Helloooo, I’d like to request advanced Ken haki for my rev character Dahlia, commander of the Northern Army and user of the Hana Hana No Mi. When I made her initially, I didn’t really have an idea of what I wanted to do with her in terms of themes, but as I’ve roleplayed with her and got to actually act out her personality I kinda started to figure out what exactly I wanted to do.
Dahlia is innately calculated and perceptive, a necessary skill to survive in the North Blue where crime ran rampant. Since she was a child she was immediately inducted into a world of violence and subsequently had to learn to remain a step ahead at all times because naturally, it only takes a moment to lose your life on the sea.
On top of having a lot of sheer combat experience from her youth she also has been a revolutionary for the last seven years, rising to the rank of North Army Commander in that time as well as obtaining her devil fruit (for a total of about twenty or so years of practical, in the field experience overall in terms of combat) which only further allowed her to amplify her already perceptive nature, becoming a great tool in her kit for espionage and assassin type missions in which she excels. Future sight would serve to amplify her natural talent in observation haki and would combine perfectly with her usage of the Hana Hana No Mi.
Now for the theme, the thing that I’ve been raking my brain over since I made her. With newer roleplay development and the current state of her bond with Illisha, the Revolutionary Army’s leader, she’s adopted a role symbolic of her alias, Thorn. Plants grow thorns to avoid being eaten, they’re a physical defense mechanism to deter herbivores from attempting to eat them. In context of Dahlia, she’s taken on a role similar to that as the “thinker” of the revs. With her fruit, her ability to gather information with as little risk as possible is nigh unmatched, allowing her to take on the most delicate of missions with relative ease. The combination of her ability to sprout for example eyes or ears in discreet locations paired with her already perceptive nature makes her incredibly difficult to discover, and due to this she’s been able to keep not only herself but her own operations as a revolutionary from being figured out. When it comes to not only forming but executing strategy without a hitch Dahlia’s thorough analytical skills, innate lean towards being a more observant person, her devil fruit, and her two decades of experience, Dahlia is a strategist like no other and due to this character breakthrough with her character and the amount of unintentional symbolism I noticed that thematically she’s almost perfectly modeled after the Greek Goddess Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare in many ways, which is why I ultimately decided have Athena be her thematic inspiration.
Finally, I wish to explore a usage of future sight that I believe goes a bit overlooked, and that’s to foresee major events before it happens and reacting accordingly like Shanksdid with Kidd. I feel as though the ability to see into the future as far as one piece rp goes is to become essentially a dodge bot, avoiding attacks and only using “future sight tho” as justification. While it definitely has its place and is incredibly powerful in combat, I think it’s usage outside of combat to gather information discreetly or discern a potential dangerous situation before it arises and avoiding it accordingly is incredibly valuable and to me, fits the vibe of a Revolutionary perfectly. Before anything else a Rev’s first priority should be to ensure they don’t get captured, as one single Rev in the WGs hands could bring the entire organization crumbling down if they extract the right information, an aspect that to me doesn’t get enough light in RP spaces where revs are played. Very often revs are played like pirates when in reality they have to be much more intelligent with when and where they choose to pop up, again because getting captured for them holds (at least in my eyes) the most risk out of any faction in the series, and of course a big part of Dahlia’s shtick is that again she’s like the thorn of the Rev Army. She keeps members safe and with her presence does her best to ensure that the Revolutionary Army remains untouched by its main opposition, the World Government.
All in all the only good job is a thorough job, and Dahlia uses her ability to seamlessly gather multiple points of information at once to gain the upper hand in any situation to ensure that no matter what, the job gets done and more importantly, nobody dies/gets captured to the best of her ability. She is the epitome of knowledge is power and moving forward I’ll ensure to maintain her in that light, and because of all this I think she’d be a good fit for future sight🙏