One Piece: Eclipse Wiki

With the newspaper opened or squared constructs coming to live , a strange yet also familiar sight came to display. A screen displayed on both surfaces, something for a lot of people completely unnatural or never seen, started to flicker from black to bright lights, before not only something was seen, but also something was heard.

“Around all the blues, from high and low, we will search for answers. No matter the distance or dangers we will always report. After all every story, big or small, happy or sad, violent or peaceful, everything is worthy to be reported. And we take our all, that you guys will get informed, after all that is not only our job but our responsibility.

We are here for you to ALL TO SEE!

Screen News
Main topic: Trouble in the Jungle


With your host, Code!

"Welcome back my lovely viewers for another episode of your favorite news program in the whole seas! Today we have a really special episode, which even in my case only happened because I was lucky and could spot something, which would usually never reach the ears of the world. And if you are lucky, why not share the luck with others and who is better than my lovely viewers! But enough babbling, in my travels we got dragged into a storm and got forced to drift off our course. Always remember one thing. Never get drift off your course or you may never find land and die on the seas, so I can't describe how lucky we were, as we spot not an island, but the head of a gigantic ancient creature. As you users may not be aware, on the sea of the New World a giant creature walks around the seas, reaching the size beyond the cloud. Never able to be located, unless you are in a possession of a vivre card to one of their inhabitants, you may be one of the luckiest people in the world, if you encounter the gigantic elephant, called Zunisha. Not only a creature for who knows how long to roam the seas, it was also the main living island of the Mink Tribe. Even though we had first trouble landing on it to take a break, in the end their current leader allowed us to lead and to our surprise even shared with us a phenomenal story, about them defending their territory by greedy and delusional people believing they could take whatever they want. Now of course the question is, who had the guts to try and take the main home of the minks?”

Horkos Bounty

“Even though the crew got officially defeated after the war, the remnants still cause trouble, especially a monster of that caliber. After all “The Hunt” Horkos with a bounty of 930.000.000Beli and one of the three kings of the Animal Kingdom decided to show his face back to the earth, before aiming to claim Zou back to the territory of the Animal Kingdom or what was left off. Not really sure what happened with all of the members, if they were alive or not, hence the presence of one of the kings could be very worrying. However even though a monster of his caliber appeared, maybe it was not worrying in the first place. At Least it was the thoughts of the one individual who faced this king for the sake of the homeland of the minks.
Protector of Zou

Raionsan Bounty

After all, Zou was not unprotected, but was guarded and owned by one of the seven warlords of the sea, “Death Roar” Raionsan. A fight between who was the true apex between them should have ended to be a massive fight remembered by both parties, in the end it was not as expected. After all, not only was the warlord well, we also could barely register the scene of the king running away with his tail between his legs. So that raised the question. Is Horkos not much of a threat in the first place or is Raionsan just that much of a monster? Besides a bit of trouble and communication problems, we were able to catch an interview with the warlord himself. It was live, but here is again the whole interview listened for the one who missed it.

Interview with a Predator

Code: “Greetings my lovely viewers! Today we have a special case! If you notice right now on the left top corner of the display there must be a red light, which means everything you will see is live, ergo it happens right now, no recording, completely in the present. And the reason for that was that today we got a very special guest who gave us the privilege to share his views and answer the questions for the world. Being known as maybe the wildest man in the world, known to slay and rip apart his opponents with his bare hands. A man feared by most monsters and beasts, a man who shined in the great war of the best. A man recognized by the world government and offered the position of a warlord. A big applause for the one and only, Raionsan! Ah yes a bit of audience fever is natural, but don't worry I am sure you will do quite well! But I am glad you are present today to give the world a view of who the warlord Raionsan is! But before we start, one important piece of information for our viewers! If you noticed, under your newspapers letters and numbers appear. Yes right now you all viewers have the chance to not only watch this in real life time, but also have the opportunity to ask a question! Tip your name or nickname into the display and enter with an #RaionQuestion and follow up with the question! If you are lucky in the second half of the interview you question will be present! Also clear insults, jokes or mockery will be out-filtered and not picked anyway. But let's not keep you waiting for too long. How about we start a short introduction to the warlord status. And it would all start in the great war. What was your position and experiences in the war?”

Raionsan: "Jumping right into it I see? During the war, I held back with my fellow Warlords until we decided it was fitting to join, you know, when the Marines started losing control and realizing how in over their heads they were. But I digress. When we did join the fray I intentionally went away from any Mink soldiers and chose to focus on the other Yonko crew, though Eris and I had our differences I still respected her and chose to try to avoid killing and of my tribesmen. As such fighting non-minks was easy for me and I was able to help weaken their forces so the Marines could finish them. It was, a troubling experience but one I learned much from and grew stronger from.”

Code: "Understandable. Especially seeing you were close to the death of countless of your people. I think me and the viewers definitely should respect your decision and views. Seeing we were on the topic of the war, seeing you said you respected Eris, is that why you took it on your own to conquer Zou and probably her other territories under your name? Or is there a reason beyond that?”

