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Rakshasa Tribe
Rakshasa Infobox 2 BD1
Japanese Name ラクシャサ
Romanized Name Rakushasa
Homeland Naraka

Rakshasa are a race of people native to Kano Country, believed by some to be one of the original species inhabiting the island before the arrival of Humans.

Now inhabiting the island of Naraka in the Calm Belt boarding West Blue and the New World. Known for a nasty habit of eating humans.


Rakshasa are large humanoid creatures, male and females both typically measuring in between eight and fifteen feet in height, the skin color of Rakshasa varies heavily and is seemingly random regardless of the skin color of the parents. However, what is not random is in fact the number of horns a Rakshasa may have. The grand majority of Rakshasa are born with two horns located somewhere on their heads, however, there are those who are born with a single horn on rare occasions. Breeding with a single horned Rakshasa is taboo as the number of horn has is indicative of their status in society. One the opposite end, those born with more than two horns from two horned parents are even more rare but unlike those with single horns they are highly sought after and praised. The more horns a Rakshasa has the higher their societal status is raised. By extension, losing a horn is considered a great dishonor.

All Rakshasa have sharp teeth and finger/toe nails, but some among them have been known to have tusks or fangs of some kind.

Known Rakshasa[]

Known Rakshasa
Bayushi Minamoto


Possible Mixes[]

Overall Abilities[]

Rakshasa are large, muscular creatures however their size alone does not dictate their physical strength as their bodies are made of highly compact muscles giving them a more lean appearance than is actually warranted for their strength which in turn sees some of the largest Rakshasa able to contend in strength with smaller Giants. While this is a massive advantage in battle it does however have some drawbacks, as a result of their compact muscle structure Rakshasa are known for lacking in flexibility, making some movements difficult for them. Another drawback to this body structure is that as their muscles are more compact their body is also far more dense than most other spiecies and while this might help to protect them it unfortunately has the counter effect of making it impossible for Rakshasa to swim even if they do not have a devil fruit, their highly dense bodies sinking like rocks. However, so long as they can hold their breath and walk along the bottom back to the surface the drawback is not nearly as leathal as the paralysis found in Devil Fruit users.

Rakshasa have a fast metabolism, making their natural body temperature higher than the average human, this allows them to stay warm in cold enviornments however as a result of this metabolism Rakshasa must also eat a lot to maintain their energy throughout the day or to conserve energy by not doing anything excessively taxing. This increased metabolism however gives them a noteable edge against toxins and poisons as their body metabolizes these toxins faster than they can take effect allowing Rakshasa to consume otherwise poisonous things or take bites from venomous creatures without suffering the effects of poisioning. This extends to alcohol, a favorite drink of the Rakshasa they are able to consume excessively large amounts of alcohol without becoming drunk.


The War for Kano[]

Rakshasa are believed to have once been native to the nation of Kano Country. Once friendly with the Yaksha, living together in peace on the island upon the arrival of Humans, the Yaksha would accept the new arrivals with open arms while the Rakshasa would quickly become openly hostile with the humans who had arrived. When the Yaksha took the side of the humans their relationsip with their former friends were broken and war broke out between them. The first Emperor of Kano would, with the help of the Yaksha, gather the Four Auspicious Beasts and with their help they would drive the Rakshasa from their lands pushing them into the Calm Belt they now call home. The Rakshasa now hold a deep hate for the people of Kano, attacking their ships and people at every opportunity.

Interspecies Relationships[]



  • Rakshasa are based upon the malicious spirits of the same name from Buddhist Mythology.

