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Role-Play Name: Pushing Boundaries Date Started: 10/17/2024
Check In's[]
Star Base 1 ~ August 15th, 1620
When the news coo first revealed the unveiling of the newly dubbed Star Tech Industries with Tony being listed as a co-founder, Graves was momentarily taken aback. He was definitely surprised, believing that Tony would have remained in the haven of Mechanica. But Lysander being the other co-founder dispelled that notion. The man was increasingly demonstrating his ambition and it wasn't any surprise to see Tony swept up with it. Or maybe it was Tony fully embracing this opportunity to build whatever he wanted? Still it was a bold move, and a daring one at that. But he wondered where, no whom did they get to fund everything though? He knew a venture like this wasn't cheap, and inwardly hoped that they didn't get involved in anything untoward.
Yet, like Tony and Lysander, he also was going to partake in opportunity and had reached out. Which is why he was standing at the bridge of his recently acquired ship just outside of Star Base 1, having gotten permission and a modicum of support in this venture. He was provided a skeleton crew, some old faces at that as he explained his reasons and SPEAR leadership had granted him leave to pursue.
Some time had passed since they had last seen each other and Graves had... changed. He saw things a bit differently know, had grown some and his outlook on life and the path he was one had made him older, wiser and best of all? Innovative! Oh he had plans within plans for the things he wanted, and he was going to achieve them, no matter what. Like an arm cannon. A big ole barrel attached to his arm that could blow a hole in a strongest ship. Something like that and a few others.
Still he didn't want to come empty handed and knew that Tony enjoyed crazy ideas as much as the next inventor, which is why he had also brought with him the publically available documents he managed to get regarding the Raid Suits. While most of the plans were holed up in the archives of the R&D he had enough to maybe reverse engineer it, and perhaps with Tony's help have a greater role and oversight of its production.
He allowed himself to get lost in thought as his ship eventually made dock. Giving it a once over, maybe he could submit a report to have their ships upgraded too.
He marveled at the futuristic design of the base, and wondered when such technology would be commercially available, but given the presence of the Celestial Dragons, he was probably a little more concerned if at one point they'd deem to hoard this knowledge and wealth for themselves?
As Graves entered onto the base he was greeted by multiple robotic personal, they looked striking similar to the Pacifista in terms on human looking design but they were more robot than human. Each robot was bald wearing a black baseball cap with a "s" written on the front in white lettering. They were dressed to look like military commanders. Black shirt, camo pants, black belt, brown boots.
"Halt," one of the robots said, its voice box raspy and robotic. "Identification and Status," the robot stuck out his hand looking for Graves to hand over his id. The other robot stood across from Graves, holding a large gun and just looked at the marine.
Graves simply quirked an eyebrow at the reception. He was rather surprised to see any iteration of the Pacifista series here considering that they were very strictly World Government property. Did Star Tech Industries somehow get a blueprint? He was getting more questions than answers by the minute, but he couldn't exactly be judgmental considering he was here to try and reverse engineer another technology for his personal use with the sparse blueprints he himself had acquired.
Having stared at the machine long enough, he could tell even they were getting a little twitchy with the trigger finger he produced the proper credentials and handed over his ID. A fleeting thought crossed his mind, and he wondered, could he stow a machine like this in his personal inventory and then... equip bits and pieces of it as his leisure? Hmm maybe he could put something together, a giant robot suit with some modularity... plans for later. He then patiently waited for the machine to do its check.
Running Errands[]
Lysander wore a hooded cloak concealing his appearance, taking an underground train. He sat in a private cart booth on the train, each booth had its own set of privacy with a closing door that made miniature rooms of comfort. The booths had red cushy velvet padding with golden buttons and woodgrain accents all over. To his right was a large window that showed the cave walls which the train passed through.
In his booth was a table with fine cutlery and dishes with cooked chicken rice and vegetables, a glass and pitcher of wine sat on the table, and a carton box slightly opened. The marine ate off his plate slowly not saying a word while he ate.
The chugging of the train was soothing and took his mind into a deep state of autopilot and thought...
A few days earlier ~ Marine Base, G-45
Samuel and Lysander sat in a medical office.
"I don't know where to start Lysander, your body seems to be perfectly fine. Your bloodwork has come back okay, and your physical health seems to be in good shape too, but I did notice a small detail in your blood which I find interesting." Samuel handed Lysander an envelope full of documents on his health, with pictures of his blood work and cell work.
"You have these weird black cells, that were dormant in your bloodstream, they don't seem to be harmful but I am going to run this research by someone who is more suited than I am."
Lysander looked through the pages, "What are they?"
"Like I said you dummy I don't know. I will tell you as soon as I find something out but for now, I just wanted to keep you updated. Now you said you were injected with a vile? Of what exactly?"
Samuel grabbed a pen and pad ready to write down any important information Lysander could have. "Yeah, back on Metropolis during a mission I got stabbed with a vile. I don't know what, but I've been feeling different from before. Like almost more awake if that makes sense..."
Lysander rubbed his eyes, "...I don't know what could be happening, but I figured I'd come get a check-up first." He smiled towards Sam, standing to his feet and slapping Sam on the shoulder, "Thanks for the help Sam, see yah around."
The train made its way past the tunnel and into a new clearing, a field of green grass and claiming meadows, the train's loud machinery was silenced by the open land that was no longer trapped in a closed space. He looked out the window as his eyes caught the sunlight beaming into the booth, off in the distance he could see a far distant town.
He smiled again for a moment before turning back to eat his food.
A ding followed by an automated voice of a woman, "Attention passengers, you will be arriving at Jetson Station. Please prepare for departure and thank you for riding-" CLICK
Lysander at the remaining bites of his food and chugged the last bit of wine in his cup washing down the dry slop in his mouth. He wiped his hands with the napkins and piled the plates stacked neatly for the waiter to grab them. He even left a small cash tip on the table. Reaching above the seat was a cabinet that held his bags, and two swords which he carried both in a singular long duffel bag.
He exited the booth cart and began to walk towards the train exit doors. Everyone on the train was dressed in fancy fine clothing, Lysander's large figure and frame was daunting to say the least but everyone was to fearful of making a direct conflict. Reaching the doors the train came to a screeching halt.
The crowds of people pushed against one another to exit the train as the sliding door flew open. Leaving the train he was welcomed with still cool air and warm sun. It brought him a sense of peace amidst the busy train station. He walked until he reached an exit which led to a long walking path stretching as far as the eye could see.
Again the marine dozed off into a deep thought...
"Today is the start of a new chapter, leaving old legacies behind. I never thought I'd see the day I would depart from you, you've been by my side ever since a babe, locked to my waist.
We have fought countless battles and encountered many foes. I am forever grateful but for now, I must put you to rest. You are a tool meant for conquest, a lance of freedom that guided me on my journey, yet you guided me here.
One day I will come back for you. When that day comes I will have accomplished the goals I have made for myself, ready to attain the world's other ventures. Until then I must find strength in my own power, my own mind, and my own will. Not through heirlooms and gifts, but through training and hard work. This is what my training was all about.
Did it lead me here to this very moment? Or was it just a good string of luck. I know they think I'm worthless, just some run of the mill tool who will act like a dog. They have it all wrong, I'm not tool, I'm the engineer... I think it's the pride of mine that get's in the way, but at the end of the day we are all the same. All clinging to power and control.
I will win back my freedom, I will declare myself a presence on these seas... And I will..."
"Lysander...Lysander?" A whispered muffled voice, soon became more loud and clear, Lysander snapping out of his thought to see a man who stood before him.
It was an older-looking gentleman with grey hair, and grey trench coat, and black pants, at his side was a longsword encased within a scabbard.
Lysander looked up towards him, "Jameson?" He paused even taking a few steps back, he gulped and his dial hummed deeply.
"What? Do you see the boogie man 661? huhuhuhu..."
Lysander clicked his teeth, "Watch your tongue treasurer, I've grown much stronger since we last met."
Jameson smiled, "You still have that slick mouth too it seems, I should've expected that." A fast jab was thrown by Jameson aimed for the center of Lysander's face. He was met with an equal reaction time of Lysanders left hand catching his fist holding it in place.
There was a brief struggle between, "Pulling your punches old man, all those years of training you'd think you'd have some peep in your step..."
"Wait you want me to try now? I see your arms already shaking, you must forget let me jog your memories..." A powerful Knee to his gut sent a brutal force through his stomach and hit his spine, he gasped for air, his strength easily bypassing Lysander's devil fruit abilities. Jameson pivoted on his heel delivering a swift kick towards Lysanders jaw, knocking him unconscious with a moment.
Lysander feel to the ground for a moment, before blinking back into reality, holding his bloodied mouth, he spat out a whack of blood and spit, "ha, fuck you."
Jameson smiled sticking his hand out to help Lysander up, "Come on, you know I had to test you out, that first move was impressive, I almost went full speed, you've got faster." Lysander took a deep breath and helped himself up with Jameson, "You are paying for my rent while I'm here."
"Fair enough..."
Jameson took Lysander to a remote location on a lake. It was a large log cabin on the side of a rock hill covered in different types of grass, a long redwood dock stretched into the lake towards the door of the back exit of the cabin. Inside was a large two-story home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a large living room, and open space kitchen.
The home was decorated with large skulls and trophy heads of animals of unknown nature. Many styled carpet rugs of animal hides and fancy materials laid across the floor while a raging warm fire set a cozy vibe. Lysander sat in a pair of black jogging pants and a tight white tee shirt. Everything in the cabin was much larger to fit the size of Jameson who stood at least 10 feet taller than Lysander.
His miniature body sat on a large couch cushion while drinking out of a large glass beer mug. Lysander seemed to be used to this setting, not bothered.
Jameson strolled in from the outside bringing in a large dog larger than Lysander too. The dog jumped on Lysander causing him to spit up his beer into a fountain stream. "GYAH!"
"Jamjamjamjamjam..." Jameson laughed, "So tell me again, you're a marine?" The giant took a seat next to Lysander causing him to be launched into the air landing on the arm of the couch.
"Yahoo- Yeah Uncle Hob let me in, that Graves guy stuck his neck out for me too. That was something I myself didn't see coming. At first, I was just playing the shorthand, seeing how far I could take my luck, but I ended up liking the situation I was in. The system is structured, I wanna give being a marine a real chance. Plus all those desk jockeys think I should be hanging by a noose for some little crime. But I guess that's a matter of perspective..."
"Hobbs let you into the Marines? Doesn't the Harris Family have problems with the Tawolf Family. It's rather shocking to hear such things, I've faced your uncle many times before. He doesn't do anything for no reason he must see something in you..." Jameson replied raising his eyebrows in mockery towards Lysander.
