Date Started: 11/3/2024 |
Making A Better Place[]
Hector Hobbs, had spent a large portion of time in paradise after the results of the Amsterdam Kingdom and the arrest of the royal family. Maybe he was running from it all, the big mess up. The pressure of running an island sure did have its stress and moments of despair, many forget that higher-ranking Marines were people too. Like most humans, they were flawed far from perfect beings always growing and learning, or at least that was the plan. Hobbs thought long and hard about his time in the Marines, his contributions, the blood, sweat, and tears making it through the ranks. Even fighting one of the largest-scale wars of the modern era.
In his older age, Hobbs started to feel he needed a break from all of it. He was tired, and the recent events wore on him every day. The past couple of months Hobbs looked like he'd aged himself ten years, there were bags under his eyes, and the hairs on his head were full grey now. Luckily fate found itself by Hobbs yet again, having his nephew Leo thrown into the mix. Never in a million years did he think someone who wished to live as free as they could was merged into the Marines. On the outside looking in the whole situation didn't make sense, Leo's bastardly pirate antics over the past five years earned him a bounty of 72,390,000.
Nearly a super rookie you'd think he'd be rotting most of his life away in Impel Down or even public hanging, but someone stuck their necks out for him, Graves. A young promising man with a good heart and head screwed on just right. Because of his bold actions putting his life on the line for the sake of Leo's Hobbs found a great opportunity to insure the future of a new set of Marines. Hobbs would quickly take his nephew under his wing and protect him from the access flack of Marines who thought they'd tainted their ranks allowing pirates in. Many within the job also looked at Hobbs strangely for endorsing such a man, yet they did not know Leo and his history like Hobbs did, nor would they ever.
Hobbs and Leo share a unique heritage that spans beyond what books could record, and for that reason alone Hobbs was inclined to help out his kin if it was the last thing he did. Uniquely Hobbs started to work on a program to begin a new phase of the Marines, he named the program, TRIGON. This program was created for the new faces of the Marines, supplying young talent with the tools, propaganda, and backing to take the world by storm and secure the Marines and the World Government's reputation. Already having a few marines apart of this small program Hobbs decided to send the unit to Alabasta to help with humanitarian aid and supply. But first, a mission debrief meeting.
Leo and Samuel sat in the office board room, while Hobbs stood behind a podium.
"Thank you two for coming, as always you have my full honors."
Leo and Samuel both nodded as Hobbs continued his speech, "Okay as the first official members of TRIGON, you two will be heading to Alabasta for humanitarian aid. Leo you've told me much about your company, although the staffing is questionable I've read the plans you've sent me and I think this is a good step in the right direction. If the mission goes well here I can see bright things in the future for the both of you."
"Yes, everything is already in transport to Alabasta as we speak by the time we get there everything should be set up and ready to start work," Leo said reassuring his uncle.
"What is my role in this Admiral? I don't know much about science outside of medical work," Samuel asked.
"I figured you'd be concerned about that Samuel, there seems to be a strange sickness going on in the southern region. They call it black rot." Hobbs showed a picture on the screen of several patients with the disease, it turned the skin charcoal black and hard, looking deformed and grotesque.
Samuel winced at the sight of the people, "Oh my god what happened there?" Sam asked.
"Honestly they have no clue what happened or how it started, but that's for you to find out." Hobbs replied turning off the screen. "That should conclude our meeting. Of course, there will be more during the actual mission so be sure to remain attentive."
Leo and Samuel both looked at Hobbs, and answered at the same time. "Yes Vice Admiral."
New Sands[]
Leo along with the rest of TRIGON arrived at Alabasta, Leo had heard so much about the tragedy of this place, being informed about the past tyrant Baji. Something in his soul sat differently about it, after Leo was now a changed man, but even before his ventures into the Marines, someone who could commit such a thing in terms of tragedy was rather...
Leo and his team walked through the sands of the desert around the southern hemisphere of the island, they were supposed to meet at this small Marine base that was established, a co-founded resources base funded by the world government, Startech, and the royals of Alabasta.
"This heat is no joke," Samuel said wiping the sweat beads from his forehead, "I thought Kano had some hot summers but this is a whole new level..."
Leo smiled, "Tell me about it, but I think I'm used to it now... Reminds me of my uncle's place." With Leo and TRIGON was a large marine unit Hobbs had supplied them, along with another dispatch unit placed and stationed on Alabasta already. "We should be close everyone," Leo shouted back to the team behind him, "I can see the base in the distance."
He shifted his gaze to Samuel, "Go on ahead, we will catch up with you later, I have to go check out this town nearby."
Samuel nodded his head. The Marine sprinted forward through the sand and leaped into the air, twisting and shifting his body, he transformed and engulfed in a green healing flame and flew off into the sky his large phoenix form danced across the sky towards the base...
At the base, there was already a platoon of marines awaiting the arrival of the TRIGON unit, Hobbs himself had placed a reporter from the world economic news coo, that was here to document and cover the soon-to-be success story of Alabasta... Her name was J.P Morgana.
Morgana was a beautiful woman, flattering to the eyes. She was a business casual type of woman who took pride in her appearance, although the suit she wore in such a hot climate was something she didn't think about. Ironic for a journalist of all people, researching is a part of their way of life, and for something so small overlooked.
She would be punished with humidity. She stood among the group of Marines introducing herself as apart of the TRIGON team hired on, it was a nice thing to do, while forming good bonds with the Marines. Making friends as a journalist had it's perks, friendships meant more access to behind the scene scoops.
She approached a group of two women who were standing away from the others, the only ones she hadn't greeted yet, "Hello, the names JP Morgana. I'm the journalist for this mission, and you are?"
"Commodore Al Khalifa Ain. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Morgana. I admit as a native to this island I'm glad to see that the media hasn't forgotten about it. We've still got a long road to rebuilding what was lost, I'm happy to be here whenever I can be spared." Ain's large ears twitched as she spoke, a soft, formal, yet clearly relieved tone to her voice.
"The pleasure is all mine," Morgana said shaking her hand and giving a warm reporter smile, "Don't worry we haven't forgotten about this place, we can't its one of the twenty kingdoms its integral we keep up to date with such matters."
Morgana turned towards the other Marine, "And you are?"
"Ensign Dianthus June, pleased to meet yo" June said glancing at Morgana up and down, first thing she noticed was how humidity from the ugly weather was eating her alive, she couldn't blame the poor woman, neither she was expecting the place to be this hot but at least the gum she was chewing had her mind too busy to care for just a moment. "I'm a first timer here, seems the weather isn't fashion friendly for either of us, didn't expect the media to show up but I guess every piece of information counts for the world to know that the effort is being made." As June finished, a big bubble of gum was blown from her mouth just for it to POP on an instant allowing her to keep chewing it.
"Ugh you're telling me, If I knew it was this hot I would've dressed more appropriately, love the hair by the way," Morgana said smiling. Looking around she noticed others were missing, "I know this is a large unit, but where is the rest of them? I was told to meet with Leo when he arrived."
"Thanks hun, you know the drill" June smiled feeling accomplished after that single compliment from Morgana. "Leo? uhhh...You mean the TRIGON dudes? They are on their way so you are spot on. Feel free to wait for them with us.'' She pointed out chewing on the bubble gum, her gaze centered back on a random point in front of her.
"You get used to it after awhile, it's better to be covered up anyhow with the sun bearing down here like it does." Ain commented on the two woman's complaints about the temperature. "But yes, they should arrive soon. I admit I have my reservations about a former pirate heading the way for Alabasta's revival but I also know that everyone deserves a second chance. If he and TRIGON succeed in helping rebuild Alabasta it will be a big step toward making up for past sins."
"Is he a former pirate?" Morgana asked in shock, "I guess you're right about second chances hopefully this mission proves to be useful for him. Besides we will scrub that dirty image squeaky clean... Have any of you met him before?"
"Oh, like, no way! It's my first time too, ya know? Not totally sure about it, but like, maybe givin' it a shot wouldn’t be so bad, riiight?" June mentioned, thinking about it she felt it was weird to work with an "ex-pirate" but she wasn't too troubled about it for now. "Sissy Ain, what do ya think?"
Ain nodded her head toward June, "I believe that those who truly seek retribution should be given the chance, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting him myself just yet but lieutenant Graves saw the chance for good in him, and he was placed under the supervision of Admiral Kirimoto as well. I won't question their reasoning, I'll place my faith in them, and by that logic, Leo here as well." She gave her opinion, calculated and well thought out, and oddly accepting of a marine to be so willing to trust a pirate.
"That said, I don't think you should leave that out of your report, Miss Morgana. Doing good doesn't erase ones' sins, but there is a lot of virtue in living to create more than you destroyed. Pirates should be made aware that there is a path to redemption for them, even if it is ultimately the harder road to walk. But nothing worth doing is ever easy now is it?"
"I guess you have a point, but narratives are what controls the world. Do you really think it's wise to plaster a pirate as a hero, or the world on a large scale never knowing he was one. Sure pirates bad things, but I've heard some scoops about the government too. Hero's and villain's are just a matter of perception, and I'm here to show his good side. That's what I get paid to do..." Morgana said smiling.
The sound of flapping wings came from above as a green phoenix flew through the Alabasta sky descending towards them. Landing Samuel transformed back into his human form, the embers of his green flame fading away from his clothes, "Sorry for the wait everyone, the ship took off later than anticipated."
He walked over towards the batch of Marines waving to all of them, "Hello everyone I am Samuel, I am the doctor for the mission. I'm glad of you all to join TRIGON in this quest of restoration and recovery. Tragic what happened here, really. I hope we can all work together to create a better place of living for the people of Alabasta."
Samuel was warm and cheery, his soft eyes and wide smile gave a warm welcoming feel.
"Samuel I've heard much about you," Morgana said.
"Is that so, I hope it was only good things."
"Indeed, they told me you studied at Kano? How was that?"
"Kano was good, not as hot as here, but I miss it. The tea, the training, it was all worth it. I feel as ready as ever."
June almost flinched at the sight of the dude arriving in such an eccentric way, she wasn't really fond of interacting with males but had to do it anyways, after all, the line of work was full of them, either way her expression didn't hid it that well when watching the interaction between Samuel and Morgana, her brows furrowed and the corners of her lips formed what could be called, slight annoyance.
"Nice to meet ya...Samuel" June tried to greet him as friendly as posible yet she failed terribly. "Name's June..." she forced a smile between teeth while her hand extended towards him for a polite handshake, her whole self screamed inside wishing Ain would do most of the interacting with the other members for the rest of the mission...knowing damn well it didn't work that way.
"Ensign Samuel, a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Commodore Al Khalifa Ain, here to aide in the recovery effort. I've heard you trained under Vice Admiral Hobbs and Admiral Ehuang. It's quite the impressive list for an Ensign. I'm afraid I've never gotten the chance to visit Kano myself but I've heard it's quite beautiful. I wish you could have seen Alabasta in its former glory." Ain greeted Samuel with smile and a nod before her eyes seemed to look past Samuel altogether.
"Is Leo close behind? I'd like a status update on the reconstruction effort, the last report is a bit out of date."
”Leo, is doing Leo things. He went to a nearby village to speak to someone, I’ve learned it’s better to let him do him than ask questions. He said he would be meeting back up with us a little later.” Samuel said smiling while placing his hand on Ain shoulder.
”I do have a few questions for you all though, are you aware of this sickness going around?”
Ain's large ears twitched at Samuel's question, her static expression turning grim. "No, this is the first I'm hearing of it. I know that disease tends to follow disaster but I'd thought the reconstruction was going well enough. Do we know the disease or it's cause? Contaminated well water? Inhalation of debris from the destroyed structures? Something released when the Kobolds' emerged from underground?!" She asked an attempt to appear stoic for naught as her tone became frantic toward the end.
Samuel pulled out a picture from his pocket and presented it to both Ain and June, "It is a sickness known as Blackrot," the picture that was shown displayed a man's body who had been turned pitch black and thin to the bone. He wasn't alive in that picture.
"I am hoping to locate this sickness and find its cause, that is the first step to healing this world of sand..."
"Tch..." The sound escaped from between Ain's clenched teeth, things only seemed to be getting worse despite all their best efforts to make things right. It wasn't even all that long ago that Alabasta had been a crowned jewel of safety and prosperity in Paradise, but after the Mad King had taken hold, everything had gone to hell.
Her frustration was mostly pointed at herself however, not having stepped up to be the one to put him down, to have come to Alabasta and reclaimed it. Perhaps if she had, something, she didn't even know what at this point, but something could have turned out differently.
She looked up to Samuel with a resolute glint in her eyes. "Just tell us what you need done and we'll get to it. The sooner the better, no?"
It was an horrible sight, the photo of what was left of a man after suffering from that disease was not easy to take in, June's brows furrowed looking at Ain, the distress was palpable especially knowing this was her home.
