One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
This article, LEGEND, can be used freely on this wiki without the creator's explicit permission.
Japanese Name 神話
Romanized Name Shinwa
Official English Name LEGEND
Meaning Legend
Type Articial Mythical Zoan

LEGENDs are artificially created Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruits.



LEGENDs are similar to that of SMILE in the sense that consuming one grants the power to transform into a creature, however, the that is where their similarities end as LEGENDs differ greatly in production and drawbacks. For one, while SMILE-type devil fruits have and extremely low success rate, that of LEGENDS is much higher, years of engineering and tests by the World Government's top scientists have greatly increased the success rate of these artifical devil fruits. This was required in due part to the much more difficult means in which LEGENDs are produced as unlike BONEs and SMILE, LEGENDs require extraction of DNA from a real Mythical Zoan user's Lineage factor. A difficult requirment to achieve however once the lineage factor has been acquired, many LEGENDs of that Mythical Zoan can be produced before a new specimen needs to be located. Despite the hard work and effort of the late scientists who developed these fruits, similar to those created by the much later Vegapunk, the color of the mythical zoan will always be different from the original, something no testing or research as been able to remedy.

Though the success rate of LEGENDs are much higher, there are still failures, even more so now than ever as less than reputable sources are now producing these artificial fruits. The drawbacks of a failed LEGEND can come in three forms, the first being that a user might be granted neither a power or a transformation, the second is that one might be granted a transformation but with no mythical ability, the third is that one might be granted a mythical ability with no transformation making the mythical ability far weaker as a result, and finally the most rare and dangerous form of a failed LEGEND will see the user transform into their full zoan form having lost their mind, falling prey to animalistic tendencies and losing themselves entirely in the process similar to a failed Zoan awakening.




  • LEGENDs cannot Awaken.


Also See[]