Raionsan: "Upon Eris's defeat, I knew pirates would go after her territory like savages. With her gone, I was undoubtedly one of the strongest Minks in the world at the time so I took on myself to claim as much of her former islands and lands as I could and made sure to instill the same policies that she had, asking for no more than she did save for offering my crew and I residency whenever we saw fit to make their lands our current base. But Zou was a different matter. Before the war, I had already set plans in motions to negotiate the transfer of Zou from Eris to myself, and if necessary go to war with her. However the war took away the need for such evils, I’ll admit I would have preferred to take advantage simply of Eris’s weakened state and then convince her to give me the land. Alas she died, on her terms just as she had lived. As such I could not simply leave Zou unattended, what with her crew either dead, or in the winds, it fell to me.No matter what Zou was always my goal, being this island’s lord and master has been my dream since I was young, it was only a matter of time before it became a reality, and look, it seems fate thought my time was now.”

Code: “Hmmmmmm? So Zou was all your life, your dream and fate finally gifted you that. But even though you said they were dead and gone, I would lean myself out and assume there were survivors of the crew in the territories of the Animal Kingdom, like they were remaining Whitebeard Pirates, defending their territories from Blackbeard. So I am curious, if you encountered heavy resistances as well and if so how difficult it was for you to deal with them, seeing your actions you did in the war avoiding to fight your own people and well your position as a warlord, which is not really viewed in a good way from the pirate side?”

Raionsan: "There were of course some retainers, nothing like the 'Payback War' mind you. But yes a few of Eris's former crewmates tried to hang onto to her territory but my crew drove them out or if necessary forced them out. And as to how I feel about fighting my people. A long long time ago, I was faced with a choice. A wise Mink once told me that the choice was what path I would follow to my future. He said, ‘The sea always takes back what it gives. Your choice will shape your destiny…make sure it’s one you can live with. I made my choice and have not looked back since, and considering it’s gotten me almost everything I’ve wanted in my life I’d say it’s the right one! And as for how I’m viewed by pirates, who the hell cares, you’re all a bunch of criminals anyway, the funny thing is I guarantee you each of the one’s who view me as a traitor would leap if offered the Warlord position. But that’s just my humble opinion.”

Code: “Well I will say I met my fair share of pirates and I would agree with your opinion that most would jump at the opportunity. But you made me curious, hearing you said you almost accomplished all your goals. Seeing you reached the position of a respectable and powerful figure in the world and reach your dream to be the new ruler of Zou, what else is left you wanted to achieve?”

Raionsan: “I want the two things that any king wants when they reach a certain point in their reign. Oh sure I’m Zou’s first Warlord King, and sure I’ll likely go down in history one way or another, but who wants to be known in history when they can in fact be cemented in it. Which actually brings me to my second goal. Second, I want to ensure that even after I’m gone, the Mink Tribe will go on for generations. As I’m sure many of you know I recently took part in a meeting held by the Marines. In this meeting, I got approval for something I have long coveted since first becoming Zou’s king, henceforth the island of Zou has been officially recognized as one of the Great Kingdoms and as such has been granted the right to attend the Reverie!”

Code: “Just…wow. Yes, that might go into history. The second non-human kingdom joining the Reverie, you achieved something people would consider an impossibility. As you heard my lovely viewers, not only is Raionsaan known as a powerful man and warlord, he also went even beyond that, starting to change history! And seeing that presentation and bomb dropped I am sure you all will have questions for him. Don't worry! Soon it will be your opportunity to do that, as after our ad, the viewer question round will start! See you soon as it should be enough time to recover from this shocking reveal!”

“You heard it folks! Not only was a king defeated, but we were the first ones to deliver this incredible news, that another non-human race was able to join the Reverie! An era of change is reaching and no one would be truly sure where it will lead to. But one thing I can promise will happen. We will be the first ones to report it to the world signing off, your Code!”

Erin's Commentary Section

“Good day, my dear lovelies. It’s the hostess with the mostess, bringing you another day of spicey deets that can only be found here at the world's best news station out there for all the oceans to listen to.

Stepping in today, I’ve come to represent the voice of the people on our air. Coming straight from the strawpolls we got votes coming in if Horkos is a fraud or if Raionsan is a liar. So far, polls are equal with both being at 50% equally though Horko has been taking the lead in terms of fraudulence claims. But with that, let's hit the comment sections.”

First comment coming in comes from @Snailracer with #HorkoTheLion?MoreLikeHorkoTheRat. Hahaha, quite the claim, but accurate for a pirate who scurries off like a rat. Next up #LiarsanTheKingRules! Hmmm, seems we have a warlord lover in our midst good to see that we have to give our love to our secondary guardians of the sea. This one #HorkoA$^$&I$%&$#&&%#$$%$%%#%#$%#%#%##%#%####%#%. Oh dear. That’s quite colorful wording there you, dirty, dirty listener. Hehe, please please remember that this is a neutral ground so nothing too offensive please.

But that’s all we can go through for today. I’m pleased as always to be the voice of the people and wish you all a beautiful day my lovelies. Erin out.”

Don't forget to comment below the news coo and continue the poll Either comment with #Fraudkos or #Liarsan.
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