One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
House Beresford is the property of KontonMan and TheRedFang06!
House Beresford
Japanese Name ベレスフォード家
Romanized Name Beresufōdo-ie
Official English Name House Beresford

House Beresford (?) serves as one of the Four Great Noble Houses of the Teluris Kingdom, usurping House Dampier. Prior to their ascension they were Vassals to House Dampier and often scorned for their heritage.

Members of this House are regarded as the greatest of hunters.


House Beresford served originally as a Vassal to House Dampier, earning their fame and keep as extremely gifted Hunters due to their specialized method; the Silvered Stalk. Able to track down both beast and man alike, they were well-valued by the nation's rulers, enough to be chosen by the family to replace House Dampier after being exposed for their Sin through their joint efforts.

While House Beresford had always held disdain for House Dampier, they also agreed with the monarchs' plans in order to better silence other nobility’s views on them. All members of the House possess Mink blood through their veins from a distant ancestor. While not enough to give them animalistic traits, they benefit through their senses, which are far more heightened than the average individual, allowing members to become gifted hunters much more easily. To this day, the family chooses to reintroduce Mink blood into their family through political marriages. This role is often saddled onto the second child of the generation chosen to bring more Mink blood to House Beresford.

As is common with each of the Four Great Noble Houses, they possess a Heraldic Animal that symbolizes the family as a whole and the corresponding Devil Fruit. House Beresford is represented by the Gray Wolf; the largest and strongest of the canids, a mighty hunter that is never alone.