"As you said, the sooner the better Sissy Ain...Got any plan yet? Or any trace in particular we should look out for?" June asked Sam, though she still was reluctant about talking with men she was able to put her own stigmas aside for the sake of others or in this case, the obligation to address this problem and cut it right from the root.
"Well first things first is locating the problem, this island is massive so the journey may take us a long time. I know there is a town nearby named, Alkadrul. That's where these photos were taken, Ain you are from here correct? Could you lead the way..." Samuel asked, "...I will be relying on you along with most of Trigon."
He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled, Samuel's warmth brought comfort to those who he was around and maybe letting others feel as though they take charge could empower them to become motivated.
Ain nodded her head in affirmation that she could lead them, "It shouldn't be any issue to those of us who can fly but Miss June will have a harder time unless she hitches a ride on one of us." She explained, knowing flight was by far the fastest means of travel, especially across the sandy dunes of Alabasta.
Having picked up on June's seemingly strong held sensibilities, she offered to carry her even if her zoan form was smaller than Samuels.
Within the hour the three marines flew over the town of Alkadrul, a small town separated in two by a small river and connected by two bridges on either side of the town. Buildings of mudbrick and stone common in the Kingdom of Alabasta baked in the heat of the midday sun, however, as they descended from the sky they would quickly notice that despite the nature of the town as clearly one of small to middling population, the streets were as barren as the capital's when the Mad King kidnapped it's citizens.
Kicking up dust as they landed, the streets were not empty though it was not the living who occupied them. Body bags, seemingly waiting to be collected in some manner similar to the trash, lined the fronts of buildings, homes.
Ain's face contorted into one of contempt as she regained her human form, a tinge of anger and frustration within her at how the bodies laid out like bags of trash.
The eriee silence of the scene did not last long however, as her ears twitched and turned toward it's source. The distant sound of group prayer could be heard, looking up over the buildings the steeple of a religious temple could be seen.
"I assume they're gathering the sick at the temple. If there are other marines here, I imagine they're there as well." She made her observations known before motioning for the two to follow.
The streets were labyrinthine but with the temple spire as their guide it did not take long for them to follow the streets to their destination.
There, outside the gate of the temple on their knees in prayer, sat the remaining citizens of the town. Men, women, children, all in different economic levels of attire prayed for the sick that had been brought into the temple where no healthy but the priests, doctors, and marines were allowed to go.
"Deliver us from this great evil! This foul rot and decay, for but a moment of peace is all we ask. First the bloodshed of the Mad King and now the pestilence of the blackrot! What have we done to deserve this?!" A burly man on his knees cried out to the heavens, his strong appearance having given way to tears long enough ago that they seemed to stain his face where the harsh sun and evaporated them.
Ain grit her teeth, clutching hand over heart as his cries ate at her stoic resilience.
The atmosphere was gloomy falling into June's category of depressing, the air was heavy with the mourns, the prayers, watching the crisis from a close range was the worst part in all of this, her usual proud temple had worn thin and a softer side was now present instead. The awful heat was no distress when the main problem remained to be the suffering of the innocents.
"Heartbreaking..." June mumbled eyeing the scene with a saddened gaze. "We should ask some people around yo, feels like it is a contagious disease to spread at this rate..." She paused.
"Any info on how infectious could be useful.." June pointed out, she didn’t want to keep watching, it made her emotions run wild.
Samuel was stunned to say the least. He'd seen sickness but nothing like this, and not sickness in this sorta heat. "Oh my, this is worse than I thought." He tightened the grip on his palm, "Cursed place this is..." He uttered under his breath. "We currently don't have any new information about this disease, we are going in blind."
Ain closed her eyes, feeling useless in a situation like this. She could talk and she could swing a sword but there was nothing she could do about something like this, she had no medical knowledge beyond the most basic of first aid. She had to leave it up to professionals and having things left out of her hands made her feel so useless.
"We should do whatever we can to help get to the bottom of this quickly. Let's see what the doctors inside the temple need, even if I can't help with any of the science stuff I'll do whatever I can. Gather supplies, check nearby villages, anything short of disposing of the sick... I couldn't do that." She spoke with heavy heart, looking to Samuel. "I'm afraid that the rest is up to folks like you. I wish that Ehuang was here though but I guess we can't expect and Admiral to be everywhere at once. But she taught you things, no?"