One Piece: Eclipse Wiki
Bounty Collection
Date Started: March 3rd, 2024

Date Finished: Ongoing

Next Role-Play:
Timeline: March 14rd, 1620
Characters Involved:

Collection Time[]

A small run down bar without a name stood alone on a unnamed island in the West Blue. The bar was a place for those who didnt want to be hunted to relax and have a drink without the fear of Marines. Normaly the only people who would vist the bar were pirates with bountys on there heads, as they are were the only one who knew of its location.

Outside the unnamed bar was a lone swordsman with an oversized sword on his back and a tired exprison on his face. He held in his hands a drawing of the bar that had been gizen to him by a pirate he had intergated not to long ago, "so this is the place". Walking into bar the swordsmen looked around to see grizzaled dirty looking pirate filling the room, all locked in on the person who just entered into their bar. Without a word the Swordsmen walked up to the bar and sat down, tapping his hand on the bar to singunal the bar tender for a drink.

The bar tender was a man with four arms, each set working on a different drink "what do you want emo" the bar tender was werry of the new arriavla as he had never seen him before and didnt reconise him from any bounty posters.

"I'll just take a normal beer if you have them" the swordsmen pulled out a few piece of money from his clothes and placed them on the bar infront of him "also my name isnt E.M.O its Tobin".

Every pirate in the bar head Tobin say his name and stopped they were doing to think if they knew the name or not. "Tobin huh, i havent seen that on any poster before" the bartender slammed a drink on the table with great force to intimadted Tobin, "So kid whats yours bounty at, we've had pirates ranging from all bountys here"

Tobin grabbed his drink from the bar and took a small sip, before placing it on the bar again "twenty five million" Tobin didnt look the bartender in the eyes as he spoke, almoust like he was lying.

"Twenty five million ah" a voice came from the left of Tobin that was followed by a slurping of a drink. "If youre gonna lie atleast make it believaeable, TATATATATAT" The man who cuaght Tobin in his lie had a siliver mohawk, brown eyes and dressed in standered punk outfit. "Are you a marine or Bounty Hunter?" a silent air filled the room as all the pirates began to painake that the marines may know there where abouts.

"Im..." Tobin took a puase as he took another drink from his bear "...a part time bounty hunter" Tobin could feel all the eyes piericing his back and the bloodlust that feild the air. "So are you all gonna kill me or are we gonna sit here like a couple of sloths" Tobin began to slowly unsheath his great sword Hebigami

"WOW WOW calm down emo, who said we wanted to fight you" a cocky smile crossed the pirates face as he gave Tobin his offer. "We want you to join us, we've heard off some of your accoplisments and we have found you very intresting".

"We?" Tobin was very confused about the pirates term, Tobin turned to look around at all the pirates before a thought came into his brain. "Are these your crewmates?"

"DING DING DING, your right on the money, so you want to join, or do we need to get viloent" The pirates cocky tone shifted to threasting as he pressed Tobin to join his crew.

"Hmmmmm, we'll i dont have a dessire to be a pirate, i may join if you can deafted me in a fight" Tobins pride as a swordsmen wouldnt allow him to just follow under anyone, but if someone were to deafted him in combat, Tobin would have no choise but to join.

"TATATATATA, IS THAT IT!!!!" the pirate bursted oyt laughing as he asomuted it was a joke "you do know who i am right..." the pirates eyes were caught by a piece of paper in Tobins pocket "is that my...." the pirates cocky smile returned "it looks like you do tatatata"

Tobin pulled out the piece of papaer from his pocket and slamed it on the table "your siliver hawk jack, a man with fithteen million on his head" Tobin took a final sip from his drink before standing to his feet "are we on then?"

"SURE LETS GET IT ON" Jack cockly walked out of the bar singaly his crew to follow and watch as he was about to show hismight to his new crew mates i this fight with Tobin.

Let The Hunt Begin[]

Outside the bar Tobin and Jack stood far apart for each other, Tobin with his hand on Hebigami and Jack spiking up his hair. They were surrond by Jacks crew that had somehow found a large suppli of popcorn for them to eat whilst they watched their leader deafted Tobin and add him to their ranks. "HEY IM GONNA HOLD BACK, AS TO NOT HURT MY NEW CREWMATE TATATATAT" Jack hoped that his slide remark might annoy Tobin and throw him off his game.

Tobin look down at his blade that he had fought many battles with, a sword that he had for many years, one of his first swords that he ever used and he just threw it on the ground "ill be holding back two then" a cocky smile emarge across Tobins face that was not to dismilir from Jacks.

"This brat is cocky, i need to put him in his place" a vein slight popped out from Jacks forhead "FINE LETS DO THIS". Like all ephites Jack had some orgian, it wasnt know to many as the person who started it and any who found out the reasing behind it hand been killed, and jack was about to be shown the reason they called hi siliver hair Jack. Placing both hands on his cloths, Jack ripped them off to reavel to extarmly bushes airpits that had so much hair in them they looked like wings

"What the fuck, SHISHISHISHI is that why your called
