I would like to ask your permission to grant the use of Busoshoku Emission, and Haoshoku Haki to my character, "The Master", leader of the True Kings. I hope I am not breaking some sort of rule by requesting two different things in the same application.
About "The Master"
The Master is a 55 year old woman who operates in the New World, leading and commanding the True Kings, an organization of bounty hunters and merc, serving the cause that is the most profitable to them. But beneath the charade of being mere sell swords, they carry with them a burning ambition of supremacy and commitment to their creeds.
The Master's history is unknown until she created the True Kings at 24 years of age. She began her work by establishing the rumors of great regents who would solve all their problems if they only threw down their own banners and submitted to their regime. The regime of the truest of leaders and kings. The first island to answer these rumors, Monochrome Island by doing as told were "rewarded" with becoming the foundation and base of operations of her organization.
From there she did everything to not only spread the word, but acquiring disciples of her creed. She would only permit humans to be part of her inner circle, to be the other eight True Kings, and she steadily found her recruits, several of whom succumbed to hubris and deaths after they took their name in vain.
With every island taken by her or by her disciples, her influence and power grows as they spread the word of the mighty True Kings and their benevolence. So far as humans are concerned, at least. Any other species or tribe that lives where they put up their banner are given the alternative to leave for other shores, or be taken as slaves to further their ends by providing them berri.
By the time of the War of Empires, she would reveal her powers for the first time in documented history. Having at some point in her life acquired the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Drakon Giga she became a threat that no one could ignore whenever she flew over a field or sea. The largest documented entity currently know, her full beast form can reach a size of approximately five kilometers from snout to tail. As she approached, it became clear that some battles could be decided simply based on which side she elected to take due to size and scale alone. Who's going to stop the five kilometer dragon from crashing feet first into your base?
Eventually her side became revealed towards the start of 1619 as she fought against the Yonko forces and claimed much of their treasures as she pillaged what she ravaged. She had taken the side of the Marines.
Her goal is two things. First, she wants to become known as The World's Strongest Creature, and through such powers and reputation, begin to shape her own world order. With decades of experience, she has had plenty of time to train and hone her skills with her hands, her fruit, and her Haki skills. I believe that throughout these experiences she's had, the lands she has placed under her rule, that she has managed to find and hone the powers of Buso Emission and unlocked the Colors of the Supreme Kings.
The Master's Goals
To become the strongest creature in the world
To create her own utopia of a world order, standing as a rival to match any pirate, revolutionary, marine, or celestial dragon.
Recruit 24 members to the True Kings and the Thrones.
The Master's Accomplishments
Became a successful bounty and mercenary in Paradise and New World.
Have become the master of a human supremacist cult.
Became a proficient user of Busoshoku and Kenbushoku Haki within the New World
Fought in the War of Empires and laid waste to many battlefields, turning several battles to the Marine's favor.
Conquered Islands to spread the influence of the True Kings and its "Holy Mission".
I hope that I have managed to make a good enough case for these Haki techniques to be granted to The Master. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon!