The first of my requests cuz I personally find it to be the most interesting aspect of my Kuja lore. For those unaware, “Kuja” actually translates to “daughter of the earth”, which is one of many epithets for the Hindu Goddess Durga from which Oda drew his inspiration. In the mythology, Durga is a protection deity created by the culmination of multiple other Hindu gods to defeat a buffalo demon by the name of Mahishasura. She is the goddess of protection, motherhood, war and destruction which is very well represented in the One Piece version of the Kuja tribe. That said once I learned about this very rich lore I found it to be a shame that it wasn’t a more integral aspect of their identity as a nation, like how Ryuma is integral to Wano history or JoyBoy is to Buccaneers. Now the reason behind my wanting this fruit in particular is because Durga is often depicted as having multiple arms with which she wields a multitude of weapons from swords to spears to bows and so on, and naturally the Hana Hana No Mi is a perfect fit for such depiction.
In short, if my requests fall through my character would essentially embody what Durga is, that being the protector and leader of her people that keeps them safe and this fruit (along with other things that will be displayed in the rp itself) simply allows me to truly display the inspiration of Hindu mythology in Amazon Lily culture in more detail than the canon series has.