Hello, I’d like to claim the Buki Buki No Mi as my second canon df. While the character isn’t made yet, her theme was gonna be heavily centered around control and I was thinking in a very on the nose manner when it came to her fruit, I was debating things like the mero mero no mi or the jara jara no mi, but then I remembered Baby 5’s fruit and how incredibly underplayed it was compared to what it could have been, and weapons are certainly a means of controlling and influencing people to your will. This is of course just a general concept still and the specifics of the character are in development, but I think the Buki Buki No Mi will allow me to portray that controlling, domineering vibe that I want in a way that’s less obvious as a fruit with the ability of forcibly controlling people while allowing for more creativity with its usage as well as giving what could be an exceptionally powerful fruit an opportunity to really shine.