"Stop doing that! I'm going to do it you know..." Lysander leaped up towards the leg of Jameson.
"Do what?" Jameson asked.
Lysander smiled, "I'm going to become the next Marine Admiral." He placed his hands on his hips and laughed out loud. The dog shook for a brief moment and wagged his tail.
"...Bwahahaha! Admiral? Are you stupid? You'd be lucky to get captain moron! Boy don't you got some wild dreams kid, must come from your dads side."
Jameson couldn't stop laughing wiping his tears from his eyes, "Don't worry big maybe one day you can become king of the pirates too, Bwahahaha!"
Lysander's right eye started to twitch, "...You forsake me, Jameson. Know your place amongst my bloodline titan, I am still your-"
"Alright alright, geez! You need to relax with that stuff, your whole family pulls that stupid oath shit." Jameson shook from the icky feeling Lysander gave him.
Lysander folded his arms and nodded his head, "And that's what I thought...As I was saying, I think working the marines and see what I can do with it will be a fun challenge, don't you think?. Besides, now I don't have to get into trouble going after scum pirates like you! BAKA!"
Lysander pulled his right eyelid down and stuck the middle finger with his left hand, while sticking out his tongue.
Jameson swiftly executed a overhand crushing blow to Lysander flattening him like paper before his body popped back to normal he laid there with his eyes white and body numb.
"Damn brat kid, I'm telling you if it wasn't for your aunt marrying my brother, I would've killed you from back then..." Jameson thought to himself looking at Lysander on his lap.
"...But then what would I have snuffed out from the world, I think he can do great things in this lifetime. It's a shame we will have to clash when he finds out the truth...That won't be for a long time though, he has much to learn."
The dog started to lick Lysander over and over again which started to wake him up, Lysander sat upwards.
"I mean I know I'm not nearly as strong as I could be, there's many mountains to climb, and sometimes the weight is kinda tough on me ya know. Being this prince, now this pirate turned marine who is being watched at every point. Even now probably... But sometimes you just got to be a man I guess, that's what Dad used to say anyway."
Jameson smiled for once, "Your father was a good man Lysander, I hope you know that. He fought hard that day, you should be proud. You now possess the power of your forefathers and past kings. I'm sure you'll be alright kid."
"Expect I'm going to be the best user of it, I've already made some progress..." Lysander brought up his hand coating his hand in a white aura, "I can control the flow with no effort now, it's like breathing to me. The dial put me on a whole new level of functioning."
"Tsk...Tawolf work, jamjamjamjam."
"What can I say, it runs in the family," Lysander said smiling.
"I will be staying here for a few days to catch up on some good rest, and stash my swords."
"Your weapons? Why would you do that? Didn't you just get the Shadreen?" Jameson was in utter shock at the statement.
"Yeah so? They are weapons, I'm not saying I'm just going to leave them, but I'm going to get stronger in my own way without the family heirlooms."
"You are crazy, you're a walking family heirloom, your the son of ... and the .... what are you talking about?"
"Just let me do my thing, I don't need anyone trampling all over my parade."
"Give them to me, I'll keep them safe," Jameson said licking his lips behind the calm poker face he gave Lysander although he saw right through the demons tricks.
"Nice try, I don't trust you with my left shoe let alone my prized possessions, I don't care you got the God Hammers damn power you ain't touching my babies. I'm giving them to Nana Dorthy, and she will take them to theAmazon Lily for safekeeping."
"WHAT!" Jameson's jaw dropped in disbelief, "Y-your're j-joking right?"
"Nope, she already left the island while you went out. She came by while you were gone and grabbed them."
"This kid is a moron, maybe I regret not killing him. Giving away two God Hammer weapons like that to some woman, and of all places the Amazon. My father is rolling in his grave."
Jameson and Lysander continued to banter amongst each other for the remainder of the night. Jameson while talking with Lysander noticed he was much like his father. It almost felt like in some moments he was talking directly to him. In a sense it put a fear in him, having another man like that walking around in the world is dangerous. The whole family is full of wild cards.
In other words, it was nice to see Lysander grow up to be just like him, but his own person and man. He wasn't sure that Lysander would've even liked his father if they had grown up during the same time.
Heishi Island.
A place known for crafting warriors around the world. It held a special arena battle ground which allowed fighter freely to express their skill and abilities on those willing to sacrifice their lives for it.
The island held some of the most advanced teachers of martial arts and various forms of combat.
Each fighter would join a Gym of their choosing and undergo a 3 week program, which sharpened the fighter like a knife to a wet stone.
The island held rules, all fights must be accepted by both parties. Any form of combat against another fighter without direct permission will be banned and dealt with by the heads of staff.
A particularly older man waited amongst the shores of the island. His pale skin and long slicked back grey hair hung against his shoulder blades.
He wore a green robe ontop of a black tee shirt, with white baggy pants and black shoes.
A sword and pistol sat at his waist. Of course sailing in the distance towards an island was a marine vessel.
Not a warship, but a rather simple carrier. Upon the ship was a small dispatch of marines who were sent to mandatory training.
In this case it was Hobbs unit. The group was only a pair, an ex pirate and a man with a stone arm.
Lysander sat in the living quarters of the ship, reading a book titled, “How to build a company for dummies”.
He was wearing a simple outfit, black shorts a white shirt. His hair was tied back into a pony tail, and sitting on his wrist was a Digi Mushi.
A marine solider who was a pretty girl with light brown hair tied in a bun, came into the quarters.
At first it was just Lysander but now another, she walked over towards him, he heels clicking with each step.
Lysander turned his head to see what was the matter, and his chin was met with her hand trailing across his jaw as she sat across from him, a glass coffee table between them two.
“She smells good,” he thought as she passed by, his eyes traced her taking in the little details.
“So you’re Lysander…” she said, “…The name is Doll, a pleasure.”
Lysander closed his book placing it on the table, he placed his leg upon his knee sitting back into his chair, interlocking his fingers with the two index fingers stick outward.
“I am…Doll,” he responded, a calmer soft tone of voice.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s so exciting, your life.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Guess I’m still the talk of the town…” he took a deep sigh and repositioned himself leaning forward, placing both feet upon the floor and elbows on both knees.
“…My life is pretty exciting though.”
Doll leaned in the same as Lysander, her orange eyes glimmering, her slim face and natural beauty caught Lysander a little off guard, causing him to look away from her.
He smiled to himself, “Okay, what do you want?”
“Isn’t it obvious what I want?” She started to undone the couple top buttons of her collard shirt, while looking at the marine.
She leaned in closer and whispered across to him, “…I can show you something exciting.”
Lysander’s heart began to race quickly, this time his gaze met hers as he leaned in and whispered back.
“…nah I don’t think you can…”
Racing footsteps from down the hall followed by deep breathing and panting.
“Lysa-sama!” A voice said from around the corner.
Doll and Lysander quickly backed away from each other, Lysander slapping the palm of his face while leaning back into the couch.
“Of all times…” he said to himself.
Doll was already adjusting her uniform back to its proper position.
Turning the corner was a young kid no bigger than 13 years old. A seamen recruit admitted to Hobbs deploy unit, and Lysander’s number one fan boy.
He was small and fat, his marine uniform barely fitting over his robust stomach and thick neck.
“Oh there you are Lysa, we are arriving at the Island shortly so prepare your things.” He began to walk over towards the two. He turned toward Doll and smiled grabbing he hand and kissing it.
“Hello my dearest queen, what brings you here among future greatness Maiden!”
Doll gasped and covered her mouth, “oh!”
Lysander quickly engulfed his fist into fire and smashed the kid over the head giving him 3 large lumps and a swollen cheek.
Doll was uncomfortable with the whole situation quickly getting up, but not before sliding Lysander a note.
“Bye, Mr exciting.” She said exiting the room.
The moment she left Lysander continued to hit the kid over and over again, “You damn brat, don’t you know guy code!”
After the beating the boy stomach chimed and he shot up and instantly healed from his wounds.
“Sorry Lysa-sama! Did I ruin your future bride! Shame on me and my household name, shame on you Bradley!” Lysander couldn’t help but be disgusted and shake his head at Bradley, but it made him laugh a bit.
As the door slid open, Castor strolled into the room, his seastone arm gleaming in the dim light of the ship’s quarters. His piercing gaze fell on the scene before him—a thoroughly embarrassed Lysander, an overzealous Bradley nursing his bruises, and Doll’s empty seat still radiating tension. A wide smirk tugged at the corner of Castor's mouth as he took in the aftermath, shaking his head slowly, clearly entertained by the chaos.
"Well, well," Castor said, crossing his arms and leaning casually against the doorway, "didn’t know I’d find the pirate turned Marine Lysander caught in the act of chivalry." He laughed, a low chuckle that carried both amusement and a touch of mockery. "Tell me, Lysander, what part of being a marine involves knocking a kid’s lights out for kissing the back of a lady’s hand? Real gentlemanly of you, man."
Castor continued grin, tapping his seastone fingers against his chin thoughtfully. "I mean, I'm all for tough love, but something tells me Bradley’s only crime here was the ‘Lysa-sama’ business.” Castor tilted his head, giving Lysander a mockingly sympathetic look. “Though I gotta say, if your ‘fan club’ wasn’t distracting you, maybe you’d have had a shot at sealing the deal. Miss Exciting seemed… interested.” His smirk grew as he added with a theatrical sigh, “But hey, what do I know? I’m just the guy with the stone arm here for mandatory training."
With that, Castor gave a sly wink, still clearly amused by Lysander’s flustered expression. "Anyway, we'll be docking soon. Hope you’re ready to make some new friends on Heshi, Mr. Exciting."
Adding ontop of everything another peeping Tom came from around the bend, Lysander pinched the and rubbed between his eye, “Why god must I suffer. Is this the payment for Shadreen. Curses…” he uttered under his breath.
“This walking circle is more than fine, he has Harris running through his veins, ain’t that right Cuzo!” He smacked the back of Bradley, which caused him to burp.
Lysander looked directly at Castor, “You see what I’m talking about?” He walked towards Castor Bradley following right behind him carrying his book.
“Yeah a few girls here and there have approached me, eh it’s kinda weird, but ya know, manley urges.” He chuckled to himself, he then passed by Castor patting him on the back while he past him.
“Don’t worry captain, this isn’t my first time here… Come on Bradley come carry my things to the dock.”
“Yes Lysa-sama!” Bradley was more the willing to help Lysander in any way possible, “Oh boy, master Lysa’s luggage holder I wonder what powers I will gain from it…”
Lysander stopped just before turning the corner addressing Castor one last time.
