Hello, I don’t particularly recall any rules about requesting custom meitos but I wanted to do so just to be on the safe side of things.
These are the swords in question, preferably they’d be great grade, but given the rarity of such weapons skillful also works tbh; I intend to give them a decent bit of lore in regards to Alabasta and Baji’s bloodline. I don’t view them quite special enough to warrant supreme grade (especially not two) but I also think they’re significant enough to be in that skillful-great grade realm. Essentially they’re meant to be similar to what Shisui is to wano, a national treasure type deal that’s been passed down through all the generations of Alabastian royalty.
As you know, Alabasta is one of the twenty founding countries that formed the world government, however when it came time to pledge their sword to the empty throne the first Queen of Alabasta for whatever reason did not give her sword and subsequently didn’t join the other 19 royal families in the Holy Land to become Celestial Dragons. For here, these would have been the very blades forged for the first royalty of Alabasta, the very same blades that weren’t sworn before the empty throne. I think this concept is cool because Baji as well intends to establish Alabasta as an independent nation separate from the world government and I think the parallels would just be cool to implement, given that swords in the canon show often are reflective of their wielder in some way thematically, especially given how swords seem to choose their wielders just as much as the wielder chooses them.