holding a blade.
“Well. You can say something like that.” Bringing one hand over his head, he scratched at it slightly. The motion held a faint awkwardness to it though that was all it was. Feint. Soon his hands were brought back folding themselves to his dark robbed chest, blending in with the colors.
“But yes I do train under the ways of the blade amongst other arts. Though I find the art one of few I’ve gained quite an interest in it. So much so it brought me to you. After all, to see such a master put their skills and talent on such display is one for every blade user whether they be an aspiring swordsman or just one who chooses to pick up the blade for nothing more than a tool they aspire to see in person. But it was quite a letdown to hear this would be the last you’d take up the stage in the eyes of the public.”
Placing their hands on his hips, he shook his head in utter disappointment. Probably it was the feeling of knocking such a beauty would forever be gone but at that same time his shaking also felt as though he was disappointed in something else. “I must ask. If it’s alright with you…What makes you want to drop all this, oh fiery maiden.” He asked with a narrowed gaze. Eyes directed at her they seemed sharp and analytical, almost piercing in the way it felt akin to staring into her soul for the answer. They were eyes that didn’t belong to a child but solely directed her way.
Julian smiled and blushed hearing Tanner's words, She liked that he referred to sword skill as art and it was. She listened to him carefully and answered his questions. "Well," she said taking a deep sigh, "To put it simply I am needed in my kingdom. As a royal, we have duties to the crown. And whatever the crown says we do. My hands are just simply tied, if I had it my way I would give up my titles and become a true swordsman. But my sword skill is needed on the battlefield, not the arena." She darted her eyes quickly scanning the surroundings and telling Taner to come closer and whispered.
"Between me and you, I'll let you in on a little secret. Titles are bought and sold. The real test of swordsmanship is when your life is truly on the line, fighting for your brothers and sisters in arms. Charging into a raging battle," She looked deeply into the young mans eyes and winked while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Hopefully I will hear about you some day, young man."
Upon receiving the exchange of words and sensations, Taner’s eyes went off from their focus and grew shocked. He remained there momentarily stun-locked, processing the information sent to him but soon leaning back to stand straight, he gazed at Julian with a confident and playful smirk. “Oh, I’m sure you certainly will. In fact, by that time if we ever meet once more maybe I might even captivate that heart of yours, oh Blue Pegasus with my arts.”
Playfully, the boy let out a mixture of both charm and banter. All of his words though in themselves sounded like the ravings of a boastful child, but the way they came was more respectful than disrespect but, at that time tinged with seared honesty. At that same time, his grin soon straightened with grim seriousness but also empathy.
“To your words. Though it may not be the same, I understand the duties that come with being a part of a family and what responsibilities those hold on oneself. I respect that. I truly do, and I hope all goes well in the challenge you will face. At that same time.” Staring forth to the maiden, he brought his hand up, extending his index finger, and pressed it against his chest where his heart would be. Then soon, pulling it away, he pointed ahead in the direction of where the lady's heart would be located. “I also hope when all is said and done, even your dream is no longer cased after. The fire that lies within you still burns bright. Because without it what is the purpose of going on in this world? And besides.”
Turning his neutral face upwards, the boy let off one big charming smile to the lady of beauty. “That fire always makes those who burn the brightest, shine with greater beauty and elegance that any would admire and love to see the most.” He spoke before bringing his hand back down to his side.
"What is your name child? I wish to remember it." She asked
“The name’s Taner, Lady Pegasus.”
She smiled, "Taner, I hope to see you again one day. Maybe we can have a match to test your skill. Next time I see you, you better be a great swordsman ok! Show off the art!" Her smile was powerful and filled with life, her pearly white teeth and lush lips were amazing to look at and for Taner head over heels, Julian knew what she was doing.