“I think you know an ex of mine, I was speaking with her the other day… but maybe it was someone else now that I’m thinking of it. Cya on the shore…Beasty.” He gave a smug grin as he existed the room leaving Castor to his own train of thought.
Castor stood still for a moment, processing Lysander’s parting words. Beasty… exes? The thought trickled through his mind like a creeping shadow, piecing itself together with unsettling clarity. He ran a hand through his hair as he connected the final dot.
"Oh hell no," he muttered, his smirk vanishing as he stiffened, realization hitting him hard. Lysander had to be talking about Summers—the Summers he met during his time in Wuxia.
He replayed the smug grin Lysander had flashed on his way out, and Castor’s expression hardened. That asshat had brought it up on purpose, no doubt just to get under his skin. Growling under his breath, he leaned his head back against the doorframe, fighting the urge to charge after Lysander right there and then.
With a deep breath, he straightened up, readying himself for the inevitable showdowns that awaited them both on Heshi Island. "This day just keeps getting better and better."
Can You Fight[]
The Marine vessel had finally arrived at the shores of Heishi, the platoon being escorted one by one.
"Would you look at this place, Heishi Island A land forged by battle-hardened spirits and grit," Bradley said carrying several large backpacks and suitcases with Lysander's stuff. Most of which was unnecessary for this kind of venture but Lysander was...Lysander.
"Aye Brad, Heishi. I haven't been here since I lost to Julian," Lysander said getting a look at the island, a lot of modernization towards it but the place looked the same. In the middle of the island was a large tree spanning towards the clouds, it was a Bizzaro Tree which provided the entire island with fresh natural oxygen as pure can be.
Lysander took a deep breath in walking across the dock, "I love this air man. You ever heard of Bizzaro boys?"
"Bizzaro...That's the hunter island right? I heard someone helped take down a Hydra from there?"
Castor stepped off the ship, squinting at the bright sunlight bouncing off the white sands of Heishi Island. He strode over to Bradley, who was visibly struggling with the stack of suitcases, each wobbling precariously with every step.
"Need a hand, kid?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Without waiting for a reply, he grabbed a couple of the larger bags, lightening Bradley’s load.
"And Bizzaro? That’s just some backwater island crawling with oversized beasts and strange plants. Weird place for weird things, I’d say. Can’t see why anyone would visit it for fun."
"What, not an animal guy huh, I want to visit that place some day. It seems awesome aint that right Brad?"
"Yes Master Lysander, that place is said to hold the strongest creatures the hunters there are so cool," Bradley pulled out a trading card of the comic character Zoolander.
Bradley turned towards Castor, "Yeah don't worry about these bags, this is all a part of my training," His large belly growled.
"Hungry again? Damn, big back."
The marines weren't the only ones who arrived on the island. The dock was flooded with countless others, different fighters and combatants from all around the world all coming together for one cause. To get better. There was many who stood with signs with fighters' names on them, typical propaganda to find those you were looking for in a short amount of time.
They continued until they saw a large sign held by the older gentlemen, it read, "Marine Unit: Hobbs". The three approached as the crowd made way for them, perhaps it was the stature of the presence they both kept or maybe it was all just fighter tingles.
"Good evening, marines. Lysander, a pleasure to meet you again after all this time. You've grown."
Lysander nodded his head forward giving a slight bow in a means of respect, "The pleasure is all mine Teacher, I'm glad to be in your presence once more."
The older man then looked towards the younger lad, "And you, Hobbs told me you his newest star, and a bit of a tango with his son. Castor correct?"
Castor sized up the older man, surprised to hear his name and reputation preceded him. He straightened, giving the man a nod. "That’s right. Castor, as you've heard. Hobbs didn’t mention much, but I’ve heard about you."
"Hobbs is always a man of surprises. My name is Collin Narfox, I am the leading rokushiki teacher here on Heishi Island. Now if you would all come follow me I will give you a brief tour of the place."
The old took the trio towards a set of three horses and a pony. Of course, Narfox gave the three horses to Castor, himself and Bradley leaving Lysander to ride the small pony. It looked like a grown man trying to ride a rocking chair horse.
"Are you serious, not this thing again." Lysander said holding his head from the pain of riding such an unpleasant steed.
The pony was picked by Lysander the last time he was here, asking for his family to pay for it and keep here in the stables, therefore Lysander would have to buy a new mount if he wished to get around Heishi.
So the group of four headed into the island as Narfox began to tell them the ways of Heishi.
As they rode through the winding paths leading into the heart of Heishi Island, Castor watched Collin Narfox intently, taking in the sense of discipline and wisdom radiating from the older man. He knew a powerful teacher when he saw one, and Narfox’s easy confidence spoke to a mastery he respected.
“So, Narfox,” Castor began, leaning forward in his saddle, “I’ve heard a lot about the martial arts training on Heishi, but what really sets it apart from other places? There are strong teachers everywhere, but fighters who come here often seem… changed.”
The trotting of the horses provided a deep ambiance that became hypnotic for the riders, Bradley had fallen asleep while riding. Strange enough he was still able to remain in control of the reigns of the horse, remaining on track with the others.
Lysander was still much behind everyone else since his horse was rather small and moved the slowest among the group.
"This is so lame, like why did I even pick this thing!" Lysander said to himself, holding his head down in shame.
Narfox and Castor exchanged conversation in the meantime, "Just because someone is able to teach, does not make them a good teacher. Heishi teaches you the ways of the warrior, the entire island down to the smallest dirt spec carries a warrior spirit. There was a warrior that founded this island hundreds of years ago, they said he was the strongest of his time." Narfox said taking a drink of his water bottle.
"Heishi is also known for its strict training, fierce scrimmages, and extreme competition. Heishi takes your ego and gives it to the other fighters empowering them. In that weakness is where the strong find strength, and the weak find death."
Castor listened intently, each of Narfox’s words feeding his sense of respect for Heishi’s reputation. There was something magnetic about the island’s ethos, a place that demanded both strength and humility.
“So, it’s not just a matter of physical strength,” Castor replied, his gaze set on the distant horizon. “It’s the mental conditioning—letting go of pride and learning to rely on instinct rather than ego.”
"No, I think you are thinking too deeply, Heishi is a punishment to everyone who enters the shores. It is the test of a warrior, something that brings you to a knee. Many have died on this island from the training..."
Castor’s confidence faltered as he absorbed Narfox’s words, realizing he might have been romanticizing Heishi’s reputation. “Oh,” he murmured, his tone a bit embarrassed as he processed just how brutal the island’s training could be.
Glancing back at Lysander, who was still struggling on his undersized pony, Castor smirked. “Well, here’s hoping you don’t die out here, Lysander. That’d be… slightly embarrassing after everything you went through.”
"Shut up kid, this aint my first rodeo. If anything I would take your own advice, after all I heard they still pick on the noobies." Lysander smirked, planting a seed of worries.
"Knock it off Northstar," Narfox said, bold and bright.
"Yes teacher." Lysander's attitude quickly shifted and for once, was tamed for a time being. There were few animals Lysander tucked his tail for, Narfox was one of them.
The old man looked towards Castor, "You as well, from now on you will refer to me as Teacher or Sage. From here on out I need the both of you to be on your best behaviour.
"Yes," Lysander replied.
Castor held back a chuckle as he saw Lysander’s brief moment of humility, swiftly silenced by Narfox’s command. It was a rare sight to see Lysander put in his place, and it gave Castor a small measure of satisfaction.
“Yes, Teacher,” Castor replied, his voice steady with respect, feeling the weight of Narfox’s presence.
They continued towards a large entrance to a LEH HTAED .
The entrance was grand and displayed a small functioning village, with tight-knit homes, the streets were clean and full of men and women from all backgrounds and all kinds. Many who noticed Narfox all greeted with as a sure sign of respect, there horses hooves alerted anyone in the street of their presence.
"Welcome to Leh Htaed. This is where you will be staying for the next three weeks. Over the next three weeks, you will be able to gain privileges that grant you more freedom of choice on this island. Instructors reward the fighters with stars, the more stars you have the more freedom you gain. You both have zero for now so I would do you best to listen and listen good."
They arrived at a house, 8876 Mihawk Lane.
"Here, go inside and settle in, I will loop back around in an hour. Do not leave the residence," he looked at Lysander, "Behave." Narfox then trotted off leaving the others.
Lysander got off the little pony, "Oh my back," he said slowly getting up. He placed his palms on his lower back and streched as far as he could. "Hey, Bradley, wake up sleeping beauty."
Bradley woke up at the sound of Lysanders voice, nearly jumping to his feet upon the horses back and holding the key to the apartment, "Tada!"
Castor shook his head with a small grin as Bradley proudly held up the key. “Let’s just get inside before Narfox decides to add laps to our training,” he said, grabbing one of Lysander’s bags to carry inside. The house was modest but comfortable, with a simple design that was unmistakably built for functionality rather than luxury. The walls were lined with basic amenities, and there was a faint, earthy smell—likely from the surrounding village and the training grounds beyond.
As they entered, Castor took a moment to look around the main room. “Alright, so we’re starting from the bottom. Zero stars,” he muttered, more to himself. “Guess that means we’re under a microscope.”
"We? Ha!" Lysander said plopping himself on the couch while Bradley put away his and Lysander's belongings.
"Stars carry over man, I've put my noobie time in."
Castor chuckled, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. “Then I guess stars don’t mean a thing,” he replied with a smirk, shooting a lighthearted jab Lysander’s way.
"Think what you want kid, people know my body." Lysander spewed back having this undying confidence in himself.
Castor burst out laughing, shaking his head. “Yeah, right,” he shot back, grinning. “I could probably beat you with one hand tied behind my back.”
"Imagine only having one hand and talks about winning. Shows the skill there pal."
Castor chuckled, leaning against the wall with a smirk. “Imagine needing a Devil Fruit just to keep up with the real fighters, huh? Didn’t you lose to Graves? Thought you’d be one of the last people throwing around big words.”
Before Lysander could respond, Castor detached his seastone arm with a quick twist and held it out casually. “Tell you what,” he grinned, letting the arm dangle loosely in his other hand, “why don’t we see if I really need two hands?”
"I was distracted, I saw a pretty girl. Graves knows damn well that shit was a fluke." Lysander said shaking his head. Hearing the air dispurse as Castor detached his arm Lysander smirked. He knew he'd already won.
"Oh gosh not the arm! Lyahahaha!" Lysander laughed as Castor's ego was clearly bruised, "Chill out tuff alright, I promise I don't want any problems," he shouted becoming mocking and covering his body.
Running out of the room in lightning speeds was that chubby Bradley, "Castor-sama, I will not let you disgrace Lysa-Kami. If you want him..." Bradley pushed up his thick black glasses, "...Then you'll have to go through me." He cracked his knuckle and raised his eyebrows in succession.
Lysander just smiled, his grin like an annoying sibling.
Castor couldn’t help but laugh as he reattached his arm, a grin spreading across his face. “Wow, Lysander, you really must be the weakest and most dishonorable of your so called Royal family. If you’re not, then your whole family must be the weakest group of humans in the world!” Castor continued, clearly getting a large kick of this entire interaction.
"Yeah, you're probably right, most of em are dead," Lysander said with slight worry on his face, but also jesting. The moment the insults came out Lysander knew to play into it, "Don't worry young padawan, you will get your moment..." He blew a kiss to Castor.
Castor laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. “Look at you, Lysander! Finally dropping the act and showing your true zesty self. I thought you were all about the tough guy persona, but it seems like you’re just a big fruitcake underneath!”
Lysander laughed, but at the same time now the young man was starting to get out of hand and out of line. Lysander was no longer a young kid who wanted to become a pirate, he was a grown man who protected his pride.
"Tell me, dog. Have you ever participated in a war? Have you ever stood on the front lines? Do you know what it's like to grow alongside a unit and watch it die? Do you know what it's like to kill a family, mother and child? Do you understand the feeling of summer feeling like a rainy fog? Do you have the sleepless nights? Cause if so then I accept your words, if not. You're just a donkey chatting shit. All bark, no bite. We can leave for the arena right now."
Castor chuckled, brushing off Lysander's serious tone with a wave of his hand. "You don't know me, Lysander. I've seen my original team get wiped out by a Lunarian. Watched them fall, one by one, and had to keep fighting through the chaos. I've killed a family of vampires just to save my dog. So don't act like you're the only one with a dark past."
He leaned forward, a grin spreading across his face.
"But hey, if you want to settle this in the arena, I’m 100% down.”
"Chee, I can see it on you. You're not a killer, a fighter I'll give you that. My uncle recognizes you so that does mean something to me. Let's go then..." Lysander stood up and walked out the house door.
Bradley, tried to stop Castor, "Castor-sama wait! Master Narfox said not to leave. I know you don't like Lysa-Kami, but you must be smart here. He has stars and you don't. It will make a bad first impression."
Castor paused at Bradley’s words, his expression softening slightly as he appreciated his companion’s concern. “I get it, Bradley. I really do. But if Lysander’s Hobbs’ nephew, it’s about time I tested myself against him. If he’s as good as he says, I want to know now, not later.”
He shifted his weight, looking towards the door where Lysander had just exited. “Besides, this is part of the training, right? I need to know where I stand if I want to earn stars and respect on this island. It’s not just about proving a point; it’s about pushing myself.”
"Oh brother!" Bradley said as he ran after Castor and Lysander.
The arena was large and was indoors, it was full of course, many fighters sitting in the stands. Battles and matches went on during all times of the day, It's surface area was just as large as a football field, built with turf grass. Both fighters stood on opposite sides across from each other.
Lysander had changed into something a little more comfortable, wearing a tank top and black shorts, no socks. Around his wrists were thin seastone that nullified his fruit powers. A key to Lysander's training was restricting himself of his full power, in order to build he had to push himself to his peak limits.
Lysander didn't have a joking expression or cheeky grin. No, in fact he was more serious and didn't talk. Bradley didn't know which was more terrifying a quiet Lysander, and angry Hobbs.
From the stands he watched with his bucket of popcorn, "Oh man, am I witnessing history? Lysander future admiral candidate vs Castor, the chosen one, another future Admiral candidate. Oh man my heart is racing like I am fighting." Brad thought taking a few sips of the large pop that came with the combo.
Castor stretched his shoulders and adjusted his stance, eyeing Lysander across the vast arena. The crowd’s excited murmurs blended into a low hum that filled the air, but he blocked it out, focusing solely on his opponent. Lysander’s silence was unexpected, and it added a new layer of intensity to the match. Gone was the playful teasing and mock bravado; in its place stood a focused, formidable adversary.
Castor’s gaze flicked briefly to the thin seastone around Lysander’s wrists. The restraint was no small gesture; it was a testament to Lysander’s commitment to growth and discipline, something Castor had not anticipated. It pushed him to dig deeper, both out of respect and to match that dedication with his own.
He cracked his knuckles, calling out to Lysander with a low but confident tone. “Glad to see you’re serious, Lysander. Let’s see if all that talk was just for show. No holding back.”
Castor shifted into a defensive stance, his mind already racing through potential moves. He knew this wasn’t just a test of physical strength but one of strategy and grit.
Lysander didn't speak to Castor, instead, he just looked deep into his soul, almost as if he was transparent. His iris was a little bigger than before, dialed and black. For all the fun and games Lysander provided when it came to battle Lysander never took it as fun, but rather war. Each and every time.
Lysander would take a deep breath in, relaxing his nerves and body in complete peace. "Let's begin." Lysander kicked off the ground ripping up a patch of turf, his speed and power behind his strides carried his quickly across the field towards Castor. Closing the distance Lysander was within the pocket of Castor. His eyes seemed to trail at multiple places at once, that sea stone arm, his hips, the shoulders, the feet.
To a seasoned fighter they could read the movements of fighters and predict possible moves to come if done correctly. Lysander attacked first coming from his left aiming to strike his ribcage.
Castor locked eyes with Lysander, feeling the intensity in his gaze. Gone was the playful banter; in its place was a fierce attitude that even Castor had to respect. As Lysander closed the gap between them, Castor observed his opponent’s calm yet deadly precision, noting the shift in his breathing and the tension in his movements.
When Lysander struck from the left, aiming for his ribs, Castor reacted with quick reflexes. He twisted his torso just enough to deflect the incoming force, letting the strike graze past him. Using the momentum, Castor pivoted on his foot, his seastone arm swinging upward in a sharp, powerful hook toward Lysander’s shoulder.
Lysander kept his head on a swivel, seeing Castor's hook coming towards him Lysander leaned onto his heels, seeming to spin past his punch allowing his sea stone arm to fully extend. Rolling his right arm he aimed to strike Castor upon the temple of his head.
Castor felt the whoosh of air as his punch missed, his seastone arm fully extended, leaving an opening that Lysander immediately exploited. He saw the flash of movement from the corner of his eye—Lysander’s fist aiming straight for his temple.
Reacting swiftly, Castor tightened his core and dropped low, letting Lysander’s strike just skim over his head. With his free hand, Castor planted it firmly on the turf, using it to spring back up with a powerful, low uppercut aimed at Lysander’s midsection.
Seeing his fist whiz by Castor he opened his hand palming the top of his head, using his right arm as leverage Lysander sprang himself upwards creating a vertical handstand in which he avoided Castor's uppercut, Lysander performed a back flip landing on the right side of Castor. Again he attacked, closing the distance.
Lysander cocking his right hand backward launched three strikes towards Castor's forearm, elbow and shoulder, at the same time keeping his left hand free to combat another attack.
The moment Lysander's strikes connected, Castor activated Tekkai, hardening his muscles into an impenetrable defense that absorbed the blows with ease. Lysander’s fist struck against his forearm, elbow, and shoulder, but each impact felt like hitting solid iron, barely causing Castor to budge.
As soon as Lysander finished his strikes, Castor deactivated Tekkai in one fluid motion, using the momentum of Lysander’s attacks against him. Castor shot forward, targeting vulnerable points on Lysander’s body that would be difficult to guard—first a quick, precise jab aimed at Lysander’s solar plexus, followed by an open-palm strike directed at his collarbone. He finished his combination with a rapid low sweep toward Lysander’s knee, aiming to destabilize him entirely.
"The Tekkai technique, it was like hitting an iron wall. But how did he do that, it felt like flexed muscles." Lysander thought while he struck Castor, "This defensive technique would be great with my fruit, maybe I could even fortify myself more..." As his third strike landed he could sense the shifting of his tense body back to a fluid motion, a shot towards his solar plexus.
A heavy strike to someone who wasn't prepared for it, with his left hand free Lysander met the initial ja, his palm wrapped around the fist of Castor. The weight behind his strike was there but nothing Lysander hadn't seen or had been tested by before. Tossing the hand away he moved his right arm to block the palm strike hitting his arm upwards, the destabilization was stopped as Lysander attempted to head-butt Castor directly in the face, looking to break his nose.
Castor felt his jab intercepted, his palm strike deflected with surprising finesse, leaving him open to Lysander’s next move. Lysander closed the gap, launching his head forward in a brutal head-butt aimed directly at Castor's face.
At the last second, Castor leaned his head to the side, avoiding a direct hit, but the impact still grazed his cheekbone, sending a slight shock of pain through his face. Recovering quickly, Castor countered, seizing the momentum of Lysander’s forward motion to his advantage. He twisted his seastone arm, using its weight to press down on Lysander’s shoulder, pinning him just long enough to throw a rapid knee strike toward Lysander's midsection.
A flying knee towards his stomach connected, his body flexed as he braced for impact, Lysander's arms quickly wrapped around his legs. He seemed to simply embrace the attack although it gave him a good sting. Lysander planted both of his feet and still holding onto his leg he aimed to slam Castor into the ground. Lysander kicked back a few feet to reassess.
Seeing the impending takedown, Castor had to act fast. With a quick pivot of his hips, he leveraged the height difference to his advantage. As Lysander prepared to slam him down, Castor kicked off the ground, using his free leg to drive a powerful upward knee strike toward Lysander’s chin.
Lysander noticed the knee coming to his chin, but it looked like a worthy trade-off. Still in the air, Lysander took a shot on the jaw, causing his neck to snap back. He clenched his jaw to avoid biting his tongue off, yet he still remained upright. A sudden thought struck his mind, he basked in this moment. Sometimes he'd forgotten what it was like to feel real pain.
It wasn't enough to knock him down or topple him, but he did take a few steps backward before regaining his balance. Wasting no time with his arms still wrapped around Castor's leg Lysander swung his momentum towards the ground aiming to slam Castor on his back.
Castor felt the impact as his back hit the turf, the slam sending a shockwave through his body. Gritting his teeth, he used the momentum to his advantage. As soon as he hit the ground, he tensed his core and swung his seastone prosthetic arm upward in a powerful, well-aimed jab toward Lysander's ribs, targeting a vulnerable area that would be hard to defend given Lysander's position.
Simultaneously, he used his free leg to launch a quick, low kick toward the back of Lysander's knee, hoping to destabilize his opponent’s stance. This double-pronged counterattack forced Lysander to either release his hold or risk leaving himself open to even more of Castor’s strikes.
A powerful blow to Lysander's ribs, the sea stone taking a bigger effect on his body since he was a fruit user, already limiting himself with the cuffs. He spat out some air as he collected himself, Lysander felt a kick to his knee causing him to fall to his knee as well. His grip on Castor's leg remained.
Lysander locked Castor's ankle snugly in between his left arm restricting much movement. With his right arm, Lysander formed a hammer fist and aimed to bring it down upon the top of Castor's knee with vicious intent, followed by another punch aimed towards the side of his knee. Lysander became keen and aware of Castor's evasiveness, he would often pull on his ankle to trip him up and keep him locked into one place.
Castor felt the pressure tighten around his ankle as Lysander locked it down. He gritted his teeth, noticing the focused glint in Lysander's eyes—this was no longer just sparring.
As Lysander’s hammer fist came down, Castor quickly activated Tekkai again, hardening the muscles around his knee just in time to absorb the first and then second blow. The impacts were still jarring, but the hardened muscles minimized the damage. He immediately deactivated Tekkai, knowing that keeping it up too long would slow his reaction speed, as moving with Tekkai was near impossible.
To break Lysander's hold, Castor twisted his upper body, using his free leg and core strength to launch a powerful upward kick aimed at Lysander’s jaw, hoping to dislodge his grip. At the same time, he used his seastone arm to jab at Lysander’s collarbone, seeking to weaken his hold further and create an opening for an escape.
"Tekkai again..." Lysander felt Castor's body shift from twisting a barreling head kick, to a quick block using his right arm, it was like a bat struck his arm, anyone would wince at the pain, but adrenaline kept him going, pain wasn't a feeling to him. He did let go of Castor's ankle, with his left hand now free he brought both up in a guard as Castor's punch connected.
Lysander was sent backward, which eventually turned into a spinning backflip landing a bit away from Castor. "I know there's got to be a way around that damn defense, but what...I'm limited in power right now, so brute force isn't the way to go, but maybe..."
Lysander took another deep breath, he could feel where the strikes from the sea stone had hit him, but honestly, it was nice to have someone he could compete with. Even though he was young Lysander understood what Hobbs was saying when he first told him about Castor.
A few weeks ago... Marine Base G-2.
Hobbs, Harvey, and Lysander all sat in an office room, Hobbs sitting directly across from the two others. Hobbs has just finished telling them his grand plan, they both look unamused and ashamed.
"That's so weird? Why would you even do that?" Harvey said seeming to be way more mad than Lysander.
"I mean if that's what you want to do uncle, do as you must. But aren't you like important in the world?" Lysander asked.
"That's what successors are for, you both need to see the bigger picture. I will not be leaving the people high and dry, you know that kid Castor? Great kid, got potential too, read up on his records, even seen some of his skill in work. He fought Jackson and survived so that tells you something right?"
Harvey shook his head, "Not again with this Castor kid, please. You won't stop rambling on about him and that damn group...What was it again?"
"TRIGON," Lysander replied.
Hobbs laughed, "TRIGON is going to be the boost the Marines need in the world. The new beacon of hope. I have already found a few worthy candidates in mind, Castor and Graves being among the few in my batch..." Hobbs paused for a moment before glancing upon his nephew and son.
"...Lysander, over these past few months you've shown good progress and stayed out of trouble, although your company is seen as something to be monitored, I have faith in you as a man,*Inaudible Lysander that you will honor that name."
"...Man I hate it when everyone uses family names. I will I will..."
"Good, I want you to be the new leader of this thing alright. With that being said, when you go to Heishi I'm sending Castor with you, I want you to gauge him assess him as a warrior and tool, and see what he's good at and what he's not. Around a good group of guys, I swear this kid can be the next best thing, hell even if you have to get underneath his skin, I don't care. His training starts now."
"Yes uncle," Lysander said accepting the terms with ease. "But do we have to accept that guy Graves though? He's such a buzz kill..."
"Huff...Huff..." Lysander stood before Castor looking to gauge his breath, slowing everything down, his hands were extended as if he was ready for any sort of swift move to intercept.
Castor couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as he saw Lysander steadying his breath. "What’s wrong, Lysander? Already huffing and puffing? Thought someone like you would have a bit more wind in him."
Without hesitation, Castor shifted his stance, vanishing with a swift Soru and reappearing at Lysander’s left side. He followed up with a crushing punch from his seastone arm, the blow amplified by the arm's built-in boosters, adding devastating power and speed.
Lysander ignored the remarks from Castor at this point everything around him had tuned out and his instincts and body seemed to kick into overdrive for a brief moment. When Castor switched his stance, Lysander clocked the waist, he leaned forward just a bit, he was coming towards him. At the same time Lysander implemented Soru and Geppo reappearing above Castor avoiding the punch.
Castor’s eyes flicked up just in time to see Lysander appearing above him, moving with impressive speed and agility. He smirked, recognizing that Lysander wasn’t just on the defensive—he was positioning himself for an aerial advantage.
Instead of waiting to see what Lysander would do next, Castor used Geppo, launching himself diagonally to Lysander’s side midair. In the same motion, he extended his seastone arm, aiming to catch Lysander off guard with a fast, upward jab toward his ribs. The strike, if it connected, would exploit the proximity of the fight and the element of surprise.
Lysander chopped Castor's seastone arm downward knocking him off balance, Lysander then used Soru and reappeared at Castor's side "Shiju Kidoho". Lysanders right arm snapped fast like a viper's jaws towards the left side of Castor's body exposed after catching a flank, Lysander's finger stiffened as a series of concentrated jabs with the finger pistol were attempted.
Lysander's movements were like a moving blur the way his hands and arms looked, several shots were to aimed to penetrate Castor.
Castor barely had a moment to react as Lysander's speed left him almost a blur, his arm knocked off balance by the chop. As Lysander reappeared at his flank, Castor could sense the intensity behind each precise jab. The Shiju Kidoho strikes were swift and relentless, forcing Castor to engage his defensive techniques at maximum focus.
Reacting in a split second, Castor activated Kami-e, loosening his body as he twisted away from some of the jabs with snake-like fluidity. Yet, not every strike could be avoided—some grazed him, leaving shallow cuts along his side. Feeling the sting, he smirked through the pain, admiring Lysander’s precision even as he braced to counter.
Using the momentum from his own twists and turns, Castor followed up with a quick rotation, thrusting his seastone arm forward. He aimed a powerful hook shot towards Lysander’s right side, pouring his strength into it to break through Lysander's bones if landed.
Lysander leaned and twisted his body to the right watching Castor's arm skip across his chest and past his left shoulder, he followed up with a powerful highkick aimed for Castor's jaw.
As Lysander executed his high kick, time seemed too slow for Castor, who instinctively dropped his center of gravity and pivoted on his right foot to absorb the impact. With a quick pivot, he brought his seastone arm up to intercept the kick, bracing himself for the force.
The impact reverberated through Castor, causing his arm to tremble slightly, but he remained steady. His focus intensified and his eyes narrowed as he quickly shifted back into a low stance.
Seizing the brief moment after the kick, Castor retaliated with a rapid series of counter-strikes. He unleashed a flurry of quick jabs aimed at Lysander's midsection, utilizing both speed and technique, knowing that maintaining the offensive was crucial to keeping Lysander on the defensive.
The two marines were going at it, what once was a test of strength quickly turned into a full-on scrimmage. Castor was resilient in his movements and attacks, he had an answer for everything, anyone in the crowd could tell he meant business and was a promising man. The crowd cheered as the two clashed back and forth, Castor on the advance towards Lysanders.
A series of hooks, rights, lefts, uppercuts, low jabs, and high jabs all flew towards Lysander in a repeated fashion, Lysander seeming to meet Castor attacks, matching the flow of which he paced at, although in between punches the two fighters exchanged blows every now and then. Lysander switched to a different style approached.
Kicking off the air Lysander shot upwards then another kick of the sky launching him back towards Castor, forming a spear kick.
Castor's eyes widened momentarily as he recognized the trajectory of the incoming attack. Instinctively, he prepared to counter. He shifted his weight backward and dropped into a defensive stance, ready to absorb the impact. Just as Lysander descended with his spear kick, Castor pivoted to his left, using the momentum of the kick to slip past the attack.
With deft precision, Castor followed up immediately. As Lysander got closer to the ground, still in the motion from his kick, Castor aimed a swift jab with his seastone arm at Lysander's newly exposed side, hoping to catch him off-balance and capitalize on the opening created by his airborne maneuver. The crowd held its breath, fully engaged in the thrilling back-and-forth spectacle, cheering for both warriors as they demonstrated their strength and skill.
Castor slipped past Lysanders initial kick Castor's arm came crashing down on Lysadner's left side, however a quick shigan double jab to the stomach. Lysander was sent towards the ground before recovering, kicking off the air by mixing Soru in his steps he closed the distance and soon reached back to Castor, he feinted a kick by shifting his hips to expose Castor's right side but used Soru again to appear of the left side of his midsection aiming to crash him towards the ground.
Lysander’s feint was sharp and executed with pinpoint timing. Castor’s eyes instinctively followed the initial hip shift, bracing for the anticipated kick, but Lysander’s true move unfolded in an instant. In a blur, Lysander used Soru, disappearing and reappearing at Castor’s left side, his fist crashing toward Castor’s midsection.
At the last possible moment, Castor activated Tekkai, his body hardening like steel. Lysander’s punch connected, but instead of driving Castor down, the impact was largely absorbed, creating only a slight tremor in Castor’s stance. Castor staggered back just a half step, the residual force of Lysander’s strike evident, but he remained upright, through he wasnt unfazed.
Without hesitation, Castor retaliated. His hardened muscles softened as he deactivated Tekkai, allowing him to move with fluid precision. He quickly closed the gap, his right hand forming into a claw as he aimed for Lysander’s shoulder, intent on throwing him off-balance. With his other arm, he followed it up with a close-range Shigan aimed at Lysander's abdomen. The movements were relentless, a controlled flurry designed to test every ounce of Lysander’s defenses.
Castor's sea stone claw latched onto the left shoulder of Lysander, Lysander also grabbed ahold of his shoulder with his slight height advantage. The two clashed in the air, as they both used Geppo to support themselves in this aerial combat. Castor's free arm flung towards Lysander's mid-section a shigan to pierce his body.
Lysander kept his eyes locked on Castor's movements, those key points that indicated movement, he reacted accordingly his right hand intercepting the clash of his rokushiki. Castor would find his finger jammed against the cuffs of the seastone on his wrist, a resourceful way of thinking. Lysander's slight of hand found his grip around the wrist of Castor.
With Lysander and Castor interlocked Castor was in the perfect pocket of space, Lysander again shooting his head towards Castor aimed to hit him in the face.
As Lysander’s head shot forward in a swift attempt to headbutt Castor, Castor acted with instinctual precision. Seeing the incoming attack, he quickly unclasped his seastone claw from Lysander’s shoulder, his sharp mind and trained reflexes immediately putting it to use in a counter.
With a sharp twist of his torso, Castor brought his seastone fist up and aimed a swift jab toward Lysander's neck. The strike was calculated and intense, utilizing the close-quarters positioning to keep Lysander within range. The seastone arm, though heavy, moved with surprising speed and accuracy as Castor angled it precisely to strike a nerve point at the base of Lysander’s neck.
Lysander while landing the strike was caught exposed, a smashing overhand strike to the neck, the rattling from the seastone stirred his DNA feeling double the effects from the material. His body seemed to freeze for a brief moment as he was sent towards the ground.
"OOOOOOOOoooooooooo..." The crowd cheered at the clash taken place. Lysander seemed to will himself out of his funk and kicked off the air and headed towards the tournament flooring. He panted a few meters skidding back, he was growing rather angry, a hit like that shifted his mental state.
"Bastard..." he uttered under his breath the atmosphere from the crowd his rage swirled, he looked to his wrist and began to unshackle his cuffs, the dial on his back beginning to swirl as his body began to hiss.
Castor’s smirk spread as he noticed Lysander’s growing intensity. He watched as Lysander began to unshackle his cuffs, his gaze locking onto the swirling dial on Lysander's back, a telltale sign that things were about to escalate.
"Finally, Lysander," Castor called out, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "So, you’re going all out? Guess it's only fair I do the same."
With a quick flex of his arm, Castor settled into a new stance, every muscle bracing for what was about to come. He shifted his weight forward, signaling he was ready for the oncoming storm, eager to match Lysander’s unleashed power head-on.
"That is enough Lysander..." Before Castor or Lysander even noticed Narfox had already re-cuffed Lysander and restrained his arms. "...You dare break your own rules? How foolish of you boy, you must've forgotten, Narfox said swiftly striking Lysander across the jaw.
Lysander slumped over rather quickly as he spat out blood, he remained composure. Narfox was accompanied by a few staff from the island. The grabbed ahold of Lysander, pushing him down to retaliate.
Narfox locked eyes with Castor, "You..." He began to walk towards Castor, "...You disobey already? Only just arriving on the island? Who do you think you are?"
Castor straightened himself, feeling the tension thick in the air as Narfox approached. Keeping a calm and respectful expression, he raised his hands slightly in a non-threatening gesture.
Narfox sir," Castor began, his tone polite but steady, "we were only having a... 'friendly' sparring match. I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries."
He glanced at Lysander, who was now subdued, but kept his focus on Narfox. "Isn't that the purpose of this island? To test ourselves against others and grow stronger? I didn’t think a bit of competition between fellow Marines would be an issue."
Castor’s eyes stayed locked with Narfox's, his expression respectful but also outrageously confident.
"If you wanted free will you should've been a pirate..." Narfox said, "...You know nothing of respect and you are an uncaged animal. It's disgusts me." Nafox took a few more steps toward Castor, "You ignored direct orders because of your battle lust, pride, and ego. Your skill has driven your judgment of making the right decision clouded. You are a fool and low class."
Narfox looked Castor up and down with both of his hands behind his back, "Do not worry. We tame animals here."
Castor held his ground as Narfox advanced, unflinching even as the man's words cut deep. The insult about being "low class" and "an animal" lingered in the air, but Castor kept his expression steady, a faint smirk appearing at the corner of his mouth.
"Funny," Castor replied, voice calm but edged with defiance. "The way you're talking about pride, ego, and clouded judgment... anyone listening might think you were talking about yourself."
He tilted his head slightly, keeping his eyes locked on Narfox’s, a glint of challenge in his gaze. "But I suppose that must be my 'low-class' instincts talking."
The whole crowd began to laugh, along with the guards, even Lysander smirked for the first time during the altercation, "This kid's got balls..."
Soon the crowd started to chant over and over again, the warriors in the building swelling with spirit, "Domesticate! Domesticate! Domesticate!"
"Look at the pup bark eh boys," Narfox said turning his attention to the guards.
Castor 's smirk widen at the crowd’s reaction. He could feel the energy in the air, the chants pushing a thrill through him.
“Looks like they’re as eager as you are, Sir,” he said, voice smooth, letting the crowd’s chanting fuel his words. “Though I’d hate to disappoint them, I’m not one to be domesticated.”
“But if you really think you can ‘tame’ me…” Castor’s eyes sparked with a fearless challenge, “…then why not give it your best shot?”
"Animal, are you sure?"
Castor’s expression darkened, his playful demeanor vanishing, replaced with a cold resolve. He took a step forward, eyes locked onto Narfox with a deadly seriousness that hushed the lingering laughter of the crowd.
“As sure as I’ve ever been,” he replied, his voice low and intense.
His muscles tensed as he entered a battle-ready stance, his mind racing through everything he knew about Narfox’s skill. He couldn’t afford to underestimate him, not with that level of mastery in Rokushiki and the ruthless authority Narfox commanded. Every fiber of Castor’s body was primed for the fight, ready to react the moment Narfox made his move.
Narfox turned to the crowd and held up his hand sticking out his thumb, "Ye or neh?"
The crowd yelled, "YE".
Narfox smiled, and Lysander simply sat on the sidelines having calmed down, "How long before Narfox puts him down?" He said to one of the guards.
"I'd say in about seven moves or less," the guard says.
"You think so? Narfox hasn't domesticated anyone in a long time since that guy came here?"
"I guess you're right, alright I change my bet, 10 moves or less."
"You guys are both idiots I got three moves or less..." Lysander replied.
"Your fate has been chosen, you will sleep outside tonight...Animal." Narfox said to Castor, an intimidating aura surged from Narfox.
Narfox took the first step towards Castor, but his step finished it manifesting infront of Castor. Already inches away from the marines center sternum was Narfox, his body slanted to the side his left arm extended outward flexed and fortified down to the palm and fingers from using Tekkai. The strike created a rippling effect into the air itself, as ringing and pressurized shockwaves were spread forth from his palm, looking to deliver a destructive blow off the rip.
Narfox's movements were completely abnormal from his given age, the old man was miles faster than Lysander had shown thus far. The pressure and momentum from the strike felt built up like a bowling ball dropped from a high building. those who sat behind Castor in the stands could feel the momentum swirling through the air before anyone could even see Narfox already extended towards him.
Narfox's strike connected squarely with Castor's chest, sending him flying backward like a cannonball. The blow was devastating, a testament to Narfox's mastery of Tekkai, and the shockwave rippled through the air, leaving a lingering pressure that resonated throughout the arena. Castor was pushed back, his body absorbing the impact, but he caught himself mid-air, his eyes narrowing with an unshaken determination. He couldn’t deny the sheer power behind Narfox’s strike, but his confidence remained unbroken.
As Castor steadied himself, his eyes flashed with confidence. His seastone arm whirred with a metallic hum as he activated its overdrive mode, the blue sheen intensifying into a brilliant glow. Castor exhaled, his expression serious—he knew now that he couldn’t afford to hold anything back.
In one swift motion, he dashed forward, moving at a blistering speed that surpassed even his previous bout with Lysander. He launched himself with such force that the ground below cracked from the pressure, his form a near blur as he approached Narfox. Castor's movements were fluid yet precise, a testament to his conditioning and control. His speed was such that even the seasoned warriors in the crowd struggled to follow him, their heads snapping as they tried to keep up.
This was the same raw speed he’d once used to match a Lunarian even if it was brief—a speed reserved only for his fiercest opponents. The arena air hummed with tension as Castor closed the distance, his muscles coiled, ready to unleash the full brunt of his strength on Narfox.
Narfox remained unphased and unshaken, the crowd roared and cheered. Narfox again began a fluid movement as Castor recovered in a swift motion and launched himself towards Narfox, his trajectory erupted the turf field as he jetted towards him.
Castor closed in on the old man, his fist already seeming to pass Narfox's defense. They locked eyes. Narfox just shook his head in disappointment, "You shame yourself, animal..." Castor looked like he was about to land on Narfox but was sadly mistaken.
Using the paper art technique Narfox twisted and bent his body, switching himself to pivot towards the side of Castor, his movements were perplexing and refined. A move practiced over 10,000 times in decades of skilled work in motion, Narfox shot another pressurized Tekkai palm strike towards the exposed side of Castor's throwing arm aimed for the ribcage. The impact exploded from the sheer thrust power of Narfox, for such a small old man packed power beyond belief.
As Narfox's pressurized Tekkai palm strike came crashing in, Castor's eyes flashed with a sly confidence. Just before impact, he loosened his body in an uncannily similar way to Narfox's, using Kami-e with surprising skill. He was bouncy and fluid, bending and twisting at the last possible moment to avoid a rib-aimed palm by less than an inch. The crowd gasped, taken aback by Castor's flawless imitation of Narfox's technique—a feat they hadn't expected from the newcomer.
As he spun past the strike, Castor's grin spread further apart. "I can do that too," he sneered, his voice stable and derogatory. In the same smooth motion, Castor's seastone arm clicked and hissed, its machinery whirring as he activated its disarm function. The arm blasted forward at Narfox with the incredible speed of a blinding strike, but this time it detached mid-strike, flying toward Narfox's torso like a high-speed projectile.
Narfox senses were tuned in, picking up on the smallest of details, "All bark no bite," he said smiling with that same cocky grin as Castor, as if he liked he dodged. Castor went to attack Narfox again cocking back his arm of seastone towards Narfox, the arm dis lodging itself shooting towards Narfox chest.
Catching it with his palm, Narfox used his free hand and grabbed ahold of the circuit line that connected the arm to the shoulder, performing a razor kick he sliced the cord in one fluid movement, dislodging the arm from connecting to Castor.
"Did you want this?" The crowd began to laugh.
Castor chuckled along with the crowd, seeming unfazed by Narfox’s precise disarmament. A grin crept onto his face as he shrugged, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "You fell for it," he said, his voice low but confident. With a deliberate press of a hidden button on his wrist, the detached seastone arm in Narfox's hand began to hum, rapidly heating up as if primed to explode.
Narfox saw the thick stone start to warm, his palms becoming sensitive to the rough edge. Quick thinking the master plunged the arm into the ground and axe kicked it launching the arm deep into the statidum ground. The power from his extreme kick, sent shockwaves through the arena which caused another eruption of cheer.
Dust kicked up blocking the line of sight from Narfox which he eventually broke performing a rapid double strike attacking the midsection of Castor.
Castor's grin widened as Narfox fell right into his trap, his attention diverted by the seastone arm he’d embedded deep into the arena floor. Castor had never intended it to explode — instead, it was now precisely where he wanted it, away from Narfox.
In a swift, calculated move, Castor used a combination of Soru and Geppo to maneuver through the dusty haze and reorient himself and narrowly dodging Narfox’s attack. Moving with pinpoint accuracy, he closed in on the spot where Narfox’s powerful kick had driven the arm into the ground. In a heartbeat, he reached down and attached a backup cord from his own gear, reconnecting to the arm’s core systems.
As the dust began to settle, a glimmer of satisfaction spread across Castor's face, his smirk returning with renewed confidence. His eyes narrowed, locking onto Narfox. "You’re predictable, old man," Castor taunted, his voice dripping with a cocky assurance as he prepared his next strike. His prosthetic arm, forged from seastone, began to glow again, heating up to an intense temperature as he infused it with his power.
Without missing a beat, Castor executed a seamless combination of Geppo and Soru, his body blurring as he flickered between different positions in midair. His movements were erratic and unpredictable, a blur of motion with no fixed path—he was everywhere and nowhere at once, planning to keep Narfox on edge.
With a sudden burst of speed, Castor shot forward, his seastone arm outstretched and blazing with heat. The punch he threw was a blur of raw power and precision, aimed directly at Narfox’s chest. It wasn’t just a strike—it was a force designed to overwhelm, to overwhelm Narfox's attempt to block with Tekkai or otherwise and land with the weight of a freight train.
Castor's confidence was recognized by all who were displayed onto the crowd, even Narfox could see that he found strength in his abilities, he was tricky, nimble, and quick. This confidence allowed him to excel in the field of combat, Narfox knew of this well, but testing it out first hand was something to experience. He was better than expected, he thought to himself if Hobbs had downplayed to increase his training.
Narfox smiled at himself he felt the ground shift when Castor pulled his arm back into it's socket, he could hear the mechanical springs and gears shifting and bending, his years of battles and time served honed the natural sense to a new level of awareness being able to single out sounds becoming numb to them.
The tapping of Castor's feet leaving the ground gave Narfox a split second to shift and bend his stance, indeed Castor's speed wasn't seen by the naked eye, but instinct and readiness is what held Narfox among the elite, always thinking 3 moves ahead. Castor shot forward Narfox outstretching his hands forming two palms, the attack was aimed for his chest, but just as fast as Castor moved, Narfox matched that speed all the same, his grey hairs playing a deceitful game.
Narfox ducked and advanced forward as the seastone arm of Castor flew past his ear, the sheer heat waves caused slight burns to his left ear and neck, but even then Narfox skill was on display, only moving enough needed to attack. As he reached the torso of Castor he outstretched his right hand aiming it towards his gut, fingers woven like a knife ready to pierce.
"Shitotsu!" His hand shot faster than a bullet from a gun, the shigan technique used at a point-blank range.
As Narfox’s Shitotsu strike barreled toward Castor’s midsection like a bullet, Castor's instincts kicked in. At the last possible moment, he activated Tekkai, his muscles locking into an unyielding state of defense. Narfox’s hand impacted Castor's torso with immense force, the pressure rippling through the arena, yet Castor barely budged.
Though he was sent skidding back several feet, his footing remained solid, and his smirk never faded. "Nice try, old man," Castor said, his voice calm but charged with the heat of the battle. He glanced down at his torso, the spot where Narfox's attack landed slightly smoldering from the friction.
As Narfox's follow-through left him momentarily extended, Castor wasted no time. With a burst of Soru, he shot forward again, his body moving like a blur. Using his seastone arm’s recharged servos, Castor threw a feint jab with the mechanical arm, aiming for Narfox's upper torso.
But it was a setup.
In the same motion, Castor twisted his torso and unleashed a powerful Shigan with his natural hand, aiming directly for Narfox’s now-exposed ribcage, a cunning counterattack that exploited even the smallest opening in Narfox's legendary defense.
"Tekkai: Muteki no Kyoheki" Narfox uttered as he positioned himself straight up his body became still as Castor threw the feint but exercised a shigan toward his ribcage, His finger struck his body, but was met with iron mass of no other, skin hard enough to warp his fingerbone, causing a severe finger jam. His body would ricochet the finger and Narfox pivoted with a swift kick aimed for his claves to sweep him off of his feet.
Castor's finger struck Narfox's iron-hard body, the force of the impact jarring through his hand as his bone protested under the immense resistance. He winced slightly but didn’t let the pain slow him. As Narfox pivoted with a powerful kick aimed at his calves, Castor's instincts flared.
In a split second, Castor leaped into the air, twisting his body to avoid the sweeping kick. Using the momentum of the dodge, he transitioned seamlessly into a frontflip, his agility on full display. Mid-flip, Castor shifted his weight forward, bringing his body into a controlled descent, and with the force of a hammer falling, he unleashed a devastating axe kick aimed directly at Narfox’s skull.
The crowd erupted at the breathtaking display of speed and fluidity, their chants intensifying as Castor committed fully to the attack.
"Weak and slow," Narfox said, as Castor leapt into the air Narfox watched the Marine pivot and twist he stepped to the side, using soru looking like a blur. For a second only Narfox locked eyes with Castor, his almost looking beast like, seeing a tiger's own soul in replace of his own. Another devastating strike a perfectly executed side kick aimed to send Castor crashing toward the Lysander and the others.
As Narfox blurred out of sight with Soru, Castor's sharpened reflexes kicked in. His instincts flflared, sensing the tiger-like ferocity behind Narfox's incoming attack. Even as the crowd roared, the overwhelming pressure of Narfox's aura bearing down on him, Castor's focus never wavered. He twisted his torso mid-air, his seastone arm moving instinctively to intercept.
Using his enhanced agility, Castor dropped his upper body lower while in the air, minimizing the angle of the side kick. With a precise twist of his hips, he aligned his seastone arm to deflect the strike. As Narfox's foot connected with his prosthetic, Castor leveraged the momentum, spinning into a tight barrel roll in mid-air to avoid being sent flying. The rotation propelled him downward in a controlled motion, his feet slamming into the ground with enough force to crack the arena floor.
In one fluid motion, Castor used the recoil to lunge forward, closing the distance between himself and Narfox with astonishing speed. His seastone arm lit up, a faint hum emanating from within as he activated its shockwave generator. With Narfox still recovering from the side kick, Castor delivered a piston punch—a high-powered strike aimed at Narfox’s chest. The punch carried not only the enhanced force of the prosthetic but also a concussive blast designed to stagger Narfox.
"Desperate..." Castor's fluid motions ripped towards Narfox and Narfox towards Castor, as they collided a large explosion picked up dust and debris. For the first time since their battle the arena was silent, and as Narfox was slowly reveled posture unbroken and unphased.
"...But brave! Be proud in your defeat." He said unto Castor as he over looked him on the ground.
Castor groaned as he pushed himself off the cracked ground, his breaths shallow but determined. He wiped the blood trickling from the corner of his mouth with a smirk, his seastone arm twitching slightly from the sheer force of their collision.
"Defeat? Is that what this is?" Castor chuckled, his voice ragged yet defiant. He staggered upright, his legs trembling but refusing to buckle. "For a guy who’s spent decades ‘domesticating animals,’ you sure talk a big game for dodging most of the fight."
He coughed, spitting blood onto the arena floor as he took a single step toward Narfox. "You should be the one proud, old man. You just went toe-to-toe with someone who hasn’t even reached his prime yet." His grin widened, though it was clearly strained.
As the words left his mouth, Castor’s legs finally gave out. He collapsed to his knees, his seastone arm clanking heavily against the ground before he toppled forward, unconscious. The crowd erupted into cheers and jeers, their energy filling the arena as Narfox stood victorious over the downed Marine.
"Domesticating means remaining intact, but your a stranger to that..." Narfox pointed at his arm mocking Castor loosing his arm, "...You are far from your prime, far, far from it. But you've done well today despite your dickish tongue. Don't worry young man always room for growth." Narfox looked towards the staff and nodded his head, before performing some gestures. Lysander and Castor were both hit with stun caps that latched onto their bodies shocking the living hell out of them.
Lysander passed out on the bench being fried and the guards caught him, escorting him out of the arena, along with the passed out Castor.
Rebuilt and Reborn[]
August 19th
Lysander and Castor both sat in individual black cubed boxes. Their location was somewhere disclosed on the island, they were stripped down to the boxers and placed in cuffs bound with hands and feet. The boxes were generating intense heat as they at in a high place, shinning sunrays cooking them as if it was an oven.
This was the most brutal forms of punishment for the fighters that broke the rules, one of many that is. Many died during this, and only the strong were able to survive and overcome such odds. The boxes were sound proof allowing nothing in and nothing out, while there was a thick glass impenetrable by design.
Inside the sweltering black box, Castor sat cross-legged on the scalding metal floor, his body glistening with sweat as the oppressive heat bore down on him. Every breath felt like inhaling fire, but his expression remained calm, his eyes closed as he focused inward.
He had long since tuned out the pain, pushing the unbearable sensations to the background of his awareness. His seastone arm rested limply at his side, as lifeless as the room felt. Each deep breath he took was deliberate, measured, and controlled.
In his mind, the unbearable heat transformed into a distant hum, like the background noise of a forgotten memory.
"It's just a test," he thought, the faintest smirk touching his lips. "And I've been through worse."
The silence in the box was absolute, but in his mind, there was clarity. Castor meditated not on escape, nor survival, but on becoming unshakable. Every drop of sweat, every pang of discomfort, was another step toward mastering his body and mind.
In the other box Lysander was doing something more unorthodox, he was doing planks, placing his skin onto the hot floor which sizzled enough to bake a egg. The sun touched his back turning his light olive skin into a deep bronze and brown. The sweat from his body was other worldy, he'd forgotten this feeling.
The box.
It was a place for the mind, not the body. Even when it hurt the body, only one could break from the mental, he took deep repeated breaths, with every inhale it was like chain smoking cotton swaps to the chest, but Lysander pushed through it. His body shook from the time he planked, on the wall there was a number of tallies etched into the wall from his nails during the cool of the night,
"My body hurts more than usual it doesn't feel... Normal. It's not the cuffs I'm used to that pain, could it be my health?" Lysander tried to keep his mind elsewhere other than the act of planking. Anywhere else was better than this.
Approaching the two boxes was Narfox but he was escorted by a rather tall and handsome young man. He stood many feet above Narfox with broad shoulders and striking blonde hair, his skin was olive peach and was muscular from head to toe.
"So you got this lame, and the new kid. Rumor has it that kid was keeping up with you is that true?" The mysterious man said.
"Oh stop it. He is good yes, but his pride will get him killed. Sometimes in this world physicality isn't the only tool needed to become the best. With your brother on the other hand, his take to the marines was a rather odd turn of events...What do you think of that?" Narfox asked.
"Trust me that kid is getting an ass whooping. Why the Marines out of all sides, he knows about Mom and her situation its a weird look, and too we were supposed to team up together. What a loser!" The stranger said shaking his head.
They reached the front of both boxes and Narfox pulled out a remote out of his pocket and clicked a code button which opened the window glass from a mechanical mechanism.
The moment Lysander heard the gears shift and turn his eyes widened and he took his body weight unto his arms, with a pushup Lysander shot himself into the air landing on top of the black box. His eyes took a while to adjust for the sun.
The gears of Castor’s black box groaned as the window mechanism slid open, allowing a flood of sunlight to pour into the oppressive chamber. A rush of superheated air escaped, but inside, Castor sat unmoved, his eyes still closed as if the change in environment hadn’t even registered.
After a moment, Castor inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the first fresh air he’d had in hours. His eyes opened, calm and focused, as he slowly stood. Beads of sweat rolled down his body, but his posture remained composed, his movements deliberate.
Without a word, Castor stepped out of the box and into the blinding sunlight, his expression unflinching. His seastone arm gleamed faintly, catching the light as he flexed his fingers slightly, testing their range. He took a long look at the stranger standing next to Narfox, his eyes narrowing slightly but betraying no emotion.
“Well,” Castor said finally, his voice dry but steady. “I’d say that was a decent nap.”
He rolled his neck, stretching with deliberate slowness, then turned to glance at Lysander, who was perched atop his box like a coiled spring. A faint smirk crossed Castor’s lips.
“Looks like you were having fun in there,” he said casually, before turning his attention back to Narfox and the stranger. “So, what’s next? More cooking, or are we moving on to something interesting?”
"Glad to see you both are in high spirits..." Narfox laughed.
Lysander just gave him the finger and leapt down towards the ground, "What's this kiss ass doing here?" He said gesturing towards the stranger ahead of them.
"You have no manners for family huh," the stranger said, "Come on little brother, I should be smacking you silly for becoming a marine leaving me high and dry..."
Castor let out a deep, exaggerated sigh, rolling his shoulders as he stepped fully into the sunlight. His crimson eyes shifted between Lysander and the tall stranger, clearly unimpressed by the brewing sibling squabble.
“Look,” Castor said, his tone dry and edged with irritation, “if you two want to hash out your little family drama, that’s fine by me. But schedule it for another time. Maybe over tea or a fistfight—whatever floats your boat.”
He flexed his seastone arm, a faint metallic whir emanating as the mechanisms adjusted. Then he looked directly at Narfox, his gaze sharp and unwavering.
“Right now, I’m here to train. So unless we’re going to keep standing around playing ‘who’s got the bigger grudge,’ let’s get started.”
He glanced back at Lysander and his brother, smirking faintly. “Or is this going to turn into some kind of therapy session? Because if it is, I’m charging extra.”
Both Lysander and his older brother Excalibur looked at Castor with a bombastic side eye.
"Who even is this kid?" Excalibur asked.
"I barley know myself, uncle Hobbs found him I guess..." Lysander replied shaking his head, "He's got a ego on him, his frontal lobe hasn't developed yet," he gestured pointing to his head.
"...And you wanted to join the marines with guys like this running around, holy shit you're a joke Lysa."
"Shut up you blonde-haired baboon, shut your trap or I'll shut it for you!"
"Ha! Shut it for me, you couldn't even shut Graves down! You stand zero chance against me loser boy!"
Narfox just shook his head as the two siblings argued and trolled each other, "These Northstar children are something..." He turned to Castor, "Come with you young pup, let's leave these...uh apes to themselves..."
Narfox started to walk away wishing for Castor to follow behind him.
Castor couldn’t help but burst into laughter, a deep, hearty sound that echoed across the courtyard. He pointed at Excalibur and Lysander as they continued to bicker, shaking his head in amused disbelief.
“Man, you two are like a comedy act without the funny punchline,” Castor said, still chuckling. He turned to Lysander, smirking. “First off, you’re talking all that shit like I wasn’t finna fold your shit. Trust me, Lysa, I’m gonna whoop your ass so bad later you won’t even have the energy to talk.”
Then, with a sly grin, he gestured toward his own head. “And secondly, if you think my frontal lobe isn’t developed yet, what the hell does that say about yours? ‘Cause from here, it looks like it’s still trying to find the fucking on switch.”
He gave Excalibur a mock salute and pivoted, falling into step behind Narfox without a care. “Lead the way, old man,” Castor said casually, glancing back once. “Let me know when these two clowns figure out which one of them is the bigger ass hat.”
Narfox couldn't help but laugh, the three of them reminded him of this squad when they first were trained here. Everyone's ego's clashing, insults, quips and foul language, "You all are funny I must say..."
The master took Castor far into the island's regions of open fields and multiple wooden posts sticking out of the ground, "Welcome to the fields of worth, all of these posts are accomplishments after the completion of training."
The number of posts were far beyond the eye could see. They approached a certain pole, with the nameplate of a former admiral, Lorenzo Rafael.
Castor’s eyes widened as he took in the endless sea of wooden posts stretching across the horizon, each one a monument to a someone’s journey here. He moved closer to the nearest pole, brushing his fingers over the carved nameplate of Lorenzo Rafael, a man who’s name and legacy still echoed through Marine ranks.
“Damn,” Castor muttered, a rare tone of awe in his voice. “This place… it’s got some serious history. Feels like every square inch of this island’s been touched by greatness.”
He straightened, turning to Narfox with a wry grin. “You and this island have a pretty solid reputation, huh? Makes sense now why people either leave this place legends or in pieces.”
His gaze returned to the endless rows of poles, his grin softening to something almost reverent. “Guess it’s time to prove I’m worth a spot here.”
"Yes this place does forge weapons, or it breaks them. However, this place will show you what you're worth." Narfox touched the pole, "It was like only yesterday I was training this lad, a shame the master outlives the student..." There was a hint of despair in his voice, "...You must not only prove it to yourself but to the world as well. Castor I see the vision Hobbs has for you, along with the rest of TRIGON. I will do everything in my power to assist you the best way I can..."
He turned to face the young man, "Castor, you are the future of the Marines, now it is time to bring it into fruition."
Castor’s grin faded as Narfox spoke, his tone shifting to one of respect and understanding. He stepped closer to the pole, staring at the engraved name as if he could see the legacy left behind.
"I won’t lie," Castor began, his voice steady but low. "Hearing that from someone like you… it means a lot. More than I’ll ever admit."
He turned to face Narfox, his eyes sharper now, carrying a glint of determination. "I don’t know if I’m the future or just a guy with a lucky break, but I’ll prove I belong here. To you. To Hobbs. To everyone."
Castor took a deep breath, clenching his fists. "Whatever it takes, I’ll carve my own name into one of these posts someday. And it’ll stand tall for a damn long time."
For a moment, he hesitated before adding, "Thanks, Narfox. Let’s get to work."
"Good..." Narfox smiled. He gestured Castor to continue to follow suit, but in the background large booming and sounds of collisions were heard in the distance. The old man swiveled his head, "Those damn brats are already at it. I told him to wait until later, they just don't listen."
Castor paused mid-step, glancing back in the direction of the commotion. A wry grin crept onto his face.
"Sounds like someone’s got a sibling rivalry to settle," he quipped, cracking his knuckles. "Or maybe Excalibur just couldn’t keep his big mouth shut."
"Those two brothers have been at each other's necks as long as I could remember, but Lysander has never ever beaten his brother in anything. He is his biggest rival. Lysander has the highest ceiling I've seen his ability to learn on the fly is something you can be only born with, but his rage and pride is what cloud his growth. Excalibur knows how to use that against him, although it has brought him to the reaper steps once or twice, he seemed to always prevail. Now that he acquired that fruit after attacking Vatekon Kingdom, he's on a whole new level of physical power."
Narfox had a deep relationship with those two boys, their history always tied in a strange way.
Castor smirked, crossing his arms and leaning back slightly as he glanced in the direction of the distant clash.
"Sounds like a hell of a rivalry," he said, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and confidence. "But with all that, and as strong as Lysander might be, he still can’t beat me."
Narfox laughed, "That's the spirit, trust me when he lost to Graves I was just as surprised, it almost felt...Calculated. But you must remember he was fighting with restrictions and even then you were both an equal footing to put things into perspective, but Lysander's true strength is not hand to hand, its swordsmanship now that...He can put on a spectacle, even his match with Julian even though she placed that scar on his eye, he matched her almost the whole way. He is not a man to be underestimated..."
Narfox and Castor continued walking down the large path, "Castor so tell me, what technique do you think you are lacking in the most? In Rokushiki of course."
Castor rubbed his chin thoughtfully, considering the question. He had always prided himself on his raw power and speed, but there were still aspects of his training that he knew needed work.
"Honestly, I'd say Shigan or Kami-E," he answered after a moment. "I’ve got the basics down, sure, but there's a level of precision and control with Shigan that I’m not quite at yet. I can hit hard, but I want to hit through the target, if you know what I mean. Every strike needs to count, not just in power, but in accuracy."
He glanced over at Narfox, a glint of determination in his eyes. "And Kami-E... that one’s been a bit tricky for me. I’ve got the agility, but the fluidity? The ability to move with the environment instead of just reacting to it... That takes a lot of finesse. It’s not about dodging, it’s about becoming part of the fight itself. I need more control over my body when it comes to that."
Castor cracked his knuckles and smiled. "But I’m getting there. I’ll master both. It’s just a matter of time."
"Then it is settled you will master them in 3 weeks time...You will start out by the boulder field." Narfox said.
Castor raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet unphased by the challenge. “Three weeks, huh? That’s all it’ll take? Sounds good to me,” he said with a cocky grin. “But what’s this ‘boulder field’ you’re talking about? You gonna have me punching rocks till my other hand turn into seastone, or is it something more… creative